Volume 11, Issue 8, page 15

times knowledge is detrimental tered word is pronounced 'ael'
to our learning what life is. and means God.

I never asked to come here on "The symbol for the planet
this earth but I sure am not Saturn is ' .. This may resemasking to get out of it. I have ble 1p which is only the letno choice. We know that we all ter 'lamed' and .not the
will go, the sinner or the two-lettered word for God.

Pope, rich or poor, we end up "Mr. Swenson reminds me of
in the same place and no one the man who bit into what
comes back to tell us the dif- looked to him like an orange --
ference... it happened to be a roundish

"One of the secrets of life lemon,
is the tree in the Garden of "I could point out that the
Eden. " -- Lawrence Pearson, Jewish (not Hebrew) seventh
Brooklyn, N.P. letter of the alphabet is 5
"0 0 0 'zain'. This is closer in ao W E LIKE your new photos at pearance to , , the Saturn
the top of the page Hart to symbol. Zain means weapon." --
Heart. In the lower right you Jacob I.Agsel, Milwaukee, Wis.
sort of look like an unholy o 0 0
metaphysical culturist. Don't RECEIVED my copy of ABERallow yourself to become con- REE today and am prompted
taminated. I don't think you by the reading of the article
will, by Jack Felts to add a bit of

"Your Auditorial shows you my realities of 'dear' old Mexare holding your balance. I go ico, as we all know that each
along with most of it, but individual sees any object,
must comment on what you say, place, or person thru different
'We seek God in some far off eyes and a different angle. I
Heaven, yet scorn the god in gather that Mr.Felts is greatall things around us -- animal, ly impressed, favorably, by

vegetable, mineral, AND MAN. Mexico.exico. My feelings are just
"Let us inspect the god in the opposite and strongly so.
these four kingdoms. By the I have no experience with other
god in animals, did you mean places in the republic, only
the ferocity of the lion as he Mexico City, but I disagree
leaps on and rends a fawn? with almost everything Mr.
OR the god of the vegetable, Felts has to say.
the golden mushroom, which "Mr. Felts speaks of the
poisons man? OR the god in fine architecture. Yes, I walk
minerals which compose atom down the 'Reforma' and look up
and hydrogen bombs? OR best of at the ultra-modern steel,
all the God in man which plans concrete and glass edifices.
and executes premeditated They are beautiful and I'm told
evils? some of the best architects in

"Here we have the reason the world are Mexicans. Some
why we look for God far out, of the buildings at the unisomewhere far away from so versity are so beautiful they
much evil -- for how can God who fill one with awe; just to look
is equated with good reside in makes 'goose bumps' come out.
evil? Then the days pass and your

"I should have stopped eyes grow accustomed to seeing
reading after the first few these sights, then the rude
lines of Mr. Morris Swenson's awakening. To me, perhaps not
letter. He puts all dictionar- to others, nothing in this City
ies to shame for they do not of Mexico seems plumb. I atknow what Mr. Swenson knows, tribute this to so much hand.

Zionism and Nazism are work by individual workmen.