Volume 10, Issue 7, page 4

should "bear thee a son", and in Verse
XXV "He (Joseph) married his wife and she
bore him a son and he called his name
Jesus '%
It was at this point that the unskillful myth-makers began their deceitful
work in order to make Jesus a unique
character in history, for political and
church power. The occult records state
that Joseph married Mary and she bore him
a son and they named him Joshua, which in
Hebrew means a Saviour.

It should be remembered that the occult records were prepared by the Magi
who attended his birth, while the imperfect records of the church were not compiled until more than three centuries
after his alleged death.

The occult records show that Jesus was born
Sept. 21, B. C.4 -- Julian calendar -- the apparent
discrepancy is due to the changes made by that
calendar in reckoning time. The myth-makers
were now at work and the son of man was rapidly being absorbed by the mythical, "only begotten son of God".

The occult records disclose that Jesus was
the product of this planetary system. That,
like the rest of humanity, he had incarnated
many times; but unlike the majority of mankind, he had profited by his experiences -- had
taken life seriously, had understood the purpose of his creation and incarnations and had
outstripped his more slowly developing brothers. His wonderful progress as an evolving
soul did not lessen his love for his fellowmen,
but instead, filled him with pity for their
blindness and mistakes. In several previous
lives he had tried to do what he could for the ..
people of his respective ages and particularly
in the incarnation preceding the one as "Jesus"
when he was known to sacred history as the
prophet Elisha, which meant, in Hebrew, "God
as a Saviour". o
As Elisha, he did not accomplish all that
he desired or attempted, and determined to
again incarnate as a Jew in order to complete
his work. He well knew the messianic traditions and saw that, by taking a body from the
House of David, at that particular juncture of 4.3
history, he could fulfill many of those traditions.

A cycle was closing and a new teacher a
had to incarnate to revive the ancient truths,
and so, he was willing to make an oblation of Ix
himself for the redemption-thru-truth of the
Jewish world. His life, and not his death, was CO
his gift to man; and that life was to be an ac
inspiration and to reveal that we grow
by attainment and not by atonement. m
(From the Published Lectures of Richard Ingalese.

Copyright 1902 by Richard Ingalese.)
HE OCCULT records say that prior to
the birth of Jesus, angels appeared
Ito his mother, Mary, telling her
that she would bring forth a Saviour -- just as they had appeared a
short time before to Elizabeth, revealing to her that she would bear
a sacred ego; and as they had appeared to the mother of Buddha,
saying that her issue would redeem
the world; and to the mother of Krishna,
to whom the same message was given.

But the further message, as narrated
by the usually published texts of the
Gospels, according to Matthew and Luke,
that a virgin should bear a son is not
corroborated by the other two gospels and
is distinctly contradicted by the oldest
text now extant, of Matthew (Mt. Sinai
text, A.D. 350-400), which in verse XXI
says that the angel told Joseph that Mary