Volume 7, Issue 1, page 12

fact entirely ready for it." -- "The word nypnosis defines
(Rev.) Thomas A.Fairbanks, SDC, a state like sleep brought on
Falls Church, Va. by the suggestions and motions
4 4 4 of another person.
"In the Jan.-Feb. 1956 is- "Any psychiatrist can tessue of ABERREE, you said, 'Some tify, truthfully, that a hypday some "prophet" is coming notic person recalls zero when
forth w i t h the unique idea brought i n t o the conscious
that Man is in the physical state. Same goes for a hypouniverse for a purpose and chondriac -- hence Lucipuss
THAT PURPOSE IS TO OPERATE agrees that Volney Mathison
BEST OF HIS ABILITY. The soul, the nail on the head in statetc., being perfect, will take ing that hypnosis is, sadly
care of itself, and will reward true, a misnomer for the psythe one who uses what lids been chical imaging poser of the
given him to the degree that mind.
he makes use of the gift.' "The parapsychologists came
"You are always tolerant in up with an appropriate word,
giving others an opportunity `Psychedelics'.
to express themselves, and so "`Thoughts a r e things' --
I want to suggest that perhaps well hammered into us but what
the 'prophet' has come and the about thoughts far removed as
'unique idea' is now at work, the north and south poles from
I refer of course to Pak Subuh any connections with the images
and to Subud. The purpose of perceived by the mind's eye?
Subud is to cleanse the body, Something to ponder over sermind, and emotions of man so iously.
that the soul within him can "In the final analysis,
motivate his life. Thus the psychedelics maybe used solely
Will of God will come to Earth. for the good of humanity" --
"When this is accomplished, Lucy Traxler, Pioneer, Ohio.
man will certainly 'fulfill "What is it 4 hen I pick up
his purpose' which is 'operate
within the universe the The ABERREE k
best of his s ability'. . Thr hru Su- look, and for realize a 15-minute
much later
bud we thus become real hu^,an that it is 'way past bedtime?
beings." -- Mary Hyde, Alexan- Hypnosis???" -- Allurah Leslie,
dria, Va. New Castle, Penn.
4 4 4 (ED.NOTE -- Maybe it's a
"My wife and I think your too-early bedtime.)
little magazine extremely fascinating,