Volume 11, Issue 1, page 15
horribly fattening things. It voyage, it is determined West predisposing and perpetuating
was slow but sure. One gal is the place of control, and factors found. Then the person
weighed over 20O pounds and after a vicious circle to the almost invariably will respond
lost 30 pounds in tao years. North, the cycle is abandoned. to structural correction or
Of course, she could have done "'The intuitive answers are may not even need it. So it's
much better than that, and much available, but they disturb a case of structurally adjustquicker, by dieting. Also, if the human pattern. Man must ing the ideas of the mind as
you walk four miles per day, continue wi t h his previous well as the adjusting of the
you will lose one pound per habits. Nothing is right ex- diet structurally or the body
week, even without dieting. cept it follows the trend in structurally.
You'll lose a lot more if you existence since history became " Some are calling our work
diet, and exercise won't make readable. Much of the reasons Psycho-somethics. An interestyou hungrier. I got this info for failure of man's health, ing term we think. Psycho for
about walking from the 'Live to success, ambitions, and lon- mind, soma for body, methics
be 100' book. We all need ex- gevity relate to the proportion for methods, and ethics for an
ercise -- lots of it. Also says of his comfortable and artifi- honest presentation of facts
fasting won 't hurt you -- or is cial life against the natural with little or no missing data.
it the Folk Medicine book? I living which was'given him at How's that? A correlation of
know it says you should fast birth. body-mind-methods." -- J.Harold
when you're sick. Makes me "'He is associated with Thibodeau, Box 315, Myrtle
wonder why they always bring himself as God, not as God for Beach, S. Car.
sick people cake and pie and himself. His vision is enrich- n a a
candy." -- Rosalind John, 1533 ed with necessities from his "In an election year, the
4th, Norco, Calif. main topic of conversation
0 o truth bodies, these color the seems to be 'Who will be
0 truth as he sees it t and causes elected?' So I will endeavor to
"For several months I have the real truth to become assn- show what Bio-Rhytmus portends.
desired to thank you for the ciated with the thoughts of Before going to the present
work of certain of your writ- well-being artificially brought year of 1964, I would like to
ers, whose articles have been along the historical path by review what happened in the
especially uplifting, interest- his forbears. review which took place on
ing, or confirming. These are Any trend toward a return Roy Eugene D avi s, Dr. John to nature is met by rebuffs Nov. 8, 1932. You can by mathMinas, Wing Anderson, Prof. from all sides, quoting past ematics strike an average of
Hotema, and Dr. E. E. Rogers, glorious history of this or the positive and negative
whose two letters were wonder- that plan, and what became o f rhythms of any person on any
ful to me for their sincerity, it. Forgotten is the require- given date -- it will be either
truth, and courage. ment of sticking to the basic a minus or a plus. -- and the
"One of the first sections conscious facts which are be- person having the highest avthat I read is your 'Hart to ing hidden to propose the pat- erage of course has the best
Heart' for its newsy variety, tern for life that gives con- prognosis of being a winner.
warmth and tolerance." -- Rda rd trol of his destiny to the So the following numbers are
P.Dickson, Box 5959, San Fran- body desires, rather than the the average of the participatcisco, Calif. spiritual part of man's trini- ing candidates:
o O o ty.'" - - R. H. Reynolds, 38941 Hoover, b.8-10-1874, minus 9.4
is "'The Chapel in
onstructione on Garden'
our VaChelrrleyy, Calif. Blvd., Cherry RiDawes
tchie 8-29-1876, plus 4.5 Plus 1.7
property in Cherry Valley, for o 0 0 12-30-1873, plus 10. 9
RooSmiseveltth 1-30-1882, plus 14.0
the purpose of Spiritual Heal- "Altho we specialize in the
ing and counseling. We are location and correction of Mr. Roosevelt had the highest
building it ourselves, so do structural and spinal disorders score and he was elected. That
not know when it will be fin- and do not treat disease or is history.
ished. Until its completion, disease process -- unless they Now follows the scores of
our home will be the temporary are caused by structural or those being suggested as poschapel, spinal disorder -- nevertheless sible candidates, and at this
"Telephone for appointment we recognize that there are writing, it is not known who