Volume 10, Issue 4, page 3

JULY -- AUGUST, 1963
Vol. X No. 4~ TIBÄRRÄÄ
Recusant Voice of The Infinites
for Earth, Mars, Venus, Saturn,
Pluto, and Zydokumzruskehen
Published monthly, except for the combined January-February and
the July-August issues, at 207 N. Washington, Enid, Okla.

Editorial Office: 2522'4 North Monroe, Enid, Okla.

Mail Address: Postoffice Box 528, Enid, Okla.

Subscription Price: $2 a year, $5 for 3 years. Single copies 254
Second class postage paid at Enid, Oklahoma.

EDITOR: The Rev. Mr. Dr. ALPHIA OMEGA HART, I-2, D.D., D. Scn.,
F.Scn., B.Scn., HDA, HCA, et al ad infinitum ad nauseum

ADVERTISING -- Payable in advance. Write for rates. Copy and payment must reach us 45 days prior to insertion date.

POLICY: Don't take it so damn' seriously.
The infiniteness of Man is not reduced
to a "split infinity" by wars, taxes,
or"experts" who seek to sell him what
he already has in an infinite amount.

Sub-Policy: We reserve the right to change
our minds from issue to issue, or
even from page to page, if we desire.

Sub-Sub-Policy: Each Man has the inherent
right to be his own and only " Authority" -- with his wife's permission.

Sub-Sub-Sub-Policy: We have no objection to
"educated guesses" about Man's destiny -- if there's no price tag to it,
and if the guesser has no objection to
our guessing that he's only guessing.

Brea and "talk shop" with the
editors of CHIMES. We had only
a Postoffice Box for an address -- which is a bit frustrating when you want to see
someone personally -- but always
the optimists, we stopped at a
drug store to look up the address. CHIMES was unlisted.
Nor could the clerk offer us
any enlightening information.
Inspirationally, we stopped at
a printing office, and found
that the one we had picked was
the one CHIMES had used before
they "went offset"; we were
provided a detailed map up a
hill far from Brea, and with
many qualms, we stopped before
a beautiful large house on the
summit, certain we had somehow
failed to follow directions.
However, this proved to be the
right house, and after they'd
gotten over their surprise
that anyone should ferret out
their hideaway, Leiand June
Denton, CHIMES editors, mIca e
us we come, and for an hour or
so, we traded information and
gossip. We have to admit a bit
of envy for all that working
space, but not their isolation.
Fortunately, we have salesmen
so well-trained that few of
them bother us more than a few
minutes, and we wouldn't miss
the contacts with our readers
for anything in the world. We
might add that there probably
will be some changes in The
ABERREE as a result of this
interview, because they, like
us, had to learn publishing
the hard way. Which is a sure
means of picking up a lot of
useful information...
1 We reached Harmony Grove
in mid-afternoon. This is a
real "grove" converted into a
Spiritualist camp -- about five
miles from Escondido over good
blacktop roads, even tho a bit
winding and narrow. The camp
has several cottages, buildings
for the various activities, and
a lunchroom; in late years, it
seems to be used more and more
by groups not necessarily Spiritualist, and there were notices of several meetings for
the near future. In fact, our
old friend and fellow Aberree,
Arthur Burks, was to appear on
the Understandorama program on
June 29 and 30. '
I The BSRA (Borderland Science Research Associates) convention lasted four days, and
usual attendance was more than
100 daily, but we couldn 't hazard.a guess as to the total, as
many came only for a day or so
and few attended all four. The
talks were diversified and
well-spaced, giving ample time
for hobnobbing between groups.
Speakers were available for
off-platform discussions during intermissions or over coffee at the dining hall. The
weather was almost perfect --
with cool, cloudy days and
chilly evenings and nights. In
fairness to all, we refrain
from singling out any one or
more speakers, as each contributed his or her bit to the
whole. Borderland science is a
That lapful of mail which
accumulated during our absence
from the office doesn't seem
to hold a speck of terror for
Pe Pub. After all, what has
she got an editor for?
pretty large field, engaged in
by imaginative persons who are
not afraid to let new ideas
trickle in -- and the speakers
were researchers in their particular facet willing to share
their findings with others in
exchange for fresh ideas...
1 Our first evening, Mary
Stevens picked us up and took
us to LaJolla for a night of
conviviality. Mary, who is a
real estate salesman of proven
talent, gave us a short tour
of beautiful LaJolla, but we
are so partial to our shortgrass plains that this subalpine terrain, plus the mansionproportions of the homes, was
an easy temptation to resist.
We spent the night with Wendell and Gladys Moyer, ii5o
have one of the newer homes in
LaJolla. Guests who dropped in
to share an evening of discussion included A. L . Kitselman
and his wife Betsy, Betsy's
mother, Bonnie rowne, and
Mary Stevens. Naturally, the
t 1T grave ated to Dianetics,
E-ïTherapy, and Ron Hubbard --
and it seems that the Moyers
and Dave and Betty Shreeve,
also of LaJolla, are doing
with E-Therapy what most of us
had hoped to do with Dianetics
-- using it successfully...
1 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ryder of
San Diego, ana theii two children, Adrienne and Mike, visited the Grove and it took little arm-twisting for us to accept an invitation to visit
with them one night after the
convention closed -- especially
when Mrs. Ryder ( the former
Monica Macomber, our secretary
when we were with the Hubbard
office in Phoenix) , volunteered
to lead us into Los Angeles
over the network of freeways
early Monday morning. We had
heard so much about the Los
Angeles freeways that such an
offer sounded almost heavensent. We left San Diego at 5
a.m. Monday, and followed Monica's car's taillight Without
difficulty for the first 100