Volume 10, Issue 6, page 10

reverse. This is an arbitrary scale. It is to
be run in the order given, each way, and it has
several purposes. I f you don't succeed in
breaking the blocks on the genetic memory,
learning to run the tone scale and to use it
will break up your patterns of emotional expression, will set you free and increase your
perception simply by breaking up old emotional

Start by asking him to feel the first emotion, happiness, and make sure he does feel it.
Then take him to boredom, to resentment, anger,
suppressed anger, fear, grief, and finally
apathy; then bring him back up the scale. Don't
leave breaks between the emotional tones. As
soon as he gets thru with one, ask him to feel
the next one. Don't discuss the emotions with
him unless heis stuck or needs help. Just keep
him moving at a leisurely rate up and down the
scale, back and forth. Run him down and up it
10 or 15 tines, from happiness to apathy and
back again, and be sure he feels each one.

Then gradually work the transition into a
smooth curve, a swing, so that he is swinging
or rocking the endocrine system of his body
from happiness to apathy and back. Make sure
from observation that he feels the swing all
the way and that he is fairly well aware of
what his endocrine system is doing. Don't ask
him for details, but make sure you see a physical response. When your subject is happy, it
should show on his face; when he is in fear,
it should show: when in apathy, it should show.

Once the scale is rocking smoothly, just
have the subject continue this for five or 10
minutes. Have him extend the range up as far
as he can go, and as far down. And get in tune
with him; make sure you stay in communication
with him and keep him going.

After five or 10 minutes of this smooth
rocking of the endocrine system, have him
reach for the bottom end of the scale, just as
far as he can go into apathy. Your purpose in
this, in fact, is to drop the activity of the
body to a state below that of death, which can
be done. Ask him to go down as far as he can,
and then have him stop there and examine how
he feels. Don't ask for general feelings; ask
for details: how his hands feel, how his feet
feel, how the skin on his back feels. Ask him,
for instance, if the skin on his legs feels
different from the skin on h i s feet, and
things like that. Work him solidly on these
details, because that is where you get what
you want. Ask if he has any unusual feelings.
Watch particularly for a head that feels outsized, or a feeling of having scales or a
shell, or a sensation of swimming or floating
thru space. If you get one of these, ask for
more details. Don't allow him to make a general picture of it until you have been driving
several minutes for details and the details
are quite sharp. You should turn up the effort
You should get something, tho this does not
always happen. Once you get this structure, ask
about its major intention, its purpose. What
was it trying to do? Why was it where it was?
And then, how did it live and how did it die?
What was the goal it tried to reach in its
life, and why was it killed? Especially and
particularly important: Why and how did it die?
When you have this, ask for the emotional
curve of the life form, the way its emotions
changed from the time it was born, hatched, or
conceived until the time it died. Run the subject back and forth on this emotional curve, no
matter what the life form is. If he turns up a
tree, you still ask for the emotional curve of
this life loin and run it all the way back and
forth a good many times.

After he has that emotional curve down pat,
ask to examine the thought stream of the life
form while he is shifting back and forth on
the emotion. Then ask for an earlier life form .
Normally, earlier things will be picked up at
the lowest point on the emotional scale. See
how far back in time you can drive him. You
might even try to send him back to the beginning of time. If he goes back to where he is a
little blue light running back and forth thru
a ring of light, good; if he goes back to
where he is falling thru space, good.

In this technique, the individual may hit
ecstasy. He may hit what he feels is open communication with God. If he reaches this point,
simply let him soak in it for a while. Also,
he may hit the point where he feels he has the
power to do anything he wants to do, alter anything, control anything. All right, this is
fine, but don't expect it to last after the
session is over; leave the room quietly for
30 to 45 minutes and let him sit in the experience and soak it up. After he has absorbed it
for a while, go back and get him back into
present time.

After he has begun to come back to reality,
ask him what relationship the basic intentions,
the basic efforts, have to the way he is living
his life now. How many of these old efforts is
he carrying thru into present life? How many
is he using now, and how appropriate are they
to his present time surroundings?
If you believe in Karma, you will find evidence for it here. I% not saying I believe in
it. The stuff which has been turned up by these
techniques has been used as proof, but whether
this proves Karma does exist is a matter for
each individual to evaluate for himself, The
phenomena of genetic memory are there.

Here is something to be wary of: If the
subject has firm convictions about what is
right and what is wrong, he may run into trouble here, because when perception opens up, he
will see what is. What is and what are generally considered right and wrong are not necessarily the same thing at all. As far as God
and full perception are concerned, things exist; they are, whatever they are. If you insist on labeling them either right or wrong,
you will interfere with your perception of
them, and your perception will vary according
to the amount of belief in right and wrong you
have. Refer to Genesis, the first book of the
Bible, and the story of Adam and Eve driven
out of Paradise because they ate of the Tree of
Knowledge of Good and Evil. This is the same
thing. This is one road that leads back to the
Garden of Eden, but the opinions about right
and wrong, the compulsion to judge and label ,
block the way for many people. The same will
be true of any other very strong beliefs about
religion or similar subjects. Believing does
not make for perceiving. Once your perception
opens up, you examine what exists. You don 't
fight it, you don't judge it and condemn what
you don't like. And you don't try to prove
what you see to somebody else. Simply examine
it and act accordingly. You will determine and
prove the accuracy of your perception by the
effectiveness of your operations in the physical universe.

I might add that wide-open perception is
not necessarily comfortable. It is sometimes
rather painful. It can be very rough on you
emotionally if you are too curious about it.
So take it easy, don't crowd or fight it. Relax
to it, and grow up to it.
(Concluded in the next issue)