Volume 10, Issue 10, page 20

others seek to 'attain. With it hand for a sure nuf shoot. out. to 36 fluid oz. is one awful lot
I can heal while others .fail. I can draw and clear leather of.pineapple juice! With our'
The light that I possess' and in a second, and fire from improved formula:- 9 parts pecandemonstrate is the founda the hip (can't hit nothing) but yote pulp; to 8 parts water,
tion for my belief that I have hold the record here as the filter, s t o r e in stoppered
observed correctly and reason fastest g u n in these here battles, age 4 to 7 days -- the
ed soundly. To Jacob and Rose parts, partner, so I'm a call- flavor problem is again solved
Apsel let it be known that ing you for a shoot-out... (by an enzyme apparently) while
Katzen had the opportunity to "Now, my predictions have the liquid intake is reduced
receive messages via many me- been 98.9 percent right for to a manageable amount. From
diems and studied the mystical 1963 You say if I was the my experience and observation,
messages received by others one that caused the weather, peyote should not be ingested
which also teach what Katzen you'll mow me down. There just oftener than once a week at
is teaching, but the recipi- ain't no pleasing no one, no the most. Time should be aleats do not understand what how, is there. A psychic is lowed to sort out and incorthey are telling others thru one who can foresee the future porate whatever insights are
such messages. Jacob and Rose -- I have for one year batted gained. More frequent use than
Apsel are wrong in saying that 99%. All t he other cotton this tends to induce undesiraI 'deny' a force -- a spiritual pickers have been off, 75% ble iptroversion and nervous
force -- that does my healing. wrong. Now, may I ask you, tension. I don't recall if I
The energy, or spiritual force, just what do you expect? Here mentioned it before, but we
that I emanate is generated I am working my head to the also established that peyote
from within my body, and the bone, giving you what no other is definitely contra-addictive.
person being healed must gen- psychic has given you, and you My colleague here found that
erate similar energy to effect- have the gol-dang nerve to sit in about 4 weeks, he was able
ively heal his or her own body. up there and tell me I play to to derive the full effect from
The strong power that I can the gallery. Who the heck are one-half the original amount.
radiate proves that I have we to play to, if not to all Apparently th a facilitating
learned secrets about physio- the readers, and about all the effect on the central nervous
logical functions unknown to things they are interested in? system persists to some extent
others. My healing power was Phooey on you." -- Albert Roy for as long as 10 days after
tested in Georgia in October Davis, Green Cove Springs, Fla, the alkaloid has been elimiwith remarkable results. I have (ED. NOTE -- Since you chal- nated in about 18 hours after
been invited to return in June, lenge us, that gives us choice initial ingestion.
1964, t0 give more healings, of weapons -- so we pick Web- "Another finding is that
By the way Jake, did you ever ster's International, or even good jazz musicians derive only
get a message via your plan- his Collegiate, at six paces. moderate benefits from the use
chette that informed you that You still want to fight? Ser- of peyote while playing. It
I was publishing falsehood? iously (what a horrid word) we seems that the psychedelic efDid any other reader of The dropped the "Hi!" column be- feet is about the same as the
ABERREE get a 'Spirit' message cause WE got no "passel" of state of consciousness required
informing him or her that my letters saying how much they for g o o d performance anyway,
teachings were no t reliable? liked the column; if we had, so it doesn't make much difIf so, I would like to know or do, we'd keep it of course, ference. Thus the alkaloid is
about it? Nobody has yet given since The ABERREE's interest of more benefit to the audience
me a 'Spirit' message that in- is primarily the readers -- not than to the musicians. (ED.
dicated that I was being false- the Editor or the writers.) NOTE: We recommend chloroform
ly guided, but many have given o 0 o for most jazz musicians we are
me what they heard from Spirit "I find no real objection to acquainted with. This, too, is
that was supposed to encourage the cautionary note on the end good for the audience.) We
me to carry on. Whose Spirit (of his letter, Jan.-Feb. is- have 'turned on' four musicians
will be the first to condemn sue). Few people have more and this is their consensus.
what I teach? What doth th a scruples against indiscrimi- Conversely, I, when 'turned 7
Spirit say unto the churches?" nate experimenting with con- on', found it easier and more
-- Morris Katzen, Cooks Falls, sciousness-changing drugs than rewarding to follow the music