Volume 9, Issue 7, page 10
In conjunction with this space exercise and
creating things, there is a book in Dianetics
which might prove useful to some students,
called "Self-Analysis in Scientology ". It contains a number of lists and imagination drills
which could be used by a team. The director
can drill the subject on imagining the items on
the lists and moving them around, putting them
in different parts of space. If your drills
don't work too well, you might get one of those
lists and go down it.
A man should own his own space, and should
know what he creates in it and whathe does not.
He should be able to put an imaginary point in
front of him and say, "I put that point there".
He should be able to imagine anything around
him anywhere which he himself desires to imagine, in full color; he should be able, if he
desires, to smell it, to taste it, to see it,
even to reach out and touch it -- and still he
should not confuse the imaginary thing which
he put there with a real thing which exists,
nor should he confuse his imaginary item with
one that somebody else put there. The purpose
of this drill is to give the student control
of his own imaginary universe andof the images
he creates, to assure him that he controls
them fully and that they are his, not someone
else's. So, in working with a partner, drill
him on creating images and then ask him if he
made the things up out of whole cloth. Ask him
for things which are completely impossible in
everyday life; for example, solid rocks that
melt and run like water, eggs frying on ice,
sunshine that gets colder when you soak in it,
people who walk on their heads -- anything which
is totally unlikely in the real universe. It is
important that a man should own his imaginary
universe, and that he should not confuse it
with the real universe.
How do you check whether a picture is yours
or not in imagination? If you can alter it, it
belongs to you, no matter what it is. Three
others may own it, but if you can decide to
change it, and reach out, and it changes, it is
yours. If you cannot, it does not belong to
you . This includes all kinds of stuff: headaches, dreams, images, anything. If one of
these strays across your mind and you can alter
it, it is yours. The fact it also belongs to
somebody else has nothing to do with the case.
Conversely, if there are a hundred thoughts
running around in your mind, and you can't
stop them, they don't belong to you. If you
can't get rid of them, you don't own the space
they are running in either. In its fullest
function, the mind should not mill or spin or
be filled with idle pictures. Either it should
be focused on what you are doing, or it should
be clear, or it should contain more or less
background noise which you can turn up or down
at will. You should be able to clear it yourself, to remove pictures from it deliberately.
Practice on this one.
I might add, if you haven't discovered it by
now, that you don't necessarily think in the
space which the brain occupies. You should own
a minimum of space extending several feet
around you, depending a little on how many people there are immediately around where you
work, and on similar variables. But generally
speaking an individual should be able to walk
into a room and own the space of the room, be
able to put his own images and pictures into
that space, and to know whether there are any
strays in it.
Also, in terms of imagination and reality,
there is a point at which there is some difficulty in distinguishing what is real and what
is imaginary. But for most of you this will be
a beginning point a n d not an ending point;
that is, you will have some trouble in the beginning recognizing whether you are preserving
a real incident or an imaginary one. Therefore
you should drill a lot on the imagination,
until you know what you have created from imagination, that it is not real, but something
that you have made.
Some persons have a problem if their creativity is high: How do you prevent this imaginary thing from happening in the real world?
and conversely, how do you get rid of a thing
which happens in the real world?
In order to keep your imaginary thing from
becoming real, you do not put energy into it.
Energy can be of several kinds. It can be positive energy, such as, "I desire this to happen", or it can be negative: "I desire that
this does not exist" -- pushing against it,
willing it not to be so. Either positive or
negative energy will cause realization , and it
doesn't matter which you use. If you put energy
into your imaginary creation, you will cause
it to appear.
Positive energy is the energy of desire:
"It would be great if this happens". As long
as your picture floats across the background of
your mind and you know that you created it, you
don't have to worry about walking into it tomorrow. But if after it floats across the background of the mind by your creating you think,
"Golly, that would be something -- I would love
to experience that, to feel and sense it in
emotion and effort", then you are putting desire into it. According to Yoga teachings,
anything which you desire for four seconds becomes intentional and realizable, maybe not
instantly realizable, but it becomes possible
then to appear as a real thing.
The same thing applies to the imaginary
creating you don't want to realize. The minute
you put negative energy into them by saying,
"I don't want to see that," you also help them
to become real. So you can't uncreate anything
by pushing against it. You don't uncreate it
by saying, "I don't want this broken leg to
exist", or,"I don't want this accident to happen"; because in so saying and thinking, you
are putting energy into the incident itself.
You are validating it, which is the last result you intend. Never say, "I don't want this
to be". What you should say is more like,
"That is interesting, but why can't we cause
this instead?" In other words, if you see Joe
Doakes in an accident over here and you want
to change it, what you picture is Joe Doakes
without his accident. I f you want to heal
something like a broken leg, you don't picture
a broken leg; what you picture is your subject
with the leg healed and using it happily.
This is an important point in terms of making things, as far as thepsychic universe goes.
It makes no difference whether you put positive
or negative energy into your creation. Either
one will cause it to happen. Positive energy
is desire: "It would be wonderful if this
would happen ". Negative energy is repulsion:
"I hate it, I don't want it, it doesn't belong
here". Either one of these will realize a
thing sooner or later.
Different persons seem to require different
amounts of energy to cause a thing to happen.
With some, a single thought -- "It would certainly be nice for this to happen" -- will be
plenty. With others it will take quite a bit
of thought. All this is an indication of your
degree of ownership of the universe. The indi(PLEASE TURN TO PAGE 14)