Volume 10, Issue 5, page 13

Richard Wetherill. 150 pages;
mimeo. Pub. by Humanetics ,
Wynnewood, Penn.

ESP isn't something you
learn, it's something you discover, Richard Wetherill points
out in this latest book in the
Humanetics series. It's a bit
like breathing, or clearing
our throats. It 's so habitual
that most of us don't realize
we do it. But to take full advantage of ESP on a conscious
level -- well, that's the purpose of "The Theory and Practice of Extrasensory Perception". It shows you how to use
this little understood faculty .

Wetherill gives numerous
examples showing how ESP works
-- not to convince the skeptic,
but for the information of the
many who keep library shelves
empty of all books obtainable
on the subject. Thruout these
examples, he points out that
motive is the important factor
in using ESP; one must have no
selfish intentions -- such as:
How can I make things easier
for me? What advantages will
it give me in my dealings with
others? How can I profit? etc.
"Quit thinking about yourself ,
and start thinking about your
place and your function in
God's divine plan," he urges.

Wetherill thinks it unfortunate that the word "EXTRAsensory perception" should be
so universally accepted rather
than "INNER - sensory perception", since the powers demonstrated come naturally from
within , and are not "extras"
acquired from without.

Mr. and Mrs. Wetherill, who
visited The ABERREE office more
than a year ago, demonstrated
they have an unusual awareness
of their own ESP powers -- but
this can be developed by others, Wetherall says. He adds
that it was thru logical thinking and ESP that Humanetics developed its system of getting
rid of distorted actions and
thinking. Picking up "command
phrases" which dictate aberrative responses is in itself a
use of ESP, Wetherill says.
One merely has to ask for the
phrases, start writing them
down, and they'll come, if one
persists long enough. Incidents
of picking up"command phrases"
for persons needing them but
not present, are cited, with
dramatic results.

One of the more spectacular
demonstrations of ESP is the -
"recall" of details of one's
own birth -- in which persons
doing this were able to give
information even more accurate
than persons present who were
relying on their conscious memories. But before you start
checking your own birth scenes,
check your motives, Wetherill
advises. They've got to be
Simon-pure -- and this disagrees
with those who insist there
are no "absolutes". All right ,
Wetherill says, is absolute --
or it isn't really right.

A good book for those interested either in ESP or Humanetics.
"ESP" is distributed to contributors to the Humanetics
movement. * * * -- Trah Nika
Lewi. 215 pp. of text plus
ephemeris for years 1890 to
1964, inclusive. $10.00. Pub.
by Llewellyn Pubs., 100 South
Wabash, St. Paul, Minn.

Altho referred to in the
encyclopedia as an "ancient
art", astrology today is growing like a "youngster", as evidenced by the number of astrology magazines on ne wsstands, the generalized monthly horoscopes available, and

the daily predictions in many
newspapers. In spite of this
widespread interest, few ever
dream of attempting to cast
their own horoscopes.

To make this possible was
the aim of Grant Lewi in writing "Heaven Knows What", since
he believed that one of the
prime uses of astrology was in
self-discovery, and one should
not have to be dependent upon
professionals. Mr. Lewi also
emphasized the value of astrology in enabling parents to
recognize seeds of difficulty
in their children, and by early
care and training, stave off
much later unhappiness.

Beginning with a sample
horoscope, thru which you are
carefully led, step by step,
you are given instructions for
casting your own, and if you
did your practice lessons conscientiously, you shouldn't go
wrong. As insurance against
error, a number of printed
horoscope blanks are furnished,
along with cardboard wheels to
assist in determining the subject's squares or trines.

Grant Lewis system of using
abbreviations, such as "J u,
"Mer", "Sat ", etc., removes
much of the mystery for beginners, but the standard astrology symvols are supplied if
he wishes a more professional- looking chart. From the
Table of Years at the back of
the book , you find numbers
which indicate where to place
the planets in the numbered
spaces of the horoscope circle;
following which you underline
all the various combinations
indicated. You then look up
the numbered paragraphs which
apply to each. If you wish to
copy these, you'll find you
have a complete horoscope --
many pages long -- and you may
find it so fascinating, you'll
be doing it for relatives and
friends. Add a turban, and
you're in business.
-- Sophia Tryst
eyes of the world the hidden meaning of the
symbols and parables .

Revelation is one of the most stupendous
allegories ever penned by the hand of man. It
has steadfastly baffled the best brains of
Christianity to decipher its cryptic meaning.
Even Krypton, wise in biblical lore, failed to
find its secret message when he picked it apart
in his book above mentioned.

The work of revision and interpolation of
the Bible has never ceased. Since about 1880
when the Revised Edition of the King James Bible of 1611 was published, numerous other
versions have been published by groups that
felt they were making matters clearer by rendering the King's English of 1611 into the
language of the commoners of this era. Still
other versions are published by groups that
have special theories of God and His work,
such as Jehovah' s Witnesses, who want a Bible
to show their postulates are the "real McCoy".

The press of Sept. 21, 1952, carried this
item: "Religious events of 1952 include publication of the Revised Standard Version Bible".
Thus the scheme goes on, with various reasons
offered as excuses why it is done.

But why such importance attributed~ to the
Bible or to the tyranny of words? The Bible is
only a book, made by men, and no book, no
author, no pastor, no group, no organization
can vary or change the facts of Creation. For
those fixed facts we are here searching. They
are much more important, valuable, and trustworthy in man 's life than any book, regardless
of its age, author, source, or nature.
(Continued in the next issuel