Volume 7, Issue 1, page 11
the wonderful sulfa drugs (kidney killers is a better name),
biotics, and wonder drugs (a
wonder to the drug houses and
coupon clippers), and cured
yourself from the deadly nonexistent pneumonia virus without their ministrations. Shame
on you, old rebel and iconoclast...
"As long as the American
Medical Association rules with
its 300,000 dope peddlers and
saw bones are free to poison,
cut, and bury, there is no
hope for a healthy American
nation. We will be overtaken
by the Slays and soya beaneating Chinamen. But I'd better stop before the F.B.I. or
the Unamerican Inquisition
(Committee) gets after me." --
Dr. N. S. Aanoka, Chicago, Ill.
4 4 4
"Your mag. is really growing up, out of teenager to maturity. The opposite poles in
it give it a zest. I read it
from cover to cover, and sometimes refer back to an earlier ious convictions. I take them 'Does the figure of Jesus apissue for clarification on a seriously. I honestly and sin- peal to you, can you use his
point of view, previously ex- cerely believe that I am a teaching, his example, his
pressed... Christian because I had water ever-present help?' My answer
"Did you see the article or. poured on me when I was a baby is yes, but I cannot expect my
Quimby in FATE magazine, whera and it should be self-evident potential congregation to give
by taking hold of the persons that if anyone believes that such an answer. The people who
hand, he saw the incident that the church is there for in- want that question asked are
held a condition? Or produced fants that have water poured members of churches; they are
it? Am going to get his papers on them it is not there for happy there; I do not want to
if I can. He talks my language. all ready for it. Since the proselyte them, The only quesI know you can hear a descrip- last time I wrote a letter to tion I can think of to ask is
tion of it if you really lis- The ABERREE I have managed to this, 'Do you feel that you
ten. Content of the engram, as get the right to put the let- are not living right? Are you
it were. 'The letter of the ters 'Rev.' in front of my full of guilt? Do you realize
word that killeth'. The exact name; I am not yet enough of a that you have made things into
sound -- punish-meant. It may be 'Rev.' to stand on an altar sins by your own authority
that the symbol band is where and read mass but I will even- which the law of God has not
I am stuck, but this physical tually be one. I believe def- made into sins for you? Are
universe is the series of sym- initely that when good Bishop you willing to seek to work
bols made more solid (for me). Hyde lays his hands on my head out your own system of faith
Friedman isn't so far off. The and says 'The Divine Grace that and morals with the understandjoke is on us, and everyone is filleth all things and renew- ing that what you work out
mouthing his own punish-meant. eth all things calleth Thomas will resemble what you were
"Your noise editorial is the reverend deacon to be a taught as a child with the infine, as far as it goes, andI priest in the Church of God', tent to seek to find a way of
agree. Beyond our automatic I will be changed into a forgiving yourself your sins?'
machinery -- a noisy train of priest. I believe that as a I am not too optimistic about
thoughts -- is intuition, and it result that when I turn around finding people willing to give
cannot be heard above the and make the sign of the cross me quarters and dimes to have
noise, for it whispers, rela- while saying 'I absolve you of these questions asked, but I
tively. If you want to think your sins', all of my church cannot think of any other
in silence and in peace, come members, providing they would questions to ask.
to Points of View, where the be willing to confess their "Margery Mansfield compares
harmony of the outdoor sounds sins to me if I were to ask the church to the public
can be more beautiful than the them to and who say an 'Our schools. The trouble with the
buzzing of one's own trains of Father' and three 'Hail Maries', public schools today is that
thought. -- Alberta Elliott, will automatically be forgiven they are not able to teach the
Greenville, S. Car, all their sins; and I believe three R's adequately because
4 4 4 that when I say the words, they seek too high a goal in
"The mag. during the past 3 'Make this bread to be the Body seeking to educate people f o r
months has not been at its of the Christ and make the a Utopia in a bright world of