Officers Elected By New Michigan Church | How Deadly Is T-V?
Officers Elected By New Michigan Church
The Detroit Center, which a little more than a year ago found its Dianetic activity in headlines and two of its leaders under legal purge, has tucked its frustration under its wings and marshalled its forces behind a new corporation: Church of American Science.
By-laws for the corporation are similar to those under which the church first was organized by L. Ron Hubbard under New Jersey laws. Michigan is the fourth state to so organize, following New Jersey, Arizona, and California. Action has been initiated in Illinois.
The organization is sponsored by more than 40 members, and at a recent meeting, the following board of directors was elected:
Harold Penny, chairman of the church and president of the board.
Refa Postel, recording secretary.
Frank Sullivan, treasurer.
Ernest Wirick, corresponding secretary.
Lee Hoenel, board of education.
Don Abbott and Duane Lurkins.
A two-story building has been obtained in Berkley, Oakland County, which is 10 miles from the outskirts of Detroit. The three large rooms on the first floor are being used as an assembly room, a library, and a study room, Four smaller rooms on the second floor are for auditing.
In the spacious yard is a playground for children. Plans are to hold Sunday School on Sunday mornings for the processing of children.
According to Wirick, both tape and personal group auditing will be available for two hours each on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings. About 20 are attending these sessions, and as the Church membership expands, session schedules be adjusted, Wirick says.
More than 75 persons were present for the Open House April 24 and 25.
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