Volume 7, Issue 3, page 15

strong and fought back; in nutritive elements; the sugar dividual cases in succeeding
fact, they succeeded in re- trust does the same, giving us generations who seem entirely
pealing the mqdical act in New deadly white sugar. Farmers unaffected and unrelated even
York state by gathering thous- are dosing us with hundreds of tho their physical organism is
ands of signatures. But the A. deadly sprays. Food processers of the same genetic track. Also
M. A. hit back at them later are adding to our woes. Pack- in a single lifetime a person
and the herbalists lost out. ers are not behind with their can be 'implanted' on a 'postToday we have the drug store drugs and dopes. It's not sur- hypnotic' command level into a
with all its poisons and dan- prising that this is the sick- lethargic, catatonic, or somgerous concoctions an d the est nation on earth. As long nambulistic state with prosimple, harmless, and benefit- as we have the medicalists and and contra-survival commands
ial herbs used by all the prim- big business in control of across all the 8 Dynamics of
itive races since the dawn of drugs, serums, and vaccines, Scientology, or any one or
history disappeared from the there isn't much hope for this combination of them.
market. The American Indians nation ever to become healthy. "This way the 'sins' or
were one a.f the healthiest It will take a mighty revolu- transgressions of previous
races and taught the white man tion to change this 20th Cen- generations can be passed along
the use of herbs. tury M e dLeal Inquisition." -- and also individual traits or
"The next victims of this Dr. N. S.Banoka, Chicago, Ill, exceptional abilities be demnefarious trust were the ec- , 4