Volume 10, Issue 4, page 11
miles, while a soft, gentle
rain gave this section of California some of its first moisture in what may have been
decades -- since only the oldtimers could remember the last
time they'd seen free water
fall from the sky. However,
when we hit the Los Angeles
traffic, it was bumper - tobumper, more stop than go, as
we inched our way into the
city. Eventually, we understand, they' re going to put
parking meters on the freeways
1. Florance Verrico registers a group for the day's activities at the convention.
2. Millisan Drews interprets
one of her inspirational pastels for an admirer.
3. Riley Crabb, BSRA director, rings the bell to announce
time for the next speaker.
4. Miriam Jaye, palmist,
examines the "what-you-wereborn-with" hand of Norman
Fritz, of Del Mar, while daughter Ronwyn watches to see what
kind of "daddy" she has.
5. The dining hall -- and
"bull sessions" over coffee --
attracted many of the convention delegates. Here are, from
left to right, Robert Williams,
Bonnie Browne, Mary Stevens,
Helen Bren, Betsy Kitselman,
Betty Shreeve,and Dave Shreeve.
6. Dr. L. 0. Anderson puts
some finishing touches on his
much-moved Faraday cage.
7. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kitselman stop a moment to smile
at the "stupid" Photographer.
8. Part of the crowd during
a lecture in the auditorium.
9. Fred Kimball, "the man
who contacts the consciousnesses of animals", stoops to
commune with a gopher, which
rejected Fred's first offering
of grass for "something with a
tuft on it". When Fred supplied
the requested tid - bit, the
gopher disappeared, pushing
dirt into the mouth of his
hole because of the gathering
10. What would a psychic
convention be without a psychic? Here are two -- "Louis"
and Neva Dell Hunter, taking a
break from "seeing".
11. Part of the crowd milling around in front of the
auditorium during intermission.
for all cars stopped for long
periods. With four lanes hardly moving, we can understand
why they are sometimes called
"the longest parking lots in
the world".
If Here, we might comment
that the freeways, as we found
them in Southern California,
are traffic bottlenecks -- even
if cars are permitted to travel
at 65 miles per hour. On the
old highways, you WENT places,
on the freeways, you go PAST
places -- and unless you know
the route, getting off a freeway for gas or food is a hitor-miss proposition. Every one
seems in a hurry to get some
place yesterday, and we often
wondered -- even as we "poked "
along at 65 or 70 -- how many
succeeded. Our efforts to obey
traffic laws and speed limits
must have been quite upsetting
to the Angelenos, as one woman
who sped by us yelled in obvious anger: "Get back to Oklahoma". She didn't give us time
to tell her we were on our
1 In Los Angeles, a reception had been planned for us
by the Friends of Dunbar Training Center and Los Angeles BSRA
at Dr. L. Q. Anderson's Research
Center for Monday evening, but
as it was early morning, we
dropped around to see Hardin
and Joanna Walsh and the work
they are doing with color. It
was amazing to see the intricate gadgets they have cooked
up to make their films -- and we
were literally hypnotized by
the crawling, creeping, flashing fantasies which they have
been able to produce. Apparently, the Southern California
area is becoming quite color
conscious, as several of the
demonstrations at the Grove
included color systems by Riley
Crabb and Bah Beck. Maybe the
time will come when color will
be used on the freeways paving
-- not only to differentiate
various routes, but to keep
drivers awake, alert, and in a
courteous mood. Arizona uses a
type of paving that is red and
brown, but we doubt if this is
dictated by other than available materials...
1 It seemed rather odd for
us to be honored guests at a
reception -- but we knew it was
mainly for The ABERREE and its
writers and contributors, so
as representatives for those
contributors, we tried not to
do anything that might make
them ashamed of us. About 40
or 50 of our friends-subscribers were present, and soon
these ceased being little file
cards with names, addresses,
and expiration dates. It's too
bad we can't meet more of our
"family" in other areas; but
it may make it more difficult
to send those nasty little reminders when subscriptions are
about to expire. It's easy to
drop a name, but it's difficult
to do likewise to friends and
familiar faces...
1 A few highlights that impressed us at the reception ...
Millisan Drews, whose pictures
were such a feature of the
convention, got the idea from
Ye Ed's ever-present eyeshade
to invent miniature shades to
be clipped on eyeglasses ...
Volney Mathison admitted that
he may find himself forced to
join hands with Ron Hubbard
in his fight with the food and
drug doctors -- if Hubbard uses
for his defense the claim that
his E-meter is a transistorized copy of Mathison's Electropsychometer -- which has been
given FDA approval... Joanna
Walsh "coincidentally" discovei that she had selected a
Christmas handkerchief when we
mentioned we still were undecided about the cover for the
Annual Christmas issue o f The
ABERREE. Had we been able to
photograph in color, that probably would have been t h i s
month's cover ... Herb Blackschleger, who claimsh a controls weather, sent an emissary
to inquire about Oklahoma's
weather, but lack of proper
coaching caused her to ask:
"How' s the weather in Montana? " We thought it was a
koan, until she later discovered and explained her error ...
Florance Verrico, whose tardiness we thought might permit
us to escape doing it, insisted Ye Ed reclown his "bathrobe
act", which reminded Oscar
Weidhaas of Hollywood th flT
had bought a "money-making"
gadget almost identical to the
one we used, for one mark when
he was in Germany as a boy.
Incidentally, his wife, gynona, introduced herself as
the sister of Charles Rhoades,
of Oklahoma City, showing not
so much that "it's a small
world", but that we do get
around... Even Scientology was
represented -- in the person of
Evans Farber, who says he still
remembers an exteriorization
session with Ye Ed almost a
decade ago, when both Evans
and he were playing on the
same team. Oddly, the part
about the session Ye Ed remembers most, Evans had forgotten ,
and we had forgotten Evans had
successfully exteriorized...
Harold ginney chided Ye-,Ed for
not asking publicly foriflore
(Don't you wish we'd. Out up?
This is positively t'he'-"'last
jump. Please turn to Page 12.)