Volume 10, Issue 6, page 2
1 Those soda swizzlers on
the cover this month are the
work of Mark Purdy, Enid sign
painter. -N-took two drawings
-- one for the orange and one
for the black, drawn in registration -- to make it usable for
ou r limited facilities. We
thank you, Mark ...
One of the goals of the
Oklahoma City New Age Center
has been reached -- its own
building, a large, well-located house not too far from the
downtown area, at 145 N.E.
14th St. Formal opening was
held 28 August, with the first
of four lectures and classes
by Roy Eugene Davis, who made
a stop in Oklahoma City on his
way to Hollywood for an appearance at Grauman 's Chinese
Theater ... 1 We drove down
from Enid, only to be met by
the tail-end of a spot flood
that threatened for a bit to
make sections of the highway
impassible. But -- no thanks to
a couple impatient transport
trucks (incidentally, whatever
happened to the old picture of
truck drivers being such courteous and careful drivers?) --
we forded our way into the
city and joined the crowd of
about 45 or so who had dared
the storm to hear Davis and
see what Charlie and Velva Joe
Rhoades had done in converting
the old home into a New Age
Center. They are to be congratulated, at least! ... 1 Next
visiting dignitary for the new
New Age Center will be Arthur
tBurks (it'll be past tense
by the time this is in your
hands.) MR. Burks wrote us he,
his wife Ruth, and "the cats"
would leave Paradise, Penn.,
on 6 September, arrive in Oklahoma City on the 8th for a
stay until 16 September, when
he had to leave for an appearance in New York city on the
18th, with a date in Chicago
for the 19th. Later, Velva
Rhoades informs us, he canceled
out plans to bring Ruth and the
cats -- which, we publicly inform all those concerned, is a
disappointment to both the Editor and Publisher. You see,
we both liked Ruth each'of the
two times we met her, and the
Publisher has an unshared affinity for the cats -- in fact,
ANY.cats. However, even with
the reduced attraction, we'll
try and visit the silver-voiced
orator during his solo stay,
even if we're late getting
this hunk of paper ready for
the zip jockeys, and their appointed rounds...
1 Some self-styled "seers"
have warned us lately that our
friend "Louis" is about to quit
us for "greener pastures" -- as
if there are any "greener" pastures than The ABERREE. When
these "predictions" began to
be backed up by a long silence
from our contributor, we sent
an inquiring letter -- is you is
or is you ain' t? He is! says
he; it's just that he's been
busy all summer -- personal appearances in the northwest, a
story in COSMIC STAR that gave
him 750 extra letters to answer, etc., etc., etc., etc. "I
may not make the current issue
but I' 11 get my usual to you,
very soon," he writes. Adding:
"You might mention that I'm
talking in Hollywood Oct. 19,
at the COSMIC STAR Auditorium.
We expect around 300 -- so first
come get the seats." We suggest Louis take care not to
"spread himself too thinly",
but the remark is more allegorical than literal, as most
of Louis's friends will understand. Anyhow, we're glad to
know that so many "seers" can
be so wrong -- as usual ...
1 It's almost nine o'clock ;
the dining room closes at 10;
every one is hungry -- they've
been driving all day -- but the
editor of The ABERREE is a bit
dumb and it takes a lot of explaining about " Coronagraphs",
and how they are made and what
they will do. He even wanted
to see some, and their sponsor,
being enthusiastic and obliging -- well, this about explains
the evening as Neva Dell Hunter, riding in a car with Mr.
and Mrs. Van Hoosear and
son, Ellis, of Lansing, Mich.,
stopped in Enid after a 10-day
Conference in Cloudcroft, N.M.,
which Neva Dell described as
a "wonderful success". She 's
to make a brief stop in Lansing before proceeding east
for a series of appearances to
last until the new year, when
she '11 return to her home in
Los Altos, Calif. But it was
the " Coronagraphs " which held
most of the conversation of
the evening -- a weird "someThe ABERREE
thing" of Bob Beck's, which
registers a thumb-print on a
sensitized p i e c e of glass ;
this, mounted between two polaroid films, "magically" shows
a colored pattern, which, Neva
reads (psychometrizes, wesug -- gested) to indicate how much
one uses his subconscious mind
-- and it 's a darned small percentage , most of us should be
ashamed to discover. Because we
couldn 't get much of the story
in one short briefing (we were
getting hungry too), Neva Dell
has promised to write a yarn
for The ABERREE readers -- and
if she can tell people how to
read those patterns, maybe we
can carry with us , in a handy
kit, the means to check our
friends and acquaintances to
gauge the quality of their
thinking. (Come to think of
it, was that a blank piece of
sensitized glass she handed
us when we were asking all
those dumb questions ?)...
1 If you want something
done, assign it to a busy man ,
is an old truism. Maybe that's
why John Farrell has just been
appointed national director of
Scientology for all of Canada.
He and his wife Tuc have just
announced the birtE of a fifth
wee one: Kevin Graeme, born in
Detroit on June 19...
1 For more than two years,
Earl Dowse. of Ponca City, has
sent us a card or note, on
which were pasted one to five
gold stars, signifying the degree of approval he was giving
that month 's auditorial. In
appreciation, one Saturday afternoon recently, we drove the
65 miles to Ponca City to meet
Mr. and Mrs. Dowse -- and after
looking at the care given their
home and yard, we think each
and every one of those stars
should be returned. "People
think it's funny -- the way I
work in the yard on my hands
and knees," Dowse said, when
we commended the appearance of
the yard. But we don't think
working on your hands and knees
-- and getting something done --
is half as funny as getting on
your knees, and begging someone
else to do it for you. That's
REALLY funny, in our books...
i-If the broken promises
and guarantees of Scientology
were laid end to end, there'd
be no need for better bridges,
all the gaps would be filled!
Most of us who've been around
Scientology any length of time
know this -- so when we get new
promises and claims, we start
automatically discounting them
at least a million percent...
1 Mary Long, who seems to have
the thankless job of recruiting paying students for the