Volume 10, Issue 9, page 22
steel and ships, or planes of is a continuous hangover, the vision a few days ago trying
the air age which leaves the opposite of enjoyment. It is a to explain away M.G. (Mother
B'ible standing on one foot. simple matter of body chem- Goose), which has been tried
The New Testament deals only istry. by others in the same vein. No
with fish, water, baptism, fish- "As a matter of fact, both one has evolved a basic pattern
ermen -- no aviators. cinnamon and vanilla are mild for them all. To be able to
The Chinese and Hindus have aphrodisiacs. So is liquor, explain 'London Bridges Fallbeen communists for ages, con- coffee, or peyote for some peo- ing Down' by the historic fact
suming, not producing enough; pie. Mexican witch-doctors be- that they did, does not change
now that they are called Com- lieve in 'Damiana' which is the fact that someone was trymunists they are beginning to even recognized by scientists ing to explain God in not too
be producers, with D'ictators who gave it the Latin name, favorable a light and hiding it
for kings. And the Capitalist turnera aphrodisiaca. in some actual occurrence. So
countries have to distribute "PROHIBITION -- 1he reason it he explained, by stretching, 2
or else, and allow the people won't work is because it can't or 3 M. G:s. But let me see
to vote, or be represented in be outlawed. Regular bakers' him explain away 350 of them
government. The play of capi- yeast will produce fine alcohol and throw in the Bible and
tal letter planets against out of bread, rice, corn, etc. mythology, and games, and dancs'mall letter ones, divides Besides, wild yeast flies in ing, and music, and what-havenation against nation, and na- the air on dust. you, even science, to boot." --
tions against themselves, an d "It may take some time be- Phi 10 Friedaan, Box 769, norindividuals against themselves fore the Feds outlaw Morning ence, Ariz.
also. If there was no death Glory (seeds). The stuff makes 0 0 0
instinct, or death, this world people goofy -- makes them feel "In your December issue you
would be intolerable. Destruc- they are one with the Universe. published a letter written by
tion has to equal production. Ether and chloroform on the Ruth Ingall Spignesi of StamAll men love and worship the other hand make people believe ford, Conn., in which the claim
sun or life force but follow they cease to exist while the is made that there is no such
the death route, killing and universe is alive. One may animal as Honest Communism. In
defrauding others, then reap- hear a roaring (like a shell reply to this charge please
ing the same crop until regen- near the ear) and then faint, permit me to quote a few verses
eration is attained. Capitals which is not unlike alcohol from an article entitled 'Honand s'mall letters, selfishness 'stoning'. In some localities est Communism' that was puband love of others, are the plastic glue-sniffing is il- lished in India last July.
two grinding wheels of the legal. Glue may contain ace- "I quote: 'As proof of the
mill of the gods, which grinds tone, which is anesthetic. MY fact that Communism is Chrisslow but exceedingly fine. experience with cigars is one tian, I will quote the 43rd,
The Sun and Saturn are not of seasickness. A priest told 44th, and 45th verses of the
Gods, being set in fixed me the Pope once interdicted second chapter of the book of
courses, but the Spirit of God (forbade) smoking as well as Acts. "Fear came upon every
works thru them, and thru pre- coffee drinking. Jesus certain- soul; and many wonders and
cession of the equinox, Easter ly was an alcohol consumer, as signs were done by the aposSun. The Hopi prophecies are Jewish rites prescribed the ties. And all that believed
in the stars and in handed- drinking of wine during the were together, and had all
down traditions; when Perseus , Passover Supper. Baptists things common. And sold their
the Sun at this time, rides teach that wine means grape possessions an d goods, and
the flying horse with the for- juice; where did the Jews get parted them to all men, as a
mer slave behind him as his fresh grape juice during the every man had need."'
bride, he carries Algol, the month of Nisan?... It is truly said that a ..
H-bomb, for every hair of Al- "The celebrated Johann Se- person can be correctly judged >
gol's head is a serpent, death , bastian Bach got so high on by the nature of his enemies
every hair, ray, of the sun is coffee, he wrote a Coffee-Can- as well as by the nature of
life, and the tradition handed tata describing the ecstasy of his friends.
down says that he slays kings (then) new coffee-houses. The "Every person who is now
and their courts, freeing the only sure way of terminating capable of reading and thinkslaves. Kings have been falling enjoyment consists of extermi- ing is well aware of the fact
for years now, defeated by nating people. But Puritan that the leader of the hatekings with stronger sun forces , creeds condemn birth control Communism mob is the Roman
s'mall lettered planets. This (pleasure without punishment), dictatorship.
is easily checked and proved thus making sure there will "In the 22nd verse of the
by arithmetic, simple addition always be people who get their last chapter of the book of
at that." -- Morris Su.enson, R 1, kicks. Some preachers of by- Acts we find the following
Box 625, Camas, Wash. gone days got their kicks dur- words that were addressed to
000 ing hellfire sermons, counting Paul by the one who was to act
"JUNGLE'S DEADLY VIRILITY the number of people who faint- as his jailer as the result of
PLANTS by Burks (Nov. ABE RRE2i) ed, (Subliminated sadism?) St. Paul being made a prisoner beseem
to make sex very glamor- Thomas Aquinas says it would cause he was supporting the W
ous. However, aphrodisiacs do be unjust for God to deny His Gospel proclaimed by Jesus: 04
not make man's capacity infi- elect the kicks of watching We desire to hear of thee
nite. Coffee can 't enable man the torments of the damned be- what thou thinkest; for as conto go without sleep forever. low, as without it the delights cerning this s e c t, we know
Aphrodisiacs may increase sex- of the saved would not be per- that everywhere it is spoken
ual pleasure, but if used to feet, and as God is perfect, against.'
exceed individual limit to His delights are perfect... "With few exceptions, all
frequency, they bring about a "VAN TASSEL COMMENT -- One that the registered voters of 0
temporary exhaustion of desire . rejuvenated old geezer is worth the U.S.A. know about Communism
"Sex is like intoxication, a million words. Let's see is that everywhere it is spo E-'
Liquor can be enjoyed only af- some work of the Integratron!" ken against. The hammer and
ter a reasonable period of ab- -- George W. Lagos, 111 West sickle of Communism is most
stinence. Only a fool thinks Myrtle, San Antonio, Texas. significant. All we need to do
he can stay drunk at all times 0 0 o now is to discard the hammer
and still enjoy it. The result "Walt Disney was on tele- of dictatorship and leave only 22