Enid Conference (continued)

etc. Hart cited the fact that all sincere teachers, at some point in their work, admit man's infiniteness, yet much more wordage is expended in trying to sell man the necessity for having something done to improve the body with which he is operating than is spent to convince him he is an immortal, all-knowing part of the Great Whole. This was followed by group processing, using a modified version of the "What would you do -- if" technique used at the June, 1954, conference in Phoenix.

After lunch in a near-by cafeteria, the closing session developed into a validation of Scientology and other therapies, and a general discussion of what has been accomplished in the past and what may be expected in the future. Collins and Hart gave a short report on the Phoenix December conference, but there was little that could be added to the January-February issue of The ABERREE. Hart ended the meeting with a short demonstration of how to run out past auditing, in some sessions of which the pre-clear may find himself thoroughly bogged down.

No plans were made for a third convention, but in a post-conference discussion, it was decided to initiate designs for an open-air meeting to be held at some Southern Oklahoma park or resort in April or May.

Telegraphed greetings to the convention were sent by Ted and Tam Otteson of the Scientology Road Show, who recently have opened offices for processing at 14 East 72nd Street, New York. Sixteen hours of tapes on "Integration" were received for use of the Conference from A. L. Kitselman, but were crowded out by the heavy processing schedule.

Those attending the conference were: Norman Fritz, Rae Oneale, Warren H. Collins, John and Younne Burch, Edna Johnson, and Arden Bergquist, Wichita, Kans.; Donald F. Schulte of Topeka, Kans.; Katheryn deFir, Frances Bovinich, and Margaret E. MacKay of Dallas, Tex.; Jim Lear of Norman, Okla.; Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Hobbs of Abilene, Texas; John C. Meyers of Pampa, Texas; Ernest A. Ratliff of Oklahoma City; and Louise Whitlow, Marie Derby, and Agnes and Alphia Hart of Enid.

We Know Only What Volney Tells You.

(Who are "They"? See Pg. 1)

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