Volume 9, Issue 10, page 13
you do some checking, you'll
find it's true -- call it orthodox or unorthodox.
DEAR LOUIS -- Some occultist
says the polarity pole in the
male and female is shiftin1.
Do you see this as true? -- ?I.
C., Indianapolis, Ind.
DEAR M.C. -- The so-called
male, in the original sense,
is rapidly becoming a legend --
and we are not speaking anatomically, mind you, but in
terms of drive. Psychological
(Send your questions direct to and philosophical, as one facLOUIS, 1411 East Missouri, Phoenix, tor, the reverse can be seen .
Ariz., enclosing a stamped, self- I would not look upon this
addressed envelope. For those who change as a negative factor;
^ish personal replies, a minimum rather, it is part of the plan
contribution of $2 per question in which all mankind will be
should be included.) balanced in all aspects of his
DEAR LOUIS -- Do you see a totality. ï
need for vitamin supplements? DEAR LOUIS -- Is the Negro
-- W.L., Glendale, Calif. situation a karmic pattern beDEAR W. L. -- Yes. With our ing fulfilled? Also, are Negroes
present devitalized foods, the a condemned people? -- E.C., Cohuman body needs other than it lumbus, Ohio.
can obtain in the average diet. DEAR FRIEND -- The color of
I do not recommend any specific the Negro -- which in its final
supplement; however, the key- summation is the social irrinote on this is let it be nat- tant in this struggle -- is due
ural, not synthetic, to geographic factors rather
ï than spiritual ones. Black is
DEAR LOUIS -- Why does the the color of the holy of holBible mention sin -- yet you say ies -- the mystery of mysteries;
there is no such thing? -- R.G. in substance, it is the All .
P., New York, N.Y. Therefore, if we look upon
DEAR FRIEND -- Louis is not color alone, these are the
the final authority on al I children of light. I would call
things. You will find many who this situation karmic in its
conflict with my expression of total aspect.
truth. Now, first of all, what ï
DEAR LOUIS -- When wil l the
Bible do you mean? Secondly, I radioactive fallout start damsaid sin is a geographic thing. aging our land? -- J.1., Chicago,
I didn't say it didn't exist. ll.
I merely said where you live
and when you live defines what DEAR J.K. -- Contamination is
it is. So, if you think you're here and it will be with us
sinn'n', move, for another hundred years. I
ï am not an alarmist nor misery
DEAR LOUIS -- I come from a merchant -- but let's face it :
background of very orthodox the situation is dangerous.
People. My father was a Bap- ï
tist minister. My husband DEAR LOUIS -- We not iced
thinks in terns of the unorth- lately that you spoke of death
odox, such as you. My question as graduation. Please explain
is, how do you explain the what you mean. -- F.B., Bellingdevil and his york? -- I. M., ham, Wash.
Omaha, Neb. DEAR F. B. -- We know that
DEAR I.M. -- I presume that birth and death represent the
you refer to the devil as men- alpha and omega of one chapter
tioned a few hundred times in of our soul growth; therefore,
the King James version of the if we look upon the now, or
Bible. Now, let's look at the the current expression, it can
derivation of this word and we be thought of in terms of a
find that it means to be di- school, and, when we complete
vided. Thus, if we keep our our school work, we graduate.
eye single, then we know, un- People get hung up on the
derstand, and live in th e "pleasure and pain" principle
presence of the One. So, the of birth and death and usually
devil is the symbol of the they reverse the polarity, for
dual aspects, meaning, there birth is the pain aspect and
should be but the One. I know death the pleasure aspect. So ,
this version is not as glam- it's pot so bad; I've died
orous as the tale of the lusty hundreds of times an d lived
figure dressed in red, but if thru it.
WITNESS, by J. G. Bennett.
376 pp. Pub. by Hodder and
Stoughton, London, Price 30s.
"Witness" gets its title,
its author, J. G. Bennett, says ,
from his belief that it is an
"essential part of man 's duty
upon earth to bear witness to
the truth as it has been revealed to him ".
The narrative starts during
World War I when Bennett was
wounded by German artillery
fire. Apparently, he spent the
six days of his coma exteriorized, of which he says, "I did
not realize until much l a t e r
that I had indeed died and been
born again:' Of this experience
he speaks often in one of the
most introspective books this
reviewer ever has read. At no
time is the reader permitted
to see anything except thru
the God-seeking eyes of J. G.
This search led Bennett to
Turkey and the Far East, where
he courted the dervishes and
other spiritual leaders who
might have answers for his
probing questions. Among those
he met were Piotr Ouspensky
and George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, who were to play major
roles in Bennett's "search".
In turn, he took up each as
the "supreme authority", subverting his own hodge-podge of
ideas -- a mixture of Christianity and the religions of the
Far East -- and retained these
allegiances until their deaths,
allegiances that kept him in
conflict with himself, the
two teachers, and the groups
he was trying to sponsor at
his home in London.
Because he is so frank and
open in his introspection, one
cannot help a feeling of annoyance at Bennett's failure
to profit from what seems so
apparent to even his wife -- that
despite his rejection of selfreliance, he has a surfeit of
self-will that is continually
getting him into difficulties.
Even when he knows that the
decision he is making is a reflection of this fault, he
nevertheless carries on -- usually to a less -than-optimum
It is not until seven years
after Gurdj i of f ' s death, and
Bennett 's reaching of his 60th
year, that he discovers in Muhammad Subuh the qualities
which he thought nm ght permit