Volume 11, Issue 4, page 16

dE a
"HAVING just discovered The
ABERREE, I have spent a
mad week with nine back copies
*** Have been around since beginnings of Dianetics, spent a
good deal of time and effort
avoiding Scientologists, but
in the last couple of years
have decided to let the critters live and even live with
them. So have been going to
Comm course and Co-audit and
finding it profitable, enjoyable and not expensive***
"The ABERREE is a jewel and
my admiration for its Pub and
Ed unbounded. But its astounding antiquity (TEN YEARS) is
what dumfounds me and gives me
renewed hope for the human
species." -- Barbara Chandler,
Mill Valley, Calif.
(ED. NOTE -- Welcome to our
arboretum. We admire our Ed
and Pub too -- but more, we ad