Volume 9, Issue 6, page 9

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HIS LESSON covers the dream technique
for seeing and knowing the future.

The prerequisite for it is a strong
and ardent curiosity, and very little else. This is a slow method,
and not applicable to everyone, but
those who can use it will find it
quite helpful. The technique is
this: As soon as possible after
waking, write down a record of
dreams which are clear and vivid with apparently real scenery. The symbolic dreams
and those connected with memories can
also be recorded; but the stuff which
should always be logged, as soon as possible after awakening, includes all dreams
that are sharp and that contain images
from the real world, such as people,
trees. and similar details.

It is best to keep a notebook and pencil
alongside the bed in order to make the record
immediately. If you sleep with somebody else
who might be disturbed by midnight jottings,
keep a notebook handy in the bathroom or any
other convenient place, so that no time will
be wasted in getting that first, fresh memory

Later on when you have time, transcribe the
notes to a permanent record, with the date,
the time, and your guesses about what the dreams
mean, if anything -- your interpretations -- and
do free association on them. I keep mine typewritten in a looseleaf notebook with the pages
numbered; but any kind of neat, permanent form
suitable for easy reference will do.

After the dreams are written down, you don't
worry about them unless they require action on
your part. The time element for dream prognostication varies a lot. Mine run from 24 hours
in the future to as long as a year, or perhaps
longer; I have some which have not shown up yet .

Most of the future is quite trivial, but
don't ignore it simply for that reason. You
don't have to record it if you don't want to;
but don't ignore it, or wish you hadn't seen
it, or didn't know about it. Simply observe it.
Make notes about it, not necessarily in great
detail; all the laundries to be done, all the
meals eaten, all the familiar people met, don't
have to be entered in your log with extreme
care. You might make a little note such as: "I
saw what I'm going to do tomorrow, and most uninteresting"; but don't push away or refuse
the low-key stuff, the routine which you know
will happen. Observe it, take a look at it,
and then as you do this make some plans for a
WARNING -- These lessons In "Advanced Perception" are not to be treated lightly -- or delved
in by the curious for idle or questionable
goals. As the Author cautions, they're dangerous -- and it Is suggested two persons with similar intent work as a team. One of the risks involved, Mr. Schroeppel warns, is that some who
successfully develop their advanced perception
"are going to see some things they'd rather not
see". And don't mix with any other technique;
or you may find yourself working at cross-purposes. Which is no place to find yourself, or
for anyone else to find you -- especially an incompetent psychologist or psychiatrist. They
may get the idea you're as crazy as they are.
interesting, this means you didn't plan yourself anything interesting. We will give you a
lot of data on how to change the future after

If your dream seems to be half symbol and
half reality, record it and make a guess as to
the meaning of the symbol.

After several months, or when you think you
recognize a dream in your daily life, go back
and check the record, and enter the real life
occurrence with the date and circumstances.
You can then check which ones were accurate
and which inaccurate. You can also see in a
record of several months which ones contain
past desires translated into the future, and
things like that. This will give you a lot of
data about yourself as well as the future.

This technique is slow. Don't expect results
immediately, altho if you are in good shape you
may get them. But to give it a fair trial you
will require time; it may take two or three
years to work properly.

Some of you may already see the future in
daytime visions. I frequently do, when I sit
down for a few minutes and relax the tension
of normal activity, when the environment doesn't require so much time and attention. Bits
and pieces of the future come floating in to
me, and I note them down on my calendar if at
work or on a piece of paper at home and transfer the notes to my permanent record later.
With full perception, the future is available
to you any time you want to see it. However,
everybody doesn't want to see it at any time.
You must have the simple desire to know what
will happen in a specific situation, and to be
able to get an immediate picture or response
to that desire.

There is another thing to bear in mind :
Knowledge of the future will not always be contained in pictures. It may be contained in
sensations, in emotions, or in opinions about
something. Don't expect always to see it as a
nice, clear picture. It may be a sense of irritation in thinking about a particular situamore interesting future. If your futures day tion. So you will observe, " I was highly irriin and day out are nothing but dull routine, tated," and go on to analyze what would have
something should be done about this, not in to happen to make you irritated. Record the
terms of seeing them, but in terms of planning irritation and the speculative analysis; the
them. After all, the future is the result of more detailed, the fuller records you keep,
your present-time plans, and if yours isn't the better your ability will become.

OCTOBER, 1962 The A B E R R E E