Volume 7, Issue 2, page 15
author's seven months fasts, authentic non-eaters. $2. "Ecstatic
Re-creation Thru Paradisiacal Living", $1.50. Beautiful Otavalo,
dietic science of chastity, etc.,
described in ^ysticaljournal, 201
J. Lovewisdom, Otavalo, Ecuador.
ical, and healing fields as ^ell'author's experiences in the Arias by agnostics, atheists, mystics zoos desert, with the "sleeping'
and occultists. Accordion-folded ^oman ", Zoe Nickerson. Each chapfor easy storage or carrying in
pocket (unless you specify it be
sent rolled for desk use or framing). Price $1.00 postpaid. Quantity discounts. Frank Silver, Martinsburg, W. Va. 59-6ï
ï SPIRIT ANALYSIS reveals true
character of friends, relatives.
sweetheart, or self. Tested and
proven. Amazingly accurate. Send
(any)name, address, age, and $2.00.
Tester's, Box 370, Chestertown,
New York. 62-30
ï LEVELS OF LIVING -- A large, colored chart and a check list to
guide you in your search for the
better life. Correlates information from ^any sources in the simplest possible language. Found to
have fairly good acceptance by
conventional religious, psychologï SELF -MASSAGE LOOFA MITTS to
stimulate circulation. Nature's
natural vegetable sponge. Use daily in tub or shower. Loofa both
sides, $1.75 each. Special offer:
Mitt and one Massage-towel, white
heavy ribbed for skin friction
rubs. Size 20x36. Both for $3.00.
William Beane, 114 S. Little Rock
Ave., Veatnor City, N. J. 61-3
Arthur J. Burks, an exciting
book which tells, in a warmly personal manner. the story of the
ter represents " readings " of persons who received same. Burks has
recreated the human interest stories of each, as he saw, heard, and
reported the findings of " Zoe-insamadhi ". $1 per copy. Parastudy
Publications, 120 Kenmar Dr., Newark, De'aware. 54-tf
8-8008 lectures on Scientology
by L.Ron Hubbard. Reprint edition;
original sold out at $7.50 each.
While they last, only $2. The ABERREE, P.O.Boz 528, Enid, Okla.
ï SCRUB OAKS, By Alphia Hart -- 330page, cloth-bound novel of love
and hate in an Oklahoma oil-boom
town. (No "isms " or " ologies - . )
Issue price, $3.50; close-out at
$1. The ABERREE. Box 528, Enid.
thought it one of the best
you've written.
" I also enjoyed and appreciated Volney Mathison's letter.
Needless to say, I agree with
his characterization of Dianetics an d Scientology as a
covert form of hypnotherapy.
There is no question that it
induces a state of hypnosis.
"I should make it clear
that I do not object to hypnotherapy -- it is a valid and useful tool in psychotherapy. What
I object to is the covert feaYoga-Meditation -Prayer
Will your Spiritual Mentor
guarantee a refund of all
your contributions, if the
Heaven World does not open
up for you in six months?
Columbia Encyclopedia says,
'Planchette : an instrument
used for automatic writing.'
Jacob guarantees your $2.00
returned if in six months
of two weekly sittings with
our planchette, you do not
get automatic or Spirit
Most everyone would like to
possess the ability to prove
there is no death. If people
do not die they certainly
should be able to communicate and if they can communicate they certainly are
not dead.
Our planchette is a cheap
investment and may very well
be the open sesame where all
other efforts have -failed.
Price change to $3.00 May
1st. Write to:
21138-A No. First St.
Milwaukee 12, Wis.
MAY, 1960
ture -- why not be honest about
it? This is important not only
because innocent people are
deceived; hypnosis is not
without dangers. The psychotic
delusion, hypnotically induced , that one is a mysterious mental being whose present
degenerate state is due to
Facsimile One, in which mysterious invaders wearing goggles and hot papa suits subjected us to mysterious electronic waves, may be harmless
for sone ; but in others it
might lead to disastrous consequences. In one instance it
apparently led a woman to desert her family and go off into the woods to search for
treasure mysterious 'voices'
told her were there; she later
had to be hospitalized.
"I am sorry Mrs. Stone refused to take my open Letter
seriously. I think she is honest but deceived; being subjected to hypnotic suggestions
repeatedly may dull critical
judgment. I can see, however,
how someone with fewer scruples
might use Scientological techniques to provide a lucrative
income. This could be a very
neat racket: tell someone hypnosis won't be used, then hypnotize him and implant suggestions to induce euphoria and
also post-hypnotic suggestions
to come back for more at regular intervals. The victim
would be very happy, he would
of course deny being hypnotized
and every six months or so
would, regular as clockwork ,
come back to line the coffers
with more gold . I am not saying that this has been done;
I 'm merely pointing out that
it might be done, and suggesting that the public is entitled to legal protection
against its occurrence." -- Art
Coulter, Columbus, Ohio.
"I would like to take this
opportunity while resubscribing to express to you my thanks
for the time, effort, and
heart-break it takes to put
out a magazine as good as
yours. Needless to say there
is no other magazine performing quite the same service; so
your contribution is even more
appreciated .
"In Mrs. Hart's (?) article
describing t h e use of the
higher mind, it might be pointed out as warning that even
this perception should be
greeted with skepticism. This
so-called higher self is no
omniscient, completely benevolent character, From personal
observation I'd say, experiment but be noncommittal.
"From the few mediums I have
seen, I say so what! No matter
what source furnishes you perception, you are still responsible for your own life. And
this I believe is the danger
in experimenting with this that
FOR SALE: Mathison Electropsychometer, H-53-OS, with instruction booklet and hand electrode.
Have exchanged for battery model
for outdoor work. Original cost
including pamphlet. $99. Sale
price, without shipping cost,
$35. Alberta Elliott, Route 4,
Greenville, South Carolina.
Is an exact science that
does not depend on any outside power or prayer. Write
for free brief.
P. 0. Box 1076. Boerne, Texas