Dear Editor (continued)

tology, the damning of all other knowledge that has yet to receive the Hubbard stamp of approval, and the constant dismissal of formerly trusted associates, have all done much to undermine and obscure the real value of Ron's work. My gratitude to Ron is great, and I leave his teachings with a sense of gratitude and regret, that the promise I once saw has not been fulfilled. It is a good thing to have been through Dianetics and Scientology, but Heaven help you if you get stuck.'

"I should be glad to correspond with any of your associates that are interested in the ruthless pursuit of knowledge and growth of beingness and would recommend to your very closest attention the books of A. Bailey, particularly 'A Treatise on White Magic'. There is more data in this book than all of Ron's works put together. And it stands up." J.H. Portass, Romford, England.

"Read your soap opera on sex... it is fantastic. I had not realized that the CECS was that extreme in action.

"In mulling it over the thought occurred to me that Hubbard is purposely antagonizing the field. The acceptance-rejection principle. As in one of the Jingles he wrote, 'If emotions you will not use, you will lose'. He is using emotion to create a situation. Like at the Philadelphia Congress he demonstrated, 'Accept the wall and it will fade, (running it out). Reject it and it becomes solid.' To be a focal point like he is you have to be aware of too much acceptance. With the capitulation of the Dianetic Foundation and others it becomes a bit too much acceptance in the field. Especially when you add to it a lot of medical men utilizing his stuff. He has to have rejection so as to keep solid in the field. Of course the joker is that if he gets too


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much rejection and has to swing over to acceptance, then the characters of the CECS will be the fall guys. And Hubbard will swing into the clear again. Just consider all the characters that have been in and out of key positions in the organization. So you think for a moment that he did not know what was occurring and could have stopped it at any time? Nuts. He is forever reorganizing, changing names of degrees and classification, and the manner in which it occurs is on the acceptance-rejection level. That is how you grow fast and furious: you keep shifting before someone can nail you down. ..." -- Joseph Zubris, Dorchester, Mass.

"I get such a thrill out of the wonderful way and sense of humor in which you express everything. Makes Scientology much simpler to understand." -- Chloe Mitchell, Pontiac, Mich.

"I am glad to hear that this Conference didn't have any new, last minute one-shot miracle cures for all of mankind's troubles.

"Maybe there will be some effort now to use the tools at hand to start the job of getting a little work done. It's awfully hard to work at just plain auditing with the continual promise of a 'miracle cure' just around the corner." -- Bob Arentz, Salt Lake City, Utah.

"I feel sort of sorrowful for those silly apes in Phoenix. Two years ago, you would have treated you as Dr. (Ha. Ha.) Barrier treated A. Hart (as described in Aberree). Two years hence, some other sucker will be treating the unfrocked Ken Barrett likewise. Remember when you told me -- November, 1952 -- about the 'rumor' LRH would move to Phila. -- 'But Hubbard told me it just wasn't so'?

"The wheel turns. With Hubbard, one is in sight of the Hub, and it seems faster." -- Lee Lockhart, Colorado City, Texas.

"Our conference at Towerleaze (January 1-4, inclusive) was a grand success... There was a ban on auditors attending so the secretary of the PAC (Professional Auditor's Chapter) wrote to Mr. Hubbard giving the names of a number who wished to attend... This permission came through on December 14th and we had a big rush to finish the arrangements and send out the notices. Altogether, we had nine graduates of the recent clinical courses at our show, three of them in a semi-official capacity to help run it at our invitation. One, Ron Young, gave an excellent speech and a new fellow named Johan Tempelhof (a South African) did some excellent group processing sessions; he was very good indeed and we had first class ARC right from the word go. Altogether, we did eight group processing sessions from the Group Auditor's Handbooks, which I think are tip-top and had several lectures or rather symposia of case histories which went down very well too. The total number present was 45, the ARC was very good all through and all the time, and they all went away with a greatly enhanced reality on Scientology and thoroughly enjoyed themselves..." A.J.S. McMillan, Bristol, England.

"If Scientology/Dianetics is so ensmartening, we must be rich, and thus is it purely stingy of us to be holding out these riches which, according to theory, we obviously possess, after all this contact with this simple, sensible, workable

"Where was I? er

"So as I see it, the thing to do is to do the dishes.

"Note made from field observation: from every female pre-clear the auditor will sooner or later have to run out dishwashing. From every male pre-clear the auditor will have to run out women. After this is run out, the dishes will still have to be washed at suitable intervals, that I confidently predict. I have not yet reached a point of knowingness which makes it possible to know about women...

"None of this is to be interpreted as meaning that I seek imperfection. Heck, I don't have to seek it, here it is. But I am willing to be warranted on this: that I do not seek the kind of perfection that has to suit everybody else, reasonable or unreasonable...

"You have made me very happy with with your comments about the CEC$, and I agree that the pronunciation sex, and the connotation of being one jog above mystery -- and lots of expensive demands on energy -- is pretty close to correct (Yankee dialect for exact) and since you are so resourceful, can you go the other way and suggest a pronunciation for Arslykus which I would dare use in front of my pupils? Or should I just play it smart and lie out of it by pretending ignorance?..." -- Alma Hill, Boston, Mass.

"I came home to find much material on Scientology and Dianetics stacked up waiting for me. I read the BDR's controversial issue and didn't think it controversial at all. It seems that the BDR speaks out clearly and truthfully and some people do not like that... I also received 'Dianetics 1955' and am in the process of reading it.

"I also received a general membership to the HDRF that is good until 1 July 1955. While in Fort Worth, someone there received a free membership and at that time I wondered how or why. Now that I have received one I still think what I thought then, that anyone that is buying 'Dianetics 1955' is being offered the free membership to entice renewals at $8.50. I recall the wording 'to outstanding members in the field'. A11 I can say is balderdash.

"I know that I shall renew my membership in the HASI not because of the 'honor' bestowed but because of the $8.50 it would cost for the Journal anyway. 10% is not much but it should bring my membership down to a reasonable level..." -- Herb Druker, Brooklyn, New York.