Volume 5, Issue 6, page 2
OCTOBER. 1958 Recusant Voice of "The
VOL. V. No. 6 Infinite," for Earth, Maxa,
RRFF Sedum e n.
Published monthly, except for the combined January-February and JnlyAnprst issues, at 2O7 worthington, Mid, Oklahoma. U. S. A.
Mail Address: Pbstofflce Box 528, Siid, Okla., U.S.A.
Bubscriptioa price: $2 a year, $5 for 3 years. Single copies, 25t
Second Class privilege authorised at mold, Okla., Postoffice
Editor: The Rev. Mr. Dr. ALPHIA OMEGA HAM' I-2. D. D., 0. scn., P. Scn..
B.Sn., HM, HCA, at a1 ad Infiniti'.. ad nauseca.
Publisher. ALICE 1131E115 HART. I-1. HCA. Sm;.. M.. H. gpr. SE.
POLICY: Don't take it so dam ' seriously. The infiniteness of nan is
not reduced to a 'split infinity" by wars, taxes, or "experts"
sho offer to sell bin shat he already has.
BobPolicy -- we reserve the right to change our minds from issue to
issue. or even from page to page, if us desire.
Bob-Sub-Policy: Each man has the inherent right to be his ova and only
Advertising Rates: $1 a column inch, if you get results; double if you
don't. Payable in advance. Copy must be in office 30 days prior
to date of publication.
IT T A B S YORE A 1 t h o they
THAI GADGETS are not automoTO MAKE A CAR bile dealers,
some of our
friends have been trying to
sell us a new car -- the remodeled, redesigned, recreated
Ilubmobile "18". They insist
it's s fine car, and well worth
every cent it might cost us,
as well as the time we'd need
to go to the factory to take
delivery. Which may be 100 per
cent true. Or even more so.
However, what we can't seem
to get thra their well-menning
skulls is that we have a car.
It may be an old model -- in
fact, it's just as old as we
are -- but it runs just as fast
as we want it to run, it's
just as economical in operation
as we want it to be, and if we
keep the spark plugs clean,
the motor tuned, the running
gear oiled, and the tank full
of gasoline