Volume 11, Issue 5, page 12

healing a chiropractor, his trouble is that the present rent to people who are tired
wife, and a friend of theirs. people in the U.S. have been of living alone and who wish
Every healing given during the brainwashed medically via to be with others who underweek was successful to some boards of health, newspapers, stand and talk the same langdegree. I believe I left no radio, and compulsory uncon- uage -- the language, or 'jardoubt as to the healing power stitutional medical laws that gon', as you would more than
I possess, and that was what I they have no idea they are vic- likely say, of the student or
went there to prove." -- Morris tims of the most gigantic fraud teacher of the esoteric -- and
Xatzen, Cooks Falls, N.Y. and racket in human history. there is a lot of room for
(ED. NOTE -- We found your "Of course, 20,000 chiro- holding classes, receptions ,
claims of what happened at praetors are still practicing musicals, dinners, and all the
Love' s Retreat practically in spite of all that, thous- interesting and enlightening
substantiated -- including the ands of Naturopaths and Chris- functions of creative people.
admission that you take things tian Science practitioners. "Soon, I hope, my house with
too damn' seriously.) But that is a drop in the the golden door will be glow"0 0 o bucket to the take-in of the ing with the happiness of its
S 0MEONE has been sending me regulars with their pals, the (as yet unknown) occupants." --
bulletins they receive druggists, manufacturers. Mi l lesan Drews, 661 N. Mariwith messages from a Planetary hospitals, etc. -- a half bil- posa Av., Los Angeles, Calif.

Council and they are very up- lion dollars weekly and this (ED. NOTE -- We suspect that
setting -- have instructions to is not peanuts. There is enough by this time, the "house with
move to certain safety zones mazuma to bribe and buy any- the golden door" is being diswhich are listed. They even say one.
covered by many who appreciate

to leave your husband or wife As things stand at present what an artist can do with a
if these persons refuse to co- most Americans will have to new three-dimensional "canoperate in your plan to save die from cancer, heart trouble, vas". Our congratulations.)

you self. Fortunately, we are diabetes, etc, Dr. Frederick 0 0 0
within the 100-mile radius of Koch, Hoxsey, and a half dozen "VERY interesting article by
one of these safety zones, but others have cured cancer and Irene Schmeling in the Xmas
if there is any truth in these other so-called incurable dis- issue. I think it would work,
predictions of disaster, why eases by the thousands after too, as long as the animal one
aren't other 'channels' given they were declared incurable. eats is fresh. Wonder how long
the same information? I read But because they didn't use the chemical RNA is potent? I
various other publications, drugs, x- rays, radium, and think if one ate a crab, for
such as CHIMES and ORION, and surgery, they were framed and instance, he might have faint
so far they have not warned put out of business, their olin- memories of being a crab, and
anyone to move to other parts ics closed, persecuted and jail- he might even get some of the
of the country." -- M. Palmer, ed with the help of government cells' ancestral memories. I
Ballston Spa, N.Y. agencies and the courts that told a man who was studying a
(ED. NOTE -- There have been are supposed to protect the New Age philosophy that this
fear merchants peddling this people. This is tyranny of the might explain the deal of a
type of effluvium for centur- worst kind that ever existed man who thought he remembered
ies, and they probably will in world history. It is a per- being a crab way back in the
continue to exist until they fett setup to protect the kill- beginning of the world. (ED.
are absorbed by their own cre- ers and poisoners and jail and NOTE -- Or the Dianetic "Weepation, or until others quit punish the healers. ern?) Of course, it would be
accepting their tripe. This "It is the failure of so- interesting to check this. Maytype of person, labeling them- called democracy and free en- be he did not eat any crabs or
selves "prophet", is motivated terprise that all the humbugs shrimp or anything. It is posoften by the money motive, but are dished out daily from the sible that many of the 'reinthey also can be victims of a house tops." -- Dr. N.S.Hanoka, carnations' of Napoleon and
desire merely to create sensa- (young at 79), Miami, Fla. other famous persons are merely v
tion, or just plain devilment. o o o telling tall tales. Or maybe
I f you are overly concerned by "I HAVE sold my Temple City not. However, I have personthis effort to scare you i n t o property and moved from my ally n e v e r met anyone who W
some questionable action -- be- secluded studio there to a big claimed to have been anyone
fore you sink any money into two-story house in Los Angeles. famous in a former life. Those W
their plan -- use a few dollars Decided to live where my in- who seem to recall former so- d
to check up on the i r back- terests abound, but having journs here in this vale of h
ground, and see to what extent made the decision, I was of- tears say they were not very
their own earthly existence fered thejob of arts and crafts important people -- just about
has been improved or perfected teacher at the Hollywood Wom- the same as they are now. Which
by their "spiritual advisers", en's Assistance League. I ac- brings up a point: just who is
or whatever they may call them. cepted this offer and since an important person? Is it one
You may find yourself better June I have been teaching art spiritually developed, or one