Volume 7, Issue 3, page 3
Does Thought Tap Universal Energy?
"Hidden Factor" in Radionics Experiments
Switches Research Into Power of Mind
By Dr. NOEL T. WHITEHEAD, M.C., M.B., B.T.Lond.
HESE notes have been written in an
attempt to give some idea of what
is being done at the de la Warr
Laboratories of Oxford, England.
They are the result of careful
reading of the quarterly journal,
MIND AND MATTER (published by the
de la Warr Laboratories, Raleigh
Park Road, Oxford, Eng.), by a visit
to the laboratory itself, and attendance at two conferences where Mr. and
Mrs. de la Warr were the chief speakers.
Broadly speaking, George W. de la Warr and
nis associates are investigating the energy of
thought, seeking to demonstrate a "field of
force" in Nature which can achieve dramatic
results when triggered by a human mind.
De la Warr's findings are certainly star:ting and their implications immense, but the
:henomena to which he draws our attention cannot be explained by the present-day laws of
Thysics; nor is this to be wondered at when
.ne realizes that " thought " does not exist ob'ectively in our three-dimensional world.
It is small wonder, then, that the conventional scientist ignores this work which is
heyond reach of his instruments and his materialistic conceptions. His attitude is well
illustrated by the comment of an eminent scientist after he had had the work explained to
him. "Mr. de la Warr, I do not believe you," he
said. "If what you say is true, we must revise
Dur concept of what constitutes matter." This
is surely a most extraordinary statement to
rake when one remembers how often the "accepted
truth" has had to be revised when fresh facts
have come to light.
In spite, however, of official disapprobation, I can assure you that there is an everincreasing number of intelligent, well-qualified and responsible people who accept de la
Warr as a man of integrity and his findings as
facts that are worthy of our most serious attention.
The opposition which de la Warr is meeting
is very much in keeping with that experience
by other original thinkers, such as M. Pasteur,
It was the deep-rooted belief in spontaneous
generation which caused men to ignore Pasteur's
findings. Today, it is the materialistic conception of life which closes men's minds to
the findings of Mr. de la Warr.
Because there is a very personal factor in
this work, a word about de la Warr himself
would not be out of place. He is an engineer
by profession and is besides a man of great
vision whose researches have led him to attempt to link the material world and its phenomena with the nonmaterial or immaterial world
which is at present beyond the reach of orthodox science.
He seems to have started his investigations
in the most orthodox fashion with the idea of
studying the radiation of energy, but the further he got in his researches, the more often
he came up against some hidden factor. Broadly
speaking, his experiments and his findings are
merely demonstrations of this unknown factor
which he gradually Dinned down as having some
connection with human personality, or the mind
of man.
Eventually, he had the wit to see that if
he was to continue his researches in the direction in which his findings were leading him,
it was necessary for him to take into account
the nonmaterial as well as the material facts
of life. He assumed, as other thinkers have
done before him, that there is one universal
source of energy, which sustains life a n d
progress in an orderly universe. He believes
in man's dual nature, i. e., material and immaterial. He believes that man, by the power of
his mind and with the assistance of his mechanical ingenuity, can tap the source of energy
for the benefit of mankind.
De la Warr's initial idea seems to have been
that all matter -- more particularly, living matter -- emits vibrations or radiations -- an idea
which falls within the present-day concept of
matter as being a form of energy. He did, in
fact, find that a leaf of a plant appeared to
have a critical rotational position in the
magnetic field, and that in that position it
will emit subtle radiations of sufficient magnitude to fog an x-ray negative.
I think that at this point I must jump ahead
in my story by mentioning some of the instruments de la Warr uses in his work:
(1) A diagnostic instrument provided with
aerials which can be varied in length for the
purpose of " tuning in" to the radiations emitted by matter.
(2) A detector to show when" tuning in" has
taken place.
(3) A treatment machine which can broadcast
whatever pattern of energy is required.
It is essential that the instruments be used
by a" sensitive " operator if results are to be
obtained. De la Warr estimated that 70 percent
of the people have this sensitive faculty and
the remaining 30 percent have not.
To return once more to our leaf that fogged
the x-ray film, this fogging took place only
when the leaf was in a certain position in the
magnetic field, which indicates that in this
position its radiations were strong enough to
act upon the photographic emulsion and that
they were of a different nature from light radiations, since all light had been carefully
De la Warr also has called attention to the
blocking, or destructive power, of thought.
Certain persons exert this type of blocking
power quite unconsciously and can put a stop to
this type of radionic work altogether. This
power can also be exercised consciously by
sensitive and co-operative people.
JUNE, 1960 The ABERRr,E 3