Volume 7, Issue 2, page 6

tor was assimilated, when they ate the forbid- on more weight than 1 had ever had -- 212 pounds.
den food. Eating seminal substance, seminal More, working at an apple ranch, I built the
activity was stimulated, robbing man of his biceps to double the size they were during the
own attributes to propagate others, destroying fast, possibly the most strength I ever had.
in turn his immunity to death, sharing his al- Starting the next fast on Dec. 13, 1953,
lotted time (eternity) with a future offspring after 105 days, pictures taken of me appear
of lesser portions of longevity, husky and dynamic as I ever have been, with no
My first 40-day fast was the most difficult detection of fasting signs.
thing I ever persevered in. doing by stubborn The question may arise that after 6 months,
will, but since it had high claims from saints 17 days on 99 percent pure tinctured water,
and sages as a panacea for overcoming passion, why did I quit, not continuing my ideal of
defilement, and such, I made an all-out effort. non-eating. Physically, I was feeling good as
After a month on this water fast I was too tho I could live the rest of my life on this
weak to think or meditate, mentally quite va- regimen. When I had returned to eating after
cant, besides unable to stand or sit except by my first 7-month fast, it was difficult to get
great effort