Volume 10, Issue 9, page 17

ï 1 When we heard that
O^ 'Neil planned to change 'fg
ï name of his PSYCHIC OBSERVER
^ to The OUTLOOK, we doubted it,
as we still remembered that a
previous change to The SEARCHER, was only temporary. So, we
weren' t surprised w h en the
January issue arrived with its
familiar name, but an unfamiliar dress of many pictures. We
guess we'll just have to will,
sell, and bequeath to Tom our
Sub-Policy, "W reserve the
right to change our minds from
issue to issue, or even from
W page to page, it?we desire."
p4 But it'd only bena loan -- as we
still want to keep the ï right
a to change our mind -- but not
W the magazine's name. We went
thru that once -- and once is
tx sufficient... 1 Speaking of
magazines, a new publication
e to reach us recently was MINUTE SCOPE, a semi-quality type
E.., magazine published by Llewellyn Publications, of St.Paul,
Minn. While the first issue
has a prepihtderance of astrology material, Publisher Carl
17, Weschke in an editorial says
wires, coils, antennas, and
resonators... ,
1 We've said and thought so
many nasty things about politicians.- and especially those
apparently scavenged from Okï
lahoma cesspools -- that when
one indicates he's above the
calibre of the majority, we, in
stark surprise and respect,
take off ourïvisor to him. In
fact, we're about ready to ask
Gov. Henry Bellmon of Oklaioma
to run for President next year
since he's ineligible to succeed himself and such talent
of common sense shouldn't be
wasted. Latest Belimon pronouncement to get our approbation came early in December
when he announced to the consternation of the greeting card
dealers that he and Mrs. Bellmon were sending no Christmas
cards in 1963. "The whole rididulous aspect of our _modern
Christmas season comes in to
focus moat clearly thru the
Christmas card fad," he said.
"Somehow it has come to be a
status symbol to see how many
Christmas cards individuals or
businesses send and receive."
He Added that they take time
during the holiday season to
send letters to friends with
whom they are not in close association, and the money which
might have b-en poured down
the. Christmas card drain has
been donated to a cerebral
palsy fund. What we need in
this country are 49 more gov
ernors and maybe even a President with sufficient sagacity
and gumption to help do away
with some of ,these "sacred

Psychic",nAlber~t Roy Davis Corny
to answer any three questions for
$2, sent to him at 23 West walnut.
Green Cove Springs, Fla. The A BERREE, not being psychic, cannot
accept responsibility for accuracy of views expressed in this
column, nor for the unique spelling indulged in by its author.)
Howdy Neighbor:
HE PASSING of President
Kennedy was a shock to us
all. In October 1962 I
wrote in The NEWS LETTER,
my own publication, that President Kennedy would leave us,
like the passing of Lincoln;
again in June 1963 I wrote
that his passing would preceed
the Election. Wille I am not
alone in this Psychic Impression, I feel that it came sooner
than any of the Psychic Writers dreamed possible, as the
impressions ^e received were
more towards the period o f
Election Time. I have received
many letters and some forwarded from the Indian Seerers, In
Oklahoma, Ark, and other locations in the far west. These
seerers now say that Kennedys
passing allows President Johnson to come under the period
remaining in the Cycle. I disagree with this in this respect, First. We were all forewarned that President Kennedy
would be taken in the LiNcoln
Manner, noted Astrologers and
Psychics all reported t h i s

The' Psychics now are confronted with the facts that
these warnings that heralded
the Passing of President Kennedy also forwarned a great
their goal for -MTNUTE SCOPE is
to make it a news magazine for
the entire psychic field, and
is appealing for news, articles, end pictures. Subscription price of MINUTE SCOPE,
published monthly, is $3.00 a
year... 1 Another late-comer
to the magazine field is The
LIGHT WITHIN, a pocket-size
Publication from the Winchester
Healing Fellowship, 30 Christchurch Rpad, Winchester, Hants ,
England. This also is a monthly, with a subneription price
of $3.00 a year. The issue we
saw had 100 pages, a nice job
of offset printing, and in
large, readable type, with a
sprinkling of pictures...
depression for the Uni ed
States,'ï a Stbck Market Bre ,
and the weather this win er
breaking all records for 1is
cruel cold, hurricane win s,
and snow. Many other factors
surrounding 'the welfare of the
People of Europe and this country and Canada, as all come
under -the phase of this great
record breaking weather we all
are to face this winter and
spring. Oklahoma's drought and
California's earth tremors
were not reported to the people of our country as they continued to worsten all this
We there for must look beyond the time table we thought.
was correct, a Near War. invasion plans for Cuba, a tofigh
matter . in South America, as
more Commies pore into other
South American Countrys and.
the UN acts to Crack down thru
the action of the United
States. Cubas plans to actualy
send agents into Florida and
the Other States, to committ
acts similar to the smaller
South American countries, must
be looked for. Our time table
for 1964,, there for is now advanced, to a faster pase of
world happenings. Hold on to
your Hats as 1964 wiLl be a
real test of the courage of
the American People and the
Peoples of the World.
Father was accidentally run
over by his tractor. Will he
lose his legs? We are very
worried. Miss B.%.

DEAR MISS B.K. -- You must be
strong and comfort your mother
as tho you have not mentioned
her she is very worried. Likewise I sence your father will
loose his will to want to go
home, so its up to you and
your mother to convince him
that, after one leg is removed
he should fight to recover. I
sence the loss of the limb
will act to crush his spirits,
so you must act to instill confidence. Tell him you and mother are depending on him, that
he must get well. He will.

little girl has passed away.
We are heart broken. I want to
know, has she an enteric body
and will it bass on, with the
body? Will we ever see her
again? Mrs. b B.

DEAR MRS, L.B. -- Your little
Girl is with the great and fine
heavenly spirits, as to, die so
young assures a place near God
that only the young and pure
at heart can attain. Her etheric (spirit body) is with God,
in her likeness she will come
to you. You will see her again
when you too are called in