Volume 9, Issue 6, page 10

The records are the essence of this system.
Make them as detailed as time will allow; make
them consecutive and keep them up. When the
returns come in, check them against the dreams
or visions and see where you altered them and
where they were accurate. This will give you
some insight into yourself and what you really
want, and how much control you have over the
future. Later on this last item will be important to know , because we will work on it. We
want to see that you do control the future,
accurately and easily, so that you get the
future you want.

For those who are working together as a
team, here is another technique which can be
used if both members are in good shape. Some
time when you have two or three hours to work
uninterrupted, sit the subject down in a comfortable position and ask the one question
over and over again, in one form or another.
(This is rough on the individual who is driving
the technique. He must have patience to keep
asking one question for a couple hours, but
that is necessary for results.) The question
is: "Give me something which you are willing
to cause or create." You can vary it as regards time; you can say, "cause or create tomorrow", "cause or create next week ", or "cause
or create next year": The basic question, however, must always be the same; the wording
must not be varied: "Give me something which
you are willing to cause or create". "Give me
something else which you are willing to cause
or create".

You want a response from the subject. He
may name it; if you are curious, you will want
this, but it is not necessary so long as you
are sure he forms the response. Keep the thing

Usually the first things will be what the
subject does not want to cause or create.
Later you will begin to get what he is really
willing to cause or create.

This should be driven for at least three
hours. If there is a long lag between answers,
say 15 or 20 minutes, it should be driven for
some time more, if not in the same session, as
soon as you can work together again. What you
want is almost instantaneous answers, at most a
couple of seconds in comins.

The requirement for full perception is to be
willing to cause or create anything within the
physical universe, no matter how nasty, how
pleasant, how beautiful, how ugly -- to be willing to see it, to observe it objectively, to
know that it exists. None of us is going to
acquire this fine impersonal detachment immediately. But the spread of the willingness
determines the growth of the perception. Your
purpose in processing your partner on this particular term, "Give me something which you are
willing to cause or create in the future," is
to open up the individual perception.

You may, if you are feeling sociable (or
unsociable!) and want to see some interesting
results, say, "Give me a murder which you are
willing to cause or create in the future," and
other things like that. That may sound like a
mean question, but nearly everybody would be
willing to cause or create the murder of someone like Khruschev or Hitler or Mussolini. A
few subjects will not. But the inability to be
willing to cause these things is the inability
to see them and to control them, because in
order to control a thing it is first necessary
to have the willingness to cause it. This goes
for any part of him -- headaches, pain, incident,
anything else. If he is not willing to cause
it, he cannot uncause it, as far as the mind
is concerned.
You will not get a full and wide-open perception this way. You will do quite well on
anybody to open up the perception a little. If
you run your subject three or four hours on
this stuff, he may hand you back 30 or 40 major
incidents which will happen in the next year
or two or three. However, he may pick up a- few
other things. For instance, I am so minded that
I can read newspapers a couple of weeks in the
future, not as actually seeing the newspapers,
but seeing the incidents which the newspaper
describes: a body being dug up, a disaster, or
various events. These things can be foreseen,
and for our full perception it is necessary to
be able to look at them and observe them without saying , "My God, I've got to stop this!"
Remember that there are reasons for everything
in God's universe, even disasters. But how
much of it has to exist in your own universe
is up to you. That can be changed.

If you can get the books, there are some
references which may be helpful. I suggest you
read pages 161 to 190 in "The Secret Science
Behind Miracles", by Max Freedom Long (P. 0. Box
875, Vista, Calif.), and available at most
bookstores. John W. Dunne's "An Experiment in
Time" is available in many libraries, and covers the recording and checking technique well.
I believe too that in the writings of Jung
there is quite a bit of work on the dream
technique for clairvoyance and various other
things in opening up the perception and integrating the individual.

Max Long has also published some bulletins
which you may be able to get from him. They
have. to do with clairvoyance and the methods
of developing it. They also cover what not to
do; he has quite a bit in them on mistakes to
avoid. The major caution is not to refuse any
of it, no matter what it is.

Another point to watch out for is this:
After the future opens up for you, you may begin to see deaths, accidents, and all sorts of
things coming toward people you know. It is
not necessary for you to do anything about
these things. Simply observe them. This sounds
callous; but if you feel the necessity to try
to alter the future indiscriminately, you're
going to have trouble. Full perception does
not require action except where the thing is
immediately under your feet and you have both
the right and the ability to do something.
Don't try to play God. Even in cases close to
you, consider very carefully before you do

If you are so minded as to attempt to prevent
a future, do not tell the person, "I see you're
going to have an accident at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning". Suggest instead he do something
other than go riding. If he will change his
plans without a lot of resistance, all right.
But if he says, "No, I've absolutely got to go
riding, even if it kills me," you don't bother
to tell him that it will kill him. Instead,
say something like, "All right, goodbye, nice
knowing you". And don't parade your greater
wisdom; simply let him go, because if you lift
this particular incident from the individual,
he will have it next week, or next month, or
next year. To prevent a scheduled accident or
disaster, it is necessary to remove the intention which causes it. This intention is very
seldom stated as "I intend to have an accident
at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning." It is in fact
rarely stated at all; it may be a deep feeling,
perhaps subconscious, that "I intend to be
just like Mother, and Mother had a fatal accident", or, "I've got to do this, no matter what
happens." If, when you say, "All right, you