Volume 11, Issue 9, page 9
HO THE average native of the West
is confronted with the term" Yoga" '
his thoughts are apt to run the
gamut of 'crackpot' to 'religious
fanatic ', and when considered in
the light of misunderstanding and misrep-
resentation, this assumption can pass
without rebuke. It is here then that we
shall take a moment to rectify the error
which has come to surround this subject.
The word Yoga is derived from ancient Sanskrit and literally
means"union with all that
is". Translated in terms of actual practice, Yoga is the action
of liberation. Yoga seeks to develop
the reliance of the individual in the respective fields of work,
rest, and play. Yoga gives
you the wisdom and the confidence to take your life inyour hands
and live with serenity and
purpose. The one who practices certain techniques to realize the
benefits of the science of
Yoga is called a Yogi.
Since their advent from antiquity the various techniques of Yoga
have been taught and
practiced mainly by the people of Eastern culture; their
introduction to the West has been
relatively slight. The reason for this is readily understood when
we realize that the Yoga
science as originally devised and developed by
1 its author, Pantanjali, was intended to attract those
individuals who are of a
contemplative turn of mind. Comparatively speaking, the Western
culture is in diametric
opposition to the Yoga philosophy. This does not infer that the
genuinely reputable schools
of Yoga which have been established here in the Western
hemisphere are in any way suspect,
or that the genuine sincere student who applies himself cannot
attain to the results
contained in the specific practices taught by these schools. On
the contrary, we wish here
to publicly clarify the subject for those who desire to know the
truth. Accordingly, we
shall present the following apologia of the Yoga techniques which
are most often taught in
Western schools.
Natha Yoga i s the Yoga science of physical well-being, and deals
directly with the promotion of
good health in mind and body. The
M techniques involved in the practice of Hatha
c~ Yoga range from breath and muscular control to brain and nerve
domination, the goal of
which is the absolute willful control of the physical body.
Undeniable proof of such
attainment is prevalent thruout all history. For example,
E- there is the case of John T.Bowers of Chicago, who has neither
larynx, windpipe, or vocal
cords, yet he can speak. This man has learned to speak audibly
and fluently by training
9 stomach to supply the air when and as needed.
AA~~ An Action
of Liberation"
stern Thinking Too Often Sneers
t Philosophy It Doesn't Understand
He can use the telephone or hold a conversation at will, without
using any mechanical aid
whatever for clear audible speech. Or, there is Yogi Pratapa
Hathanoga who, after having his
head buried in the ground for nine hours, emerged alive and
healthy. The "Human Hothouse" is
another one of the startling exhibitions of control and endurance
practiced by the Yogis of
the East. The man stretched himself full length upon the ground,
and then, with great
deliberation, placed a handful of moist earth on his upper lip,
and then proceeded to plant a
few grains of mustard seeds in the earth. The Yogi lay perfectly
motionless and remained
without food ard drink until the seed germinated and burst forth
into a plant, which was the
fourth day after he lay down. This is the path and the results of
the techniques of Hatha
Yoga -- with the reminder that while the beginning of the
practice may appear insignificant
and unfruitful, to him who perseveres dominion is given.
.Tnana Yoga is the Yoga science of pure intelligence, knowledge,
or wisdom. The hurnan mind
operates by the process of association, such operation being
dependent upon memory and
recollection. Thru the techniques of Jnana Yoga the mind is so
refined that it no longer
relies upon the past for motivation. The mind becomes such a
thoroly cleaned vessel that it
acts intuitively with the assurance of pure reason. This renewed
mind makes no sudden or
startling show on the outside, for it gradually changes the
heart, the human thought
processes, and the quality of the physical body, transforming
them by degrees within. It is
this transformation I when complete, which allows access to the
"Cosmic Index" from which all
knowledge is taken and thru which"all things shall be made
known". Those who seek and walk
the path of Jnana shall speak with knowledge and shall act with
Ka",a Yoga is the Yoga science of right action. The word Karma is
also from Sanskrit and
means cause and effect. The law of karma governs every jot and
tittle within the bounds of
action and reaction. Then considering the prosperity of one
individual as compared with the
destitution of another, it is erroneous to conclude that one
person is experiencing 'good
karma', while another person is experiencing 'bad karma'. For
every action there is the
corresponding reaction. Destitution is the direct result of
scattered thoughts, idle words,
and willful, non-purposeful activity. Prosperity is realized thru
the process of unified one-
point thinking, the positive projection of concise speech, and
the carrying forth of
deliberately constructive action. Our purpose in living is to
perpetrate the right action
which will culminate in the right reaction. If, however, we find
ourselves confronted with