Volume 10, Issue 1, page 16
youth, unless they know the had lived in Long Beach. I they (the mischievous type) do
true facts... think California, but it could love to k id people. Fred
"An example is the time I have been some other state. (If shouldn' t allow this, should
was lying on the divan one anyone knew of a Dan Courtney tell them he really wants the
summer -- not quite asleep, but in some town named Long Beach, truth. It is a different type
aware of the room, the furni- please contact me.) Dan did of 'material' they are made of ,
ture, and myself -- in an in-be- not stay in my 'orbit' or what indeed, but this is not so
tween state of consciousness. I you'd call vicinity, so I lost much actual difference as a
looked up and saw a man walk him for good. The point I matter of finer vibrations...
right thru the front door! He wish to make -- he had died in It seems spirits gather 'parwas about 40 in appearance and his late 80's, and yet he had tides' about their spirit
wore tan work clothes -- very reverted to a comparatively bodies to make them visible to
neat and pressed just so. His young man in just a short week us when we are in the 'in-behair was light brown, combed or two -- maybe a bit longer, as tween state' of consciousness.
straight back. He had blue-gray some spirits sleep for awhile. In this state, we' are aware
eyes, a tanned skin . He was "Which brings me to Jacob only of the lower vibrations
about five feet eight inches and Rose Apsel's article. I am of the psychic (ie, the psychtall and medium build. I noticed happy that he has resumed con- is counterpart of physical obhe was rather shy -- maybe for tact with the H. W. people. He jects, and this is a lower
barging in this way -- but he is a very conscientious indi- plane condition. If you are
cane over to my side and knelt vidual, and perfectly honest -- projected out of the body,
down by me and seemed to be let the chips fall etc. is his you will be aware only of the
pleading with his eyes for un- motto, apparently. One thing physical plane, unless you go
derstanding. 'Please contact he does'not seem to realize, to the higher planes. In that
my wife,' he said. 'Write to tho, is that when a soul first case, you lose contact with
her and tell her I am alive.' leaves the body at death , it the physical. However, it is
That is when he just melted is taken by spirit helpers im- absolutely impossible for a
away (really, my consciousness mediately to a place where it spirit out of the body to see
reversed itself here, and I can rest... for several days -- physical things in actuality.
became completely aware of the three is the normal time. Since He will 'see' the psychic counphysical -- the hair-like line the soul would be asleep, it terpart only. This accounts
between the two worlds dis- is not on call by the psychic for the strange things he might
solved). Right upon coming out investigator at all hours, or encounter on an astral journey
of this, I could remember the at any time. Especially, it in the material world. He may
man's words, but in a few min- would not be allowed to go out see objects as they were at
utes, even these faded some- of its own 'orbit' or vibra- another tim e, or including
what. This was 1959 or 1960, I tional level, as this would be these with the objects as they
think. weakening and even dangerous. are now. My daughter saw a win"A few days later, a friend One reason Apsel cannot con- dow in our house that she said
visited me, and we got out the tact any other entities than wasn' t there, really. What she
ouij a board. I had almost dis- the ones he has contacted is didn't know is that when we
missed this vision from my that these spirits are in his remodeled this place, we tilled
mind, because I just couldn't own vibratory field, and he in that window and put in othremember enough about it to cannot, normally, go out after ers at a different location.)
know what the man was trying spirits in another vibration. "It is possible Fred's
to get me to do. Just 'contact in other words, it would be spirits were referring to this
my wife', but how, I'd forgot- hard for him to contact my semi-materialization the spirten. We were in the process of spirits, tho mine can travel its are required to undergo
talking to our guides -- hers, to under some conditions. In fact , for visibility, and they may
be specific -- when all at once they travel a lot, but it is have referred to a lattice-like
there came the words, 'The in groups, and conditions have structure in this. I wouldn't
man' s name is Dan Courtney'. to be right. Some 'orbits' are know, as I haven't delved too
Now, I hadn't mentioned this not safe for spirits of a dif- deeply into this 'particles'
vision to my friend, yet, so I ferent vibration. Some are har- deal...A spirit in the daytime
had no idea the message was for monious. The problem of being will look just like anyone in
me. I waited. Then the ouij a 'stuck' in time and space, or the flesh -- you can't tell the
spelledout, 'This is for Rose' being 'blacked out' for an in- difference, until they walk
and repeated the message. Then , definite time, is very real. thru walls or 'melt etc. Here
'he tells you that he asked "It is possible Ansel's spir- is the reason we see only
you to write to his wife.' I its do read the obituaries, but one or two spirits when, in recame to with a shock. That word perhaps he should ask them and ality, the space around us
'write' brought t h e entire not guess at the source of in- could be occupied with hundreds
message back to me, just as a formation. Not that this means on all levels of vibration,
key word will unlock a hypnotic he should swallow every word and each level is unaware of
sequence. I asked for the ad- as truth... not much chance of the others, even tho blended
dress, but Dan said, no, that this guy being gullible... and actually 'inside' the othhe had changed his mind now and "The 'lattice-like beings' ers in the same 'space'. You
did not want to disturb her as may be pulling FredHand's leg! don't go up high, necessarily,
she was in her 80's and very Ha! Actually, the spirit body to go to a higher plane. You
ill and would pass over soon , is a replica of the physical, change vibrations -- step them
anyway. He said he had died in but much more perfect. Even up -- for the higher ones. But
his late 80's too , not long spirits born in the spirit and you can' t go any higher than
ago. At the time, he didn't never having been on the earth your spirit has progressed. It
understand, but now he knew are made the same as spirits can't stand the pain of it and
his wife would be O.K. I tried that have left the physical is turned back. But any spirit
to get the address, just for a body. They are human. Some may can go 'lower' for a time.
test, and there was an inter- not be aware of how they look That's how they can contact us
ruption here and I never got inside. But the advanced spir- here. " -- Rosalind John, 1533
it -- just that the old couple its know all about it, However Uth, Norco, Calif.
APRIL, 1963