Thetan, Accepting All As Truth, Falls Prey to Ills

Thetan, Accepting All As Truth, Falls Prey to Ills

In Running Pre-clear, Always Ask Him To Look at Problems in Present Time

By Pearl Hennick, D.D.

WE ALL ask, at some time or other: "How did we get into the mess we're in? And if we get out of it, how do we know we're not going to get into -it again?" Well, the answer to that has become pretty clear to me in the past few months, working along with it.

It appears that in the beginning, Man knew -- and knew that he knew. He didn't know why he knew, or anything like that, because he had no REASON to. So, our bridge, we found, was REASON.

We find that a thetan can only believe and understand truth, honesty and decency. That's all he knows that exists. Until he found otherwise, or can find otherwise, he can understand only truth. MEST, however, makes mistakes, yet the thetan looks at these actions of MEST and says: "This is right."

A body is composed of ridges garnered over hundreds of thousands of years. One of these ridges -- some part of the body -- is going to get restimulated, and will say: "I'm broken". The thetan, believing only in truth, will accept this, and part of the body feels like it's broken. Here we have arthritis -- any kind of pain that man can conceive.

If you can imagine a body that is being animated by a thetan, and each one of the ridges in that body -- each cell, containing lifetimes of knowledge -- each one of them saying different things -- and the thetan taking all of them for absolute truths, then you can understand how the body got into the condition it's in. When the thetan looked, and saw all those things happening, he didn't know why -- because he had no reason to ask why. It comes back to reason.

As we pull a thetan out, and by him changing his own considerations, making his own considerations, and deciding when, and if he wants to make a consideration, then he can look at MEST and realize that in MEST, there are such things as time and space, and that MEST can make a mistake. When he realizes this, he can look at a ridge, and when it says, "I'm broken," he can say, "Yes, you were broken back in 1620 -- but not now."

The thetan never made a mistake -- he only considered that other things didn't make mistakes, and this got him all confused. He considers everything else is right and, like him basically good, and therefore, he tries to be right and good too. That's how he got into the mess he's in in this universe. When you pull your preclear out in that direction, he'll never get in that mess again, because he'll look at things, and say, "That's right for you, but it isn't necessarily right for me." That makes him free to go on and make his own decisions without considering your considerations, other than to consider you as a human being and allow you the right to be right or wrong for you as you see fit, and allow himself to be right or wrong as he sees fit.

What condition should your preclear be in? Your preclear should be able to create, start, change, stop, and destroy all particles at will. He should know, see, and be.

What condition is your preclear in? You ask him what would happen to him if he was in better condition all along the line; never what would happen to him if he were in a worse condition. At all times, you're sitting there, looking at your preclear, knowing the condition he should be in, knowing the condition he's in now, and the route in between. And your bridge from now to the condition he should be in will be somewhere along the line of reasons -- reasons he will give you why he's not in that condition now.

That pretty well covers the theory. I'm now going to try and give a brief resume of the type of questions you would ask in this technique. These questions, given in groups, can be alternated, changed, shifted in any way you wish -- but always on the UP side. Once in a great while you may ask a downward question, but only so the preclear can look at the way he considers now.

You start in by asking the preclear what is his problem. Your next question would be, "What would happen to you if you didn't have it?" Or, "How do you feel about that consideration right now?" Al-