Volume 7, Issue 3, page 12
vanity of rebellion a la Lucifer." - - Edward Bodin, Lily
Dale, N. Y.
(ED. NOTEóWe tried taking
one "A" out of "Satan", and
when we replaced it with other
vowels, a la Friedman, decided
we'd been satinly sat on. So
we can only suggest that the
ABERREE "A" be linked to Aphorism, Apocalypse, and maybe an
Apology for our Amateurish Antiphrasis.)
"Enclosed $5, indicating my
belief in your ability to keep
the Infinites satisfied enough
to keep writing and reading
for another three years. Also,
after that prediction in the
last issue, I hurry before you
raise the subscription price to
$2. 10.
beiore it was replaced by the
"new" , itself more than 40
years old. All these people --
graying, baldish, fattening --
could it be that they were the
"little squirts" we, from our
high school dominance, looked
down on from our age-cast superiority? Where were the faces
to match the names so familiar
in our memories? Was this dapper salesman from Tulsa really
the minister's "Mean little
brat " who pushed you in the
creek and ruined your brand
new sailor straw? And. .and
and... Facsimiles! It was better than an auditing session;
there was no lying there on a
cot and manufacturing memories
that were real only to the extent you wanted them to be
real. Anyway, now we have two
sets of memories -- the one we " ABERREE 's May cover reminds "Since communication is not
took over there with us and me of the statement made by necessarily agreeing, whether
the one we brought back. And, the Old Hermit of Chautauqua I read a blurb, a yawn, an extho the names are the same, the Hills. He said there is a con- plosion, a new idea, a twitch,
characters are nothing alike. sciousness (rather satanic) in a blink, or a sermon, I just
∂ When Infinite 97 (Dennis American journalism that would say, '0. K.' And when I find
Smith) sent his subscription make the Triple A smart. And too much disagreement, I rerenewal from. Birmingham, Eng- those three A's stand for Ath- read. The part I agree with I
land, he added to his address eisen. Adultery, and Aphrodisia, don't need to.
"51st State". Which is an idea "I hope no one applies a "Had an amusing experience
we hope Dennis promotes. Seems fourth A for ABERREE... or a recently re a habit of mine. I
to us this "holdout" from the fifth A to Alphia or Alice or have access to a wonderful pri"Original 13" is doing a bet- Agnes. Maybe the single A which vate library , and like my
ter job of maintaining democ- you interpret as 'All' would hocks, many of them are much
racy than are the " free men" be easier, letting folks seek underscored. I asked the Dr.,
who fought a war to get away the component parts as they casually, if there was anyone
from tax on tea and put it on see fit, even including Satan in his family who used to say ,
the rest of the alphabet. Too who would get many votes. 'You mark my words young man !'
bad someone can't figure a way "By the by, did you come The Dr. almost shouted, 'There
to dump income into a conven- from the 'You-All' country? certainly was. My grandfather
ient harbor like our ancestors You seem to like corn and the was always saying that to me .'
did tea...
1 At the time this is being them allegedly laid Enid lower and the rest of us were supwritten, we're not sure how than a Senator learning his posed to be happy to fall dead.
much we messed up Louis's ESP "off the record" remarks had
test by erroneously reporting been crowded out of two edi- 1 Rumors that a certain
the thing would be held "Mon- tions by more important news. southeastern metaphysical magday, May 1", when all the time More than 32,000 Enidites are azine might move to Enid are
we knew better -- that May 1 wa: supposed to have .died.. in without foundation, we underon a Sunday. Oh, well -- if there this imaginary holocaust -- and stand. They may move, but not
was any ESP in the audience, just for fun, we tried to find to Enid. Only MAJOR change .
they should have KNOWNa After out if we were among the cas- the Enid business scene is the
all, what's ESP for? 7 Proving ualties. However, there's a opening of a "beatnik " coffee
he has talents we, at least, limit to bow far the casual- house only a couple doors from
didn't suspect, Louis sent the ties can participate in these The ABERREE print shop -- which
Ed. & Pub. a couple coffee play-like games, and we could we haven't had time to lavesmugs, of his own design. And feel the " ice" two miles away . tigate. However, since most of
what mugs! These definitely "Who's callin'?" someone asked their customers seem to be
are not for those who like a __and remembering how unfunny teenagers, we'd probably be a
dainty demitasse, being thick the F.B.I. can be with riders bit less than welcome back of
enough to hold heat while you who joke with the stewardesses those painted doors and burfinish the job you're on -- and about people carrying bombs: lap-shrouded windows.
the cup's weight is balanced we decided to be anonymous. If your ABERREE isn't in
by a double handle in which "The next of kin, of course," your mailbox next month by the
you can use two fingers. Also we said. "Or are we dead too?' 15th to 20th, please don 't
there's nothing dainty about Luckily they hung up before we start worrying your postman or
the names burned thereon, which started asking how come false us. This is the season of the
had their size limited only by bomb reports could get some year when we marry a couple
the height and circumference people arrested -- yet when done months together - - which gives
of the cup. Thank you, Louis. on a mass scale, they get of- us a bit of mid-summer breathWho told you we like coffee? ficial sanction. Reminds us er. So, we'll see you next in
Last month, the "cops and that when we used to play cops July, with the July - August
robbers" grown up, played like and robbers, there always were issue -- which, as many of you
an enemy was sprinkling Okla- some holdouts in the gang who know, is our "Annual Christmas
homa with bombs, and one of wanted to do all the shootin', issue"...