Volume 10, Issue 4, page 15
pops your latest cover. Think
I'll send it on to you anyway,
just for kicks." -- Bruce Meyers,
Rt. -1. Box 388, White Salmon,
(ED.NOTE -- Please do. We're
always interdsted in 'something less difficult to reproduce', and especiall if it
has a touch of humor.
"You think I' m not some
kind of a nut? Well, if I'm
not I've sure got a ' way out'
way of thinking... F' instance :
"You say the June cover depicts nothing in particular;
is a sort of reproduction of
'Blue Boy' ? Well , here's my
version, and it's a duzy.
"Here's this poor baby abominable snow boy with a partially deflated balloon and a
broken yo-yo looking for companionship, but the hound dog
or dog-dog, whatever kind it
is, is really scared simple.
Look at the blank expression
of the eyes, also his mouth is
agape and he's simply frozen
by fear. He did get out of the
collar and that far away from
the chain, but since it's 60
degrees below zero and he's
also scared stiff, that's as
far as he could go.
"All the snow-boy wants is
to play a little; maybe he
thinks he can get some air or
gas into the balloon and his
yo-yo fixed; being sort of 'way
out' himself he doesn't understand these things.
"Isn't it' all typical of
humans tho? The blank expression on snow-boy's face. sure
tells of the perplexities of
the human race while the awesome fearful look about the
deg also depicts human characteristics. Poor doggie seems
to be saying, 'Ma, he's making
eyes at me.'
"It looks like the sun's
shining in that place as there
are shadows, but it's too cold
to get thru to the animals or
what have you. So in life, even
if you want to be friends to
the other fellow, you may look
like a monster." -- Evelyn Beard,
19 N. 3rd, Martins Ferry, Ohio.
"I completely enjoy The ABERREE, and re-read each issue
several times while looking
forward to next one. I'm a
'Meter Maid' (write parking
tickets) for Spokane Police
Dept., and The ABERREE is
passed around till dog-eared!
Know you'd prefer that they
were all subscribers but I
borrow back several other magazines and books, so can't afford to cut off my supply.
Meanwhile, eventually may be
you'll win over and enlighten
at least one police department
and have a 'strange new breed'
that doesn't take things too
darn seriously! You'd probably
be pleased to discover how
much real humor there is in
police files.
"For now, thanks so much
for opening whole new areas of
thought to me." -- Maxine Clearwater, 418 P. 20th, Spokane,
(ED. NOTE -- As a former police reporter, the editor has
been exposed to some of the
humor in police work. Maybe if
the human side of such work
was recognized more, the fear
and disrespect for "cops" and
"law" that is all too prevalent would give way to understanding and mutual beingness.
If The ABERREE helps, we don't
mind how many "free-riders"
share your copies.)
"Our cat...had five healthy
kittens. Looks like the Goddess of Fertility image, which
I bought some time ago for
good luck, has been doing her
stuff. I sent to England for
it. Wish she'd get some of my
cartoons sold for me. Usually,
I don't fall for that sort of
thing-don't know what got into me to send for it. $1.50 of
my hard-earned money at that!
"So, tell Mr. Fred Hand,
who says I'm not aberrated,
that he might possibly be
wrong. I don't know whether to
be flattered or insulted. I'd
feel mighty lonesome if the
Aberreans would all stick up
their noses at poor un-aberrated me.
"However, I do know I'm
'chicken' when it comes to trying out Mr. Harold Schroeppel 's
Advanced Perception I tried
once the relaxing and tensing
in one of the first articles;
when I got up off the couch and
'saw' faces (handsome and
pretty) looking at me very
pleasantly (both male and female), I really got scared. So
I said to myself, 'That's all ,
"I think I'll just stick to
drawing cartoons. Congratulations on the cover picture." --
Eva Woodford, Rt. 1, Box 45,
Lost Creek, W. Va.
"It is a long time since I
have written to you, but this
does not mean I have not received and enjoyed many of the
articles in The ABERREE. I feel
constrained, however, to take
issue with the article in your
May issue by Dr. George T.
Crawford concerning hypnosis.
There are many inaccuracies in
the article. We who use hypnosis only for clinical purposes, even tho our results
are often fantastically favor
able for the patient and
achievable in no other manner,
are nevertheless presumed by
Dr. Crawford to be misguided
fools who are doing an evil
work because we 'control and
dominate the subject'. He seems
to fail to realize the fact
that we are all 'controlled
and dominated' by the various
stimuli of our environments at
all times. It is our job, if
we possess intelligence, to
use, alter, change, or avoid
these stimuli over which. we
have control, depending whether
their effects are favorable or
unfavorable for us.
"It is the last paragraph
in Dr. Crawford's article
which proves that the article
is the result of lack of knowledge and lack of investigation
of the subject: 'Hypnosis in
any degree or under any condition is destructive in nature'.
The same .,self-appointed
'viewers with alarm' told Columbus, without themselves ever
leaving dry land, the terrible
disasters which would happen
to him. They also said anaesthetics were of Satan, and that
women were ordained by God to
suffer in childbirth. Every
major medical advance has been
retarded, often for hundreds
of years, by such 'thinkers'.
Hypnosis is one such example.
Proven conclusively in thousands of cases by Mesmer in the
1700's, by Esdaile and others
in other thousands of cases in
the 1800 's, not until recently
has it become respectable or
acceptable to orthodox medicine. And this acceptance,
overdue as it is, was forced
by the dental use and acceptance, and from that, public
my first realizations, after realization in my
early 30's, of the failure of
allopathic medicine, which I
was well taught, to prevent
disease, or to produce real
health, was that medicine
teaches that disease i.' the
'normal', the usual,- that it
is the 'enemy', thaat disease
'can strike anyone; any time',
that it is no respecter of
persons. These familiar cliches
are even more prevalent, obnoxious, and false today than
they were 30 years ago. There
may have been some excuse for
such beliefs in the dark ages.
Today there are those of us who
can prove they are absolutely
and utterly false. They can,
like the blanket condemnation
of hypnosis, apply only to
those who refuse to investigate, or do not have the ability to investigate provable.
scientific facts. The acceptance of the delusions that 'we
are born in sin and shaped in