Volume 11, Issue 5, page 6

are available, And this is true for all pleasure moments.

For example, I decided to KNOW what I did
in this Spanish lifetime, and was directed to
look at it. I was a nobleman, re-experienced
meeting and falling in love with -- and marrying
-- a beautiful girl named Maria, in 1517. But --
Several years ago, I was auditing in Scientology a cute little 17-year-old gal -- who was
a Toleo. We happened to be discussing this
above incident at the home of a Scientology
friend. The little gal did some minute thing,
and I became furious. I hid my anger by excusing myself, going to the kitchen for a glass of
water. Later, I asked the hostess to put me on
the E-Meter to find out the reason for this
ridiculous over-reaction. She did. I knew the
little gal in 1519. I had sex with the little
gal in 1519, I got VD from the little gal, in
1519. I jumped off the balcony, ended that life
in 1519.

It was a very uncomfortable experience to
recover this recall. The hostess had me visualize the various parts of this incident in
the room in present time, make them three-dimensional, cony them, let energy flow between
the two mockups. I did this with four visios in
the incident, and felt OK about the whole thing
shortly. When the "solids" are handled, the
uncomfortable significances just fall away. In
"modern" Hubbard Scientology auditing, they
wallow in significances -- just key things out.

A short time later, I got a visio of being
in a bunk on a ship, with a lot of shouting
going on outside. I got up, found that my aunt
had jumped overboard. That was the following
lifetime. I took a body in the same family, and
my wife was now my aunt. It seems that we recognized each other, were very attached. By
1536, when I was 16, we both decided to go to
Mexico. It was the morning that we were about
to land that she jumped overboard. I then realized from things she had said previously that
she was pregnant, had sought to be with me to
the last moment.

In Mexico, somehow, I found myself in very
close association with the "Indians ". Actually,
it was the Toleos I contacted, The Toleos did
not look too much like Indians. They were taller, much more handsomely built. In the main,
they kept out of the Spaniards' way, especially
the women.

Somehow, a Toleo, by the name of Begay, and
his family attended my domicile, and myself.
You see, a name went with the stone, as an
identification. The same name was carried
bodytime a f t e r bodytime. Like my name was
Alanta. Begay's wife was Selvita. His daughter's name was Kitima -- and thereby hangs a tale.

She was about six, when I as Don Francisco
was 17. The first time we met, she confronted
me squarely, with her hands on her hips, her
feet apart, and said, "I am going to marry
you." After awhile, she did -- like it happened
every other time that we met in the previous
trillions or so of years. Since that time, it
has not been so good.

The next 10 years were filled with skirmishes between the Toleos and Spanish. One
thing for sure. The Toleos got all the horses
they needed. The saying was, "One Toleo equals
three Spaniards, one Spaniard equals 10 Indians". I do not have the faintest idea whether
any mention is made of the Toleos in early
Mexican history. It is not too likely, as items
not complimentary to the participants are seldom mentioned. Also, they had no buildings or
written records. Even the name is something I
picked up as being such in an auditing session.
I have been told that "Toleoatlapetl" means
"union of all of the high peoples" in the Nu
awhatl language; that "Toleoatl" is the name of
the leader; that "Toleoatla petlapec " is a
meeting of Toleos, or the meeting place. I've
not bothered to check on this. Similarly, it
is interesting to conjecture that Jacob Walzer, of "Lost Dutchman" mine fame, brought in
only pure gold, not gold ore, and from the Superstition Mountain area; also, a Spanish saddlebag full of gold was found thereabouts.
These details I could not care less about. I
need no further validation. But, if a news
paper man should pump me on this, I would tell
him that I just made it all up. There are a
lot more important things in life than sensationalism.

In 1546, it was decided to abandon Spanish
occupied areas, head northward and to start a
new life, communally, as a tribe. As a final
(and fatal) flourish, we decided to appropriate
a Spanish gold train, take it with us. In all
of this, I was playing the part of a Spanish
Don, but was really a Toleo, as was another,
Sayatata, Don Sebastian. To the Toleos, everything was interesting, aspiring, adventuresome.
They also were precise,concise in their speech
and action. The capture of the gold train, food
stores, etc., in preparation for the trek north
was executed with planning and dispatch.

By this time, Kitima and I were married -- a
fact not recognized by the Church. Now, the
Spanish knew that their gold train was robbed,
but had rather stolidly refused, generally, to
differentiate between Toleos and Indians. A
tall, well-built, good looking "Indian" was
always suspect to them. Anyhow, I arranged to
be assigned to catch them. Some time later, I
had made arrangements to meet Kitima at a certain point on the way north. On being audited,
I got the recall of coming to this point, and
as I rode up I saw one Toleo looking down at
the ground, another one looking out over the
valley. Alarmed -- as these people really confronted you -- I asked what was wrong. The one
looking down at the ground told about how they
were walking along a narrow pass, and an Indian, just for maliciousness, rolled a rock
down, sweeping Kitima into the gorge, killing

Some months later, I was auditing another
Toleo in a distant town. He knew nothing about
this incident. He said, "I have a picture here
of some ground, some grass, the left hind foot
of a horse, and a man's boot in a stirrup."
This is technically known in Scientology as a
"stuck picture". 'It is something from the past
which is in present time -- and could be said to m
be in " no time" -- over which the person has no W
control, and which contains considerable emo- -
tional discomfort, or "charge ". By mocking the it;
picture up in present space of the auditing N
room, copying it, and allowing energy to flow
between the two mockups, he unstuck the picture. He thenproceeded to tell me the same
story, only in greater detail. The fellow who
was gazing across the valley scaled about 25
feet of sheer cliff, killed the Indian. 00
Now, some of you goody-goodies might say, w
" Oh,if the Toleos were such good people, how 04
could they do such a thing?!" I did not say 04
they were "good" people or "bad" people. They W
were not serpent listeners and apple eaters.

As beingness, they were themselves, as an immortal spark of the infinite. As doingness, cc
they were good games players, and behaved appropriately as such. To them, nothing was w
"sacred". It was just something there, to be ,z
understood. They were not ethical -- they were E.,,
ethics, as contrasting the need for a penal
code of morals.

Now, understand that I said that as blackness swept over the earth, that they, too, were