Volume 11, Issue 10, page 4
M ANY WORDS in the Bible, constructive or destructive, correct or incorrect translations, have been coming back many generations
since they were uttered or written for good or
for ill. It is a law of the universe. A book
translated by man and left to the care of frail
humanity is bound to have errors creep in, additions and subtractions to be made. A whole
creed may rest upon so frail a foundation as
the omission or addition of a tiny word... The
whole structure of the doctrine of the resurrection of our present flesh bodies, devoutly
believed in for centuries and still held by
many of the orthodox churches, has rested on
the text, "Yet in my flesh shall I see God,"
words of Job, translated thus in the King James
version of the Bible. But in the Revised Version put out in 1901, the same text is translated, "Yet from my flesh shall I see God," and
the marginal note gives "without " as an equivalent for "from ", thus making the sense of the
whole sentence the exact opposite of what we
had hitherto been taught. And what a difference
one little word makes! "Yet in my flesh shall
I see God" thus becomes "Yet without my flesh
shall I see God." -- Rev.Anid S.Suith, in ORION.