Volume 11, Issue 5, page 19

came to me and said she is looking and acting better. And she
was. At first, this woman had to hold onto the wall when she
came into my room for the juice. Gradually, she came up and down
the steps without holding onto anything.
Hercomplexion improved, and the many wrinkles many folk who live
in a tropical climate have developed, started to
smooth out-plus she had come up from apathy to anger and was
giving me arguments on how to prepare the juice from the
grass. ***

"Ann Wigmore suggests each Derson should get two or three drinks
a day. I didn't have space to grow so much grass for
that much juice, so we did the best we could.

"A news article in a Miami paper brought over 250 folk to seeme
and how to growthe grass and how to squeeze the juice
out of it."--Bill Joel, 245 West 75th, New York, I.Y.

E) E) e)

"MANY Italian Florentine art

ists depicted the Christ Child as being black. So I guess that
was why there was no room in the inn (even unto this

"In Miss Peach cartoon, dumb little Arthur asked the ouija board
whether he will ever amount to anything. To which the
Ouija board replied 'S-e-r-t-a-n-l-y you will. What one can't
spell out for himself, the Ouija board can't spel I out for him I
except in his own likeness. Not bad.***

"on July 9th, the Pacific coast was to fall in, according to the
best circles."-Phil Friedman, Florence, Ariz.

(ED.NOTE-Since you're much closer, would you mind looking and let
us know if it did? We went the other way.)'

0 0 0

FRED HAND'S comments on my
article read like his de-
scription of my article, but
thanks -Fred, I know you read
the article.

"I was merely pointing out why positive thinking can bring
negative results, if it is assumed that all one has to do is
think positive. Fact of the matter is, many people hurt
themselves because they don't stop to figure out what is meant by
the term 'positive thinking'.

"The abstract portions of the article were forthe benefit of
those playing theta (psychic) games.

'All thinking is a positive ac;ion. However, there are mental
actions that nullify, block, or confuse thoughts and many
people using these actions believe they are thinking while they
are using mental actions. In other words, c on f use the

0 What causes BALDNESS, GRAYNESS, DANDRUFF, and What you can do
about it 1 A top - selling book. Only $2.95. Send to
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Joseph, ;usebins, Gregory, Marcion, the Father of Xanity,
Zoroaster a Y;gbe0dk of Daniel ritten by his, S n .
Prof. Jodolin, Esq., 1 2 2 : Astor Drive, New Port Richey,


acquired an insight to the ancient mystery teachings I hereby go
on record as charging the medical profession with
ignorance of important physiological functions. With all due
respect for their surgical skills, there is still a lot
they do not know about body chemistry. The medical profession
want freedom for themselves, but want freedom denied
to others. The protectors of mankind have

'thought' with what they are doing with the thought.

"Positive thinking as a term is a general ClaSSificatiOn. My
article was a specific Point Of View for those who might
find value there." --Joe Zubris, DorchesterI Mass.

0 0 E)

AVE QUITE a few dreams but
no permission to Publish.
I've put a notation On a lot of
the answers, saying the dream
was nice and asking for per-
mission. Maybe some of them
will send us an O.K. Maybe it
would be a good idea to put a
little notation in The ABERREE
saying something I i k e , 'Be
sure to send permiSSionto Pub-
lish along with the dreams.'**-

"Agree with Rosalind John. Wish more people would send
confirmation when/as interpretations come to pass. I don't
know whether I'm helping these people or not. I know they say 'No
news (complaints) is good news', but II d like to have
some kind of news once in awhile.***

"Heyt that reminds me. Did you read in the Sunday funnies' where
Dennis called them 'frightmares' ? I thought that idea
was pretty cute. II--Lowana Julaine, faalPa. Fla.


Tears are only fear-water.

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P.O. Box 528, Enid, Okla.

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