Volume 9, Issue 10, page 2
1 It wasn't speaking too
well for the accuracy of the
Hubbard E-meters when a Federal stool pigeon could study
Scientology for a month, take
the "security check" (eight
pages of questions to uncover
if you have a criminal past or
are a Scientology subversive),
and escape with enough data to
spark a suit for the seizure
of all Electrometers and 21 of
Hubbard's advertising pamphlets (including a "biography").
Sounds a bit like the story of
the watchdog that barked at
the neighbors, but only wagged
his tail while thieves looted
the family jewels...
1 The facetiousness of the
above paragraph does not mean
that we feel the Government
was operating within its rights
in staging this raid. How can
a Government clerk possibly
evaluate an E-Meter, or understand anything about "freeing
the human soul" from the bondage of 20 centuries? Before we
start selecting this or that
"gimme game" for a target, we
should weigh on the same scales
all the vats of "holy water",
the trays of "Christ's blood
and body" that are rewarded
those who seek to ransom themselves from an invented Hell ,
and the bazaars and con-games
that flourish under ecclesiastical immunity to the laws of
states and communities., There
may be unconscionable profiteering in Scientology, but we
feel that no "planted Judas"
can evaluate to what extent
after only a hypocritical few
days of pretending to attend
HIt sounded pretty depressing when Max Freedom Long, of
Vista, Calif., announced that
he may discontinue HUNA VISTAS,
his communication with followers of Huna, before the year
is out. It's not that he's in
bad health, he says -- just that
his Guidance suggests he "run
things in a more orderly manner" -- which includes his not
spending 10 full days out of a
month on a project that neither pays, nor is fully appreciated. We hope that in this instance, Guidance is wrong and
that Long will be around for a
lon-n-n-g-g-g time...