Volume 11, Issue 6, page 13

Love*isdomïs search for health ∂ "We had a horrible stay
isn't much more successful here", is the way Louis dethan it was when he went on scribes his trip to-tie-Fair in
two six-month fasts in Calif- New York. At the time of writornia many years ago -- but is- ing, h e was anxious to get
n't that the way it usually back to Hollywood for a part
0 M works out? When we are looking in a T-V series with some of
so intensely for something, the luminaries in the field of
weyre admitting o u r intense metaphysical luminaries There
. need of that something -- and our is a saying to the effect you
Y0 mental images of the condi- c a n take a Westerner out of
tions dictating our search us- the West, but you can't take
4 ually become so strong that we the West out of a Westerner --
find ourselves digging our own or something like that. We may
r n ,r / graves from the carrousel of not have the words correct,
~f/-~ / frustration. It may not be so but those who don't like our
in Johnny's case, but from words can word it to suit them(Send your questions direct to this distance, it looks mighty selves; we don't care ...

LOUIs, 1411 E. Missouri, Phoenix, suspicious... ∂ How many cows to barbeAriz., enclosing a stamped, selfaddressed envelope. For those ^ho ∂ Because of a hassle with cue is puzzling the Spiritual
nish personal replies, a ^!nima^ Los Angeles officials over Life Science Church in Oklacontribution of $2.00 per ques- parking regulations, the Cos- homa City, as it prepares to
Lion should be included.) mic STAR was forced to close play host to visitors to the
DEAR LOUIS -- I have a bad its Center in Hollywood, which A.S.A. (Spiritualist) convenhabit, smoking to be specific, had become the mecca for so tion on Saturday night, eve of
Can y ou help me? -- A.Y., New many New Age speakers and dev- the three-day convention set
York, N.P. otees. Among those being affect- for September 20, 21, and 22.
ed by the closing was Florance Hosts will be Florence HeisDEAR A. Y. -- When you decide Verrico and the programs of tand and Kent Glasgow, on the
you do not want a condition, t h e Friends of the Dunbar Turch grounds. Guests will
you h a v e licked the first Training Center. They've moved gather at the Huckins Hotel in
round. I would suggest you use to the East-West Cultural Cen- downtown Oklahoma City and be
the technique outlined in the ter, at 2865 West Ninth St., transported to the church for
new book, "How to Quit Smok- Florance writes, but there are the barbecue, where a program
ing". It's a best seller, and no meetings scheduled for will accompany the feast. Ought
a condensation of same appear- September. Florance was one of to be a good chance to fill up
ed in the Reader's Digest. My the kingpins of the Borderland on barbecued cow, and if you're
advice is, if you have a habit Science rally at Harmony Grove a vegetarian, Mrs. He i s tand
you want to break, the best which was held over the Labor promises a good substitute in
way is to drop it. Day weekend.., the form of a nut loaf, unbarï

DEAR LOUIS -- My wife claims What causes a person to
that there is an entity that subscribe to a magazine? This ∂ The public, which thinks
desires to have sexual inter- is a question many a publisher nothing of killing itself in
course with her and that he would pay much to discover -- one way o r another -- smoking
wakes her in the middle of the but here's an idea offered us cigarets, driving recklessly,
night whispering in her ear. by Keral ause of the JOURNAL drinking, go ing to doctors,
My wife is a Spiritualist, I'm OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. He pens: eating food poisoned by pestinot. Can such as this happen? "Since we have made a change cides, etc. - is back to its
-- P.T., Los Angeles, Calif. in the annual subscription pre-fright quota of "cancer
rate for the JOURNAL OF SOCIAL tubes", according to a boastful
DEAR P. T. -- I suppose any- PSYCHOLOGY from $3 to $4, we announcement by cigaret manuthing can happen in Los Ange- are getting results! ABERREE facturers, who embarked on an
les, and it usually does. From readers a r e digging up old intensive advertising campaign
all I've read in the Occult copies of The ABERREE and clip- within minutes after the Govbooks, such as you describe ping out the old ads on the ernment warning anent the dandoes take place -- but I've nev- JOURNAL. They are sending these gers of smoking. It reminds us
er had any experience to ver- old ads with the old rates of a similar incident when Ye
ify this. You see, I'm not a along with their subscription Ed was a boy, clerking in a
∞ Spiritualist either. orders." Then he suggests: confectionery in his home town.

WHY NOT RAISE THE PRICE OF THE Our most popular cigaret seller
to HEART ABERREE AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS? was Camels -- until a rumor got
Since ORION recently raised its out that some lepers had been
(CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2) price, as did the COSMIC STAR, removed from the Camel cigaret
we have plenty of precedent factory. It was amusing how
gal bit of the cold he's been run- should we take such action, many persons who "couldn't
W ning away from for his health, but we feel that this country bear" any other cigaret sudA4 Cold, he reasons, kills bugs, has too much inflation now, and denly developed a taste for
G 1 4 worms, etc., that infest h i s can see no excuse for doing Fatimas, Omars, and some of
fruit and make his diet re- something we chide others for. the labels formerly scorned.
pugnant and, besides, what's a As it is, we figure each copy It might offer a clue as to
CC) vegetarian to do when a hunk of The ABERREE has about five how to " fight fire with fire",
a of forbidden meat -- in the form readers, and doubt if making and we doubt if it's any worse
of a swarm of gnats -- comes that copy more costly (without to start false rumors than to
flying right into your dinner! increasing its quality corres- substitute half a cigaret with
So, Chile, here comes Johnny -- pondingly) would make it so chemical debris and try to
looking for fruits and vege- valuable some o f our lenders give the impression that what's
tables without poison or bits would start holding onto their left won't kill you, in spite
of meat on the side. Since he copies instead of passing them of findings to the contrary.
has reached the stage where he around so freely. Anyhow, it's More evidence that in any game
can walk only with the support an idea, even if we don't put of "murder for profit", the big
13 of a cane, it appears that Dr. much beat in the incubator.., loser is the intended victim --