Volume 11, Issue 10, page 8
past and try to make them fit the present situation.
A leader is inevitably a frugal man. He
leads the most simple of lives. He spends his
time helping others, living for them. H e is
conscious of the waste going on around him by
those who are not making the most of the materials available to them. As a leader, he is
conscious of the cost of each item going into
his production, and he is always looking for ways
to cut down the costs so that others can benefit from his product and its uses. Slaves are
spendthrifts. Th ey waste everything around
them. Costs on the job go up and up. They waste
time, money, material, effort, and the creativeness of those around them.
A leader has very little illness in his
life -- he has no time for it. He has a high
degree of awareness of how and why his muscles
work as they do, and he handles his body in
such a manner as to insure its long life. He
eats only as much as he needs. He does not
gorge himself with food or drink. He has himself under firm discipline and keeps himself
A slave, on the other hand, is a creature
of "accident". He eats and drinks to excess.
When his body rebels, he runs to someone else
to get i t fixed. He will not discipline himself unless it is a matter of absolute necessity. He has very little awareness of h i s
muscles, bones, organs, or nervous structure.
He looks with scorn upon those who draw the
line of discipline, and calls them "weak
fools". He walks thru life with the apparent
lack of concern over his body which is available only to those who have mastered the body
but refrain from displaying such an attitude
to those who might be misled by it. A slave
may look and act like a master, and a master
like a slave, but do not mistake one for the
A master has his mind disciplined so that
he can accomplish more with his eyes than a
dozen men can accomplish with their hands. He
looks at things and realizes their immediate
purpose. He knows that purpose always exists
here and now. He sees and understands the purposes of those around him and is very sensitive to purpose. This gives him the appearance
of being telepathic because he is able, should
the need arise, to face a man with himself,
gently or firmly as is required.
A leader also has a firm philosophy of life.
It may be very simple, or it may be complex,
tlenending upon the type of training he has had.
The slave knows no discipline except that
which he is forced to recognize. He looks at
things without comprehension of their purpose.
If he tries to find the purpose within it, he
is not always successful. Everything he does
is ruled by chance and accident. His lack of
discipline always gets him into trouble with
those around him. His reactions take on the
appearance of lack of co-ordination. His body
has a will of its own and refuses to respond
to correction -- or so it seems to him. For him,
force seems to rule everything. If he wants
his way, he knows of no other method but to
use force or deceit.
The only philosophy he knows is that of
satisfying his body's apparently unquenchable
desires- -and this will vary according to where
he is and whom he is with. His life has no direction. There is no firm goal before him that
he knows he can reach. If he is working toward
the accomplishment of a goal, a stray whisper
of something that seems to be better will divert him. He knows of no such thing as putting
a pleasure aside for greater gains later. He
has no principles for guiding his activities,
and everything he does is ruled by, "I hope
this will work". He is full of striving and
does not know how to do.
A prince knows work is a necessary thing