Volume 7, Issue 2, page 4

returned-to, life. However, for some unexplained said, this may be part of the time and space
reason, some of your "earth habits" go with problem, which we have, and which rtes it so
you. For example, the need of clothes. And hard for us to understand that " advancing "
something " solid " (such as a cloud) on which from one plane to another doesn't mean changes
to stand -- until you discover you don 't need in spatial relationship, but merely a different
these. Women "over there" (unless, like Anne, vibration. Which, if we could understand, might
they insist on a special dress -- like red vel- prove a devastating shock to those who are so
vet - - for the "reception" ) wear robes of a proud of their participation in what they call
light chiffon material of iridescence, "much the "Space Age".
like fairies in fairy books", and the men wear Maybe, instead of trying so hard to race
robes of heavier material, such as the Romans from a nonexistent "here" to an equally nonwore. Anne admits she doesn't know whether existent " there ", we might find ourselves bet"I was clothing them in thought or whether ter prepared spiritually by developing friendthey clothed themselves in the way they thought ships. Friendship, Anne says, "is an emotion
I would like ". So, maybe, confirmed nudists not sufficiently valued upon the earth plane.
might find things more to their liking than Love, to a great extent, is merely an esthetic
they found "down here " where the human figure expression of passion; hate, a low vibration.
is so illogically shocking and wicked. But friendship...is the only real emotion our
One thing most of us will like: No matter subconscious carries across to the other
how old (or young), how ugly or shapeless, we planes."
are, like everyone else, 35 years old "over So, there you have it, Friends. If, on the
there", and we are beautiful. Anne, who de- "other side", there is no time, no space, no
scribes her earthly body as "cow-like", says passion, none of the evil we singularly seem
she was given a mirror to discover that she to enjoy here on terra firma, maybe we'd betnow had a slender waist, long artistic hands, ter start extending our friendships. Which
and long, thin , white legs -- "a strangely isn't a bad idea -- no matter what philosophy we
idealized and beautiful replica of my earth accept in regard to what's going to happen to
self ". Despite this emerging of the butterfly us after we quit paying doctor bills.
from its cocoon, and the loss of personality,
each soul retains its individuality and is
recognizable. Which might be hard to under- If one sincerely tries, even tho his piostand, should we "die" at an advanced age, and neering may never be listed in the Blue Book
be met by a child who died while an infant and or a bank book, he has gained much more wisdom
a parent who died even older than we are -- if and stature than the one who follows a deep
they appeared before us, each 35. But, as Anne rut to success.

M. ROBERTS was a lawyer, born in 1821 and
died in 1888. He wrote a book titled "Antiquity Unveiled", published in 1894 after
his death. It soon became a rare volume
and hard to get because it was burned by
Christians as fast as they could find it.
This work tells that Jesus Christ of the Bible
was born in the Nicean Council in 325 A.D. by
a union of Hesus-Kristos. From that work we
excerpt amazing information as follows:
The data of the proceedings of the Nicean
Council came from Eunomius, one of the bishops
who was thrown out of the convention for opposing Constantine 's scheme.

An account of this man appears in Smith's
Greek and Roman Biographical Dictionary, in
which it is said that all his writings were
destroyed by imperial edict. Even so were the
writings of the Christians who attempted to
answer his charges.

Eunomius disclosed that the real issue of
the heated controversy of the Council was the
unition of the two gods. His disclosures reveal the reason why no record was published of
the proceedings of the most important Christian Council. The absence of such a record has
ever been a puzzle to modern Christian authors
and critics.

That a record was made is certain, but for
damaging reasons that could not be avoided, it
was never published. All that has been permitted to come down to us as to the objects
and actions of that Council have been collected by t h e learned and pious Dr. Nathaniel
Lardner .

Prior to the Fourth Century, there was frequent and general mention of Kristos and his
worship to the east of Rome. But nowhere can
be fond any authentic mention of Jesus Christ.
It was not until after the Nicean Council that
the name Jesus Christ was ever given to this
God. And why was the name Jesus linkea with
Kristos from that time forward? To appease the
followers of Hesus.

When Eusebius wrote h i s Ecclesiastical
History after the Nicean Council, he admitted
the name "Christian" was then hardly known at
all . He said :
"The name Christian is indeed new, and has
not long obtained over the world" (Ant. Un.
P. 638).

Here is the unqualified admission by one of
the originators of what is called Christianity
that Christianity, as such, was new as late as
325 years after the alleged birth of Jesus
Christ. That system was merely adopted and
promulgated in the name of Jesus Christ by Eusebius and his Christian coadjutors after the
Nicean Council. This evidence shows that Jesus
Christ of the New Testament is just a combination of the names of the sun gods, Hesus and

It was a master stroke of governmental policy on the part of Constantine to seek to
blend the prevailing religions of his day into
one system that would reconcile the warring
interests of the various priesthoods, who kept
the Roman people in a constant state of turmoil and contention.
(Continued in the next issue)
4 The ABERREE NAY, 1960