Volume 9, Issue 7, page 4
WRITING things out is a well-known tool to
the psychologist. It is valid therapy,
both as emotional release for the person,
and as informative material for the analyst. But, in "Does Honest Writing Alter
Past, Future?" (September ABERREE), Bob
Arentz and Alphia Hart seem to have both missed
stressing a vital factor that separates the
therapeutic writing from the non-therapeutic:
Motivation !
In the quote by Hans Habe, the therapeutic
value in the autobiographical project is predicted. Thus, it is therein suggested to a
person already desiring self-understanding and
change. The issue is somewhat confused by the
suggestion that "everybody should write his
autobiography" -- until one grasps this to mean
that "everybody" should also desire to change
and improve their understanding of themselves.
This unconfuses the all-inclusive statement.
Unfortunately, this motivation is not general knowledge to those with a desire to become writers. Such a desire is mostly compulsive. (I have been, in the past, a compulsive
writer from age 13, and still am, to some degree.)
Compulsive writers are a morbid combination
of complex motives, mostly unrecognized by
My compulsion stemmed from a desire to show
that I could be somebody (I was an unwanted
nobody); to gain independence by self-support;
to justify my existence, and to blame villains
for the sad shape the world was in; to "TALK"
to somebody out there; etc.
Here is where Bob Arentz's specifications
fail to meet the picture as I see it. He says
that acceptance of the communication is "vitally necessary". I am forced to disagree.
Compulsive writers such as Thomas Wolfe and
Eugene O'Neill wrote autobiographical material
and were accepted. But their biographies are
quite sad as far as therapeutic progress is
Any published author is going to get both
constructive and destructive criticism. That
is a cross to be borne. But to say that therapy
is obtained because of "acceptance" and a "vital necessity" is saying that one is totally
dependent upon others for one's progress. This
seems to be a dangerous assumption, and an invalid one. What Henry Miller was quoted as
saying ( "what the reader or critic makes of it
is not my concern ') i s very valid, and quite
My most successful case as a Dianetic auditor came from a pre-clear who "wrote it out".
She wrote of her early home situation, how she
felt about the adults around her, what incidents she felt had contributed to her problems.
HE MODERN mania for money, ease, and style
has created the "Art of Plastics". This
unnatural chemical field has spread rapidly
and has included almost everything we use,
from our clothes, chinaware, brushes, etc.,
Ito our building industry. Most of our
prominent buildings today are erected of plastic materials -- from the outside covering to
the inside partitions, desks, chairs, draperies, etc.
The public has become mad with innovations.
Thru the high-pressure salesmanship used in
advertising, the people have become hypnotized
to the bidding of the manufacturer, and obedient
buyers of all these unnatural, poisonous, and
dangerous- to - their- health articles. In our
present hurry, people have no time to study the
article they are going to buy and use. We have
become a superficial and gullible people.
Now the question arises: "What are plastics? Of what materials are they made?" According to Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia, "Plastics are composed of the following
materials: vinyls, polystrene, phenolics, polyethylene, polypropylene , ureas , m e l animes,
etc." But all these substances are known to be
highly poisonous and as such are injurious to
living organisms. Thus, all plastic dishes,
containers, bottles, glasses, cups, etc., that
are used today in our homes serve to slowly
poison their users.
The nylon and other chemical plastics used
in stockings, underwear, in garments, brushes,
etc., serve the same principle. The same holds
true for all plastic materials from the smallest to the largest building which we so much
admire and of which we are so proud.
It is a scientific fact that every substance -- be it a mineral, plant, or an animal --
vibrates and continuously sands out and re
ceives radiations from its surroundings of s.
positive or negative nature, of a high or low
wave length, promoting health or causing disease. Vibration forms the basis of creation
and of all things and beings. Disease is nothing other than the body's or its organs' change
of vibrations above or below the normal rate.
This change is caused by the food and drink
that are allowed to enter the stomach, the air
we breathe, the emotions and thoughts that we
entertain, and by the surroundings in which we
live. Most diseases of todd are caused by the
above factors in our life.
Recently, I visited one of the latest,
largest, and most magnificent office buildings
in Manhattan. The vice-president of the company , whom I saw for some business, proudly
took me around his floor, pointing out to me
the new facilities, the modernistic plastic and
metal partitions, the multi-shaped furniture
and equipment. Then he asked me how I liked
the building and the modernistic office facilities.
In my philosophic frankness, I told this
modern enthusiast that as a scientist, philosopher, metaphysician, and Naturopath,- I would
not accept, even gratis, an office in his beautiful building, because the obnoxious radiations and emanations of its plastic materials
and their inharmonious shapes affect the physical and the mental health of its occupants. I
warned him that most of the present day tenants of the building, in the next five to 10
years, will develop one of the many of our
present "mysterious diseases and ailments" and
will be removed from such an unwholesome environmental association and influence.
All the above facts can be also verified by
the art and science of radiesthesia.