Volume 5, Issue 6, page 5
p NREST, more than any nation of the
free world deserves to bear, is the
lot befalling the United States.
Thruout August and later, an eventful and crucial summer lies in store. The
heat will be on, in both senses of the
phrase. There will be moments of tension
which all but the most isolated of citizens will feel intimately as the twin
dramas of international and political
crash unfold on the world's stage.
The Lebanon situation is fraught with
danger. Uncle Sam will bow to world opinion and withdraw his troops as soon as
the U.N. can save his face. This will not
be accomplished before bloodshed has resulted. It is certain that the executive
branch of the government is sorely afflicted. Something insidious and scrambled in
nature will occur at the top levels.
Things cannot go well for the leadership
when the war threat is becoming more a
possibility than originally calculated.
It will be difficult to keep secret such
conspicuous circumstances as the sapping
of official vitality, and discovery of
treachery in high places. Little wonder
that critics allocate such key words as
"scandalous" and "apprehension."
August and September will rack up the
worst crime record in our country's history. Topping the countless incidents of
crime and violence at local levels may be
the vicious stroke of some political malcontent with assassination in his heart.
This will succeed unless something unforeseen at this time intercepts it.
This will be an attempt on the life of
one in congress.
Eleanor Roosevelt should have a care
for her health which is not too good, and
may, if not extremely careful, leave the
Earth plane before the end of the year.
Laxity of morals is increasing, as
well as the amount of bouncing checks and
upsurge of shoplifting. This is growing
apace with overpopulation in many areas.
A surprising number of offenders to be
apprehended will be from families in the
upper brackets.
There shall be a tapering off of food
prices as well as service costs, and a
dip in fuel prices perhaps not perceptible
during this season, but well evident in
winter months. This delay in the leveling
off of prices is due to a lack of leadership to bring these results sooner. We
are a nation of complainers-after-the-offense, rather than a co-operative people
in defense of our neighbors' afflictions,
little realizing that his afflictions of
today may be ours tomorrow.
Labor unions will find things fruitful
in the next few months, but they should
beware not to seek too much at this time
lest they bring the wrath of the Congressional gods upon their heads.
There will be a release of sensational
reports concerning our lack of real nuclear progress. Factually, many in high
places see no REAL progress in proportion
to money spent. They are not fooled by
the over-publicized launching of puny excuses for satellites. All this will cause
quite a public stir, and bring about an
unexpected reorganization of government
policy-making agencies.
Politically, the trend favors the party
not in power. From this party will emerge
notable feminine figures with amazing
vote-getting power.
RUSSIA Russia will soon announce new
scientific findings in missiles.
transportation, and communications. They
will also unveil new designs in lethal
devices. This will frighten the world
rather than impress it.
No revival of the old Bolshevik stunt
of fixed political crime trials is evident, as was first reported.
Russia will continue to make political
maneuvers on the world scene. All her
actions will be words, financial aid but
no physical participation. This type of
activity, very cheap in cost, has placed
her in the formidable position she holds.
(BEAT BRITAIN Every step taken. is
nervous and shaky in the
climb out of existing difficulties. A
slight advantage in exports and steadier
treads in sterling will be reflected in
security values.
The administration will have many
grave problems affecting its membership
in the house; also some difficult decisions are to be faced and solved, especially concerning nuclear matters. They
will not go along with the USSR over nuclear agreements, nor will they see eye
to eye with the USA on this matter.
N(RTH AFRICA Tunisia President Bourguiba faces a year of portentous strife and armed conflict. He
finds no relief, and may be forced to relinquish the presidential chair. He has
no reassurances, but finds much ferment
in high circles against him.
Nasser will suffer a rebuff which will
not redound to peaceful relations with
neighboring nations. An attempt on Nasser s life will be tried, with a great
possibility of succeeding.
It is thought-provoking that the heads
of states of Morocco, Tunisia, and Egypt
should be faced with difficulties simultaneously. It bodes little good for North
OCTOBER, 1958 The A B E R R E E 5