Volume 10, Issue 4, page 8

l!Jult you, moo, Cdt
REREQUISITES for this lesson are:
the ability to visualize things accurately, the ability to perceive
the future to some extent, and the
ability to create within your own
mind images which you know that you
yourself created, to be able to do
anything with them, and to differentiate between the images you create and those which are created for
you, or presented to you.

Probably the most important technique and
the most useful in the training and understanding of perception is duplication, developing
the ability to duplicate a picture and to handle
duplication. Duplication is in itself a lesson
in perception, because actually, on the highest
level of perception, the universe is perceived
by duplication. That is, you put something out
in your universe, and then you perceive what
you put out. It is necessary for you as an individual, or as your particular section of God,
or something, to put something out in order to
perceive it. You have to keep putting it out
there if you are to see it and study it and
work with it and bump into it. If you stop this
process, the thing will disappear.

You can't just decide, tho, that you are
going to stop putting that wall, or chair, or
whatever it may be, there. You do it the other
way around: If you want to get rid of something ,
you keep trying to put it there and put it
there and put it there -- and as you keep trying
to put it there, all of a sudden it disappears.

If you simply sit down in a room, close your
eyes, and keep duplicating the room around you,
making pictures of it in complete detail, eventually you will open your eyes and that room
will not be there -- and its disappearance will
be no hallucination. Other people in the room
will see it. And you will be able to put it
back whenever you so desire.

This process for demonstration purposes can
be done on any real object, such as a chair or
a vase. If you are doing team drill, have the
subject sit down in front of the object, close
his eyes, and then keep making pictures of the
object. These pictures should be complete in
every detail. They should include the time, the
place, the duration of the object, the solidness of it, all its experience, and everything
else about it. When the subject, in his own
mind, with the eyes closed, makes a perfect duplicate of the object, he will be able to open
his eyes and the object will be gone. You and
other people in the room will still be able to
see it, but for him it will stay disappeared
until he puts it back there.

In reference to the disappearance of an object and what happens when it is fully perceived, there are some comments in "The Sutras
of Pataniali". But the main point is that the
WARNING -- These lessons in "Advanced Perception" are not to be treated lightly -- or delved
in by the curious for-idle or questionable
goals. As the Author cautions, they're dangerous -- and it Is suggested two persons with similar Intent work as a team. One of the risks involved. Mr. Schroeppel warns, is that some who
successfully develop their advanced perception
"are going to see some things they'd rather not
see". And don't mix with any other technique,
or you may find yourself working at cross-purposes. Which Is no place to find yourself, or
for anyone else to find you -- especially an Incompetent psychologist or psychiatrist. They
may gat the idea you're as crazy as they are.
thing will not disappear for someone else just
because it does for you, because it will remain
a part of the common reality. Those things which
belong to you and do not belong to the common
reality will disappear immediately on duplication, and their disappearance will be permanent
if you want it to be. Those things which belong
to the common reality will disappear only for
you and will still exist in the common reality.

The main application for duplication is in
getting rid of unwanted things, foreseen events
you would rather avoid, pains, something which
is wrong with you, things which are in your own
reality that you don't want there, or things
which someone else has in his own reality that
he doesn ' t want.

How do you use this technique? Here is a
simple example: You are riding in a car on your
way home, and before your mind appears a picture
of an automobile accident in which you are a
participant. Immediately, not wanting that accident, you duplicate the picture. You remake
it, again and again, and all of a sudden the
picture shifts. Now, instead of being in the
accident, you are merely watching it as a spectator. You duplicate that picture a few times
and it remains that way ; so, since you are
watching the accident from a nice comfortable
distance, you let it go. Then when you have
gone on down the road a few miles, there's
your accident, just as you last pictured it,
with yourself as spectator, not participant.

This technique is very useful in terms of
future events that you don't want to happen,
because any given future event which you can
see in good clear detail and make a duplicate
of can be changed simply by duplicating it
until it changes into something you would rather
see. You may not be able to move it out of another's universe, but you can at least take it
out of yours -- and this is one method of controlling the future.

Duplication is particularly useful for people who have old pictures stuck in their memories, or other obsessions they don't want. They
may say that a certain memory controls them, or
they keep wanting to see somebody because of a
recurring picture. It may be of someone who
annoys them, who, they say, controls them. If
you have such a case, say to your subject, "All
right. make a picture of that person. Now make