Blooms & Barbs (continued) | "True Story" Of "Fac One" Gun
ute $3.50 for membership in the Church.
During the talk, Ron also revealed that the portion of Operation Phoenix which originally called for continuous mailings to a select list was being abandoned, since the response from The GOLDEN DAWN had given him the information he wanted. Instead, auditors will be specifically trained in new classes under the Church of Scientology of Phoenix, headed by Bob Sutton, and when they can pass an examination for a temporary HCA and ministerial status, will be assigned to "a beat" for door-to-door canvassing, urging people to contact the HASI. These will be assigned an auditor, a processing schedule set up, and quarters arranged. A total of 38% of the processing fees will go to the HASI, and the remainder to the auditor.
Ron suggested a ratio of two hours' door-to-door canvassing and three hours' processing for each auditor in the "auditing pool", and an average fee of $12-50 per hour was suggested as an acceptable standard.
Attendance at the Church of Scientology group auditing services has dropped off somewhat the last two week-ends, with three new visitors last Sunday and three the Saturday-Sunday previous. Sutton, however, at the last session instituted a new type of process, which probably will be rewarded by an attendance increase.
A recent change in the H.A.S.I. set-up puts Dale Kathary as recording technician and Jim Pinkham in a new office at 507 North Third Street as director for the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation. His four or more rooms are stacked to the ceiling with Dianetic literature, plus several thousand case histories. Jim is enthused about his new mock-up, and has been trying to catch up on an accumulated pile of requests for books or information on training.
Bob Sutton is now Reverend of the Church of Scientology of Phoenix and director of training and certifying minister of the Church. John Galusha is dean of Hubbard Professional School and director of HCA training for the H.A.S.I.
The Eighth Clinical Course, which started October 4, has in attendance: Laurie Conway, Roman Mazurek, "Chubby" Crank, Gene Hobbel, Henry Mauerer, and Russell Goodwin, who is a repeat from the Seventh Unit. Only debt-free graduates are now allowed to sit in.
The Phoenix Group, at its last meeting, decided on a series of lectures to review Dianetics. Paul Lyon will initiate the series.
The latest and hottest rumor is that a certain author and editor is, by action of C.E.C.S., about to have his green eyeshade wrenched because of Category 1 7/8 plus the first three words of Category 5! (See box at bottom of Page 8.)
The Churchills' copy of SCRUB OAKS is circulating like mad around Phoenix and what this writer would like to know is why no comments about it have been made in The ABERREE. You can at least print this query, can't you? (Ed. Note: We've had so many flattering reports on our novel, and so much stuff to print in our limited space, that we thought our readers would prefer news, data, and gossip.)
STRICTLY PERSONAL--Bud Eubank has returned to Kansas City in fine spirits... Rick Walker came back to Phoenix for more processing, and was directed to the retraining classes... "Chubby" and Jackie Crank have a second daughter they've named Sidney... Marilyn Wallace has a unique hobby--making realistic replicas of a shrunken head--which she hopes to market on a nation-wide scale... Jean Struckmeyer is home again from the hospital.
(Continued from Page 1.)
manager of The Office of L. Ron Hubbard in Phoenix a couple years ago, Volney Mathison was given money to aid him in some experiments with a type of "death ray", an offshoot of the "original Facsimile One" machine. We heard rumors about what happened, but until now, Volney has had nothing to say. The incident, he said, was being investigated by the U. S. Army, and their findings were "classified for public security". Now, nearly two years later, the bars of secrecy have been lifted, and for the first time, in any medium, Mathison reveals the "inside story".
If you laugh at past lives, scout flying saucer stories, and look on Ron's WHAT TO AUDIT as fantasy fiction, be sure you're not emulating the ostrich, which buries its head in the sand to hide itself from its enemies.
Read the story in next Month's ABERREE. Find out what happened to the Los Angeles policeman who thought the "ship from space" shouldn't park in the street without a permit.
Comes beautiful weather, and we "Praise the Lord", but if we get a drouth or flood, we ask: "What have we done to deserve this?"