Volume 2, Issue 8, page 15
"Scientology does work, sometimes. What we want to consider now
is w! it doesn't work when it doesn't work.
"Consider a universe, a mind, a
'sphere' of consciousness (including
the dark side of the coin, uoeonsciousness, which is merely a certain
variety of consciousnes. In this
universe floats an area labelled
reality. In essence, it is not different from all the other areas in
this special universe, but it has
the interesting property of resembling, more or less, certain areas of
other universes, or minds, which are
also labelled reality.
"Consider John Doe, a miserable
normal. In his universe, the area
of reality is painful. He studies
Scientology in order to have another, less painful game. He does~y
men exercises, which amuse for
boree)him, and which sometimes make
him feel better about reality. Eut
he tends, also, to rely upon the
magical power of these exercises to
fix up his reality-area by remote
control. He wants the exercises to
do it for him. This is nothing less
than a postulation of other-determinism and dangerousness about this
area of reality.
"It is damn foolishness to clump
around this bloody planet in a 1']0pound body, with 6-pound shoes on
its feet. to serve, tend, and hold
dear this body, to treat it as a
valuable and indispensible object,
and then by a few 'mental exercises
expect to solve all the problems
connected with this real corporeal
"No one in the Scientology movement has ever demonstrated the ability to leave his body to any greater
ascent than merely taking his attention off it for a few minutes. Preclears, theta clears, NEST clears,
pest-cl : they all act just like
people 95/100 of the time. Eut they
are de eadimg cn that 1% to solve
the oer 997. And it won't.
"I b a n e said this before, and I
will say it again. If you are unconsciously and automatically playing the game of reality and, all of
us are) you will not get out of that
game until you can play it to win;
and you will not play it to win by
running into a series of automatteized exercises performed under someone else's determinism. &ercises
will only help you to win when you,
yourself, at your own determinism,
use them to change some aspect of
the game of reality which you are
"A few Scientology principles applied to daily problems in real life
are worth amy number of detached
mental mani ulations in an 'auditing' room. in the 'auditing'
room, a selective and sensitive application of such principles to real
problems under discussion will have
a definite effect fora short time.
Very soon, however, all possible
benefit will have been squeezed out
of any particular process in any
iculax application. It is absurd
o continue these exercises hour after hour, by rote, in the faith that
thou will magically undo evils which
luurrkk, mainly undisturbed, in the
depths of automaticity and unconsciousness.
"Sincere students of Scientology
will be able to find much that is
valuable and workable in 'Scientology 8-8co8, and 'The Creation of
Human Ability', but they would do
well to avoid the assembly line
methods advocated by L. Ron Hubbard,
and in particular to avoid the trap
of automatic magical processes, such
as touching the wall over and over
'Touching the wall a few times is
good. It is very good for psychotics
and it is even good for normals in
limited amounts. Eut it is onllyg good
while the individual feels that
is getting something out of it. Bethat point, it is like marching
inns spot and wandering why one is
go nowhere.
' Pon Hubbard has messed up the
usefulness of almost every one of
his interesting and promising procedures with this insistence upon doing it over and over again until he
thinks up something new. People who
are getting satisfying results with
Scientology accept a little more
randomittyy, spontaneity., aliveness.
and creabiveness'in'their mental adventuring." -- Tr. R. D. FASs. Los Angeles, Calif.
"This comes under the heading of
a criticism, tacitly invited by your
editorial Nov. issue. It is meant
in a constructive spirit, and if it
doesn't apply. 'of course'. O.K.?
"Once upon a time there was a
little boy. He went out one day for
a walk and came upon a vacant lot.
In the lot a bunch of kids were
gathered around in a corner of the
lot. Somebody was doing a lot of
"The little boy went over to the
bunch of kids. He found out a big
kid with green hair was selling marbles. They were just ordinary marbles really but he made them extraordinary, the way ordinary marbles
really axe.
"So he bought one of the marbles
with the only dime he had. And he
played marbles with the other kids
for awhile and bad a wonderful time.
"Then, while he wasn't looking.
the big kid with green hair came
over and took his marble back. (He
had to do that ever so often because
he'd run out of marbles and had to
get some back so he could go on
selling them.)
It made the little boy furious.
'You give me back my marble.'" be
screamed. 'You give it back, doyen
hear? It's MIle.' And he got rocks
and throe them at the boy with the
growing hair. And he vowed he'd go on
throwing rocks and throwing them until the kid with the green hair gave
it back.
"And he's still owing rocks to
this day." -- Art Coulter, Ohio.
ED. NOTE -- O.K., Art. But that's
a revoltin' may to 'lose your marbles', if you ask us.
"Have just scanned The Aberree;
am saving at for bed-time reading.
Looks reel good. The front cover is
as usual clever and the material
good communication. Hooray: