Volume 9, Issue 6, page 2

Most of the material used
in The ABERREE has no time element -- meaning articles used a
year or live years ago are just
as good (or as bad) today as
they were the month in which
they were printed. However, we
have in the past accepted copy
-- letters, articles, sometimes
even advertising -- up to a few
days before we had to start
printing, if we were to get
the magazine mailed on time.
This month, tho, we are starting to change all that. Growth
has made it necessary that we
have more time for preparing
the pages, getting them printed, and the magazine put together and ready for mailing.
So... since there is no way to
stretch a day into 48 hours,
we are moving up the deadlines
a month. For example, letters,
articles, or advertising received after the 15th of the
month will be held for the issue next-after-the-next, i. e . ,
copy received after the October issue is mailed will be
considered for the December
number -- not the November. This
should remove some of the
pressure from last -minute
changes, which have been one
of the "bottle-necks" to efficiency in the past.
1 This month, we've fudged
a bit, and it may take awhile
before the system can be fully
operative; it even may mean a
16-page issue or two until the
back-log of copy builds up to
the point where we have a selection from which to draw for
a balanced "menu ". However, we
doubt if readers will notice
the change, except where controversies are concerned. Each
side will merely have to wait
another month to learn what
the reaction is from the opposite viewpoint.
1 The efficiency of this new
system could be balked should
readers start taking more time
to send in their contributions.
However, we are certain there
are so few procrastinators in
our audience that we're not
expecting any difficulty on
this score.
1 And it should mean a better magazine -- more time for
selection, better editing and
copy preparation, fewer errors
slipping thru under the pressure of too-little-time. But
the magazine can be no better
-- no matter how much time we
take -- than are the articles
and letters we get from our
readers. If there's something
about The ABERREE you don't
like, think a minute -- what are
YOU doing to improve its contents? After all, a forum is
no greater than the tone of
the participants. All we do is
select from material available
-- and if you think The ABERREE
is "garbage" (as some have
charged), remember we tried to
pick the best we received. You
should have seen the stuff that
didn't make the grade
1 Oklahoma has had drouths
before -- such as in 1934 and
1936 -- so the present suffering
can't be entirely laid to the
U. S. and Russian bomb tests,
as much as we'd like to. Anyhow, at the time this is written, our "driest August" in
history has made a mockery o f
lawns and gardens -- even the
"pet plants" that have been
given special treatment with
Dorey's "D"-Cell water seem to
be turning up their toes under
the onslaught of "Heaven's pyromaniac"... 1 In August, Enid
voted $500,000 to build a new
City Library, and Alice Hart
was appointed on the "watchdog
committee of 35" to make recommendations as to its site,
architecture, etc. However, if
she doesn't come up with something better than she has with
the Lending Library, which has
practically pushed us out of
the dining room, we facetiously
suggest Enid library patrons
may find themselves going thru
a cafeteria l i n e, carrying a
tray of books, coffee, and as
varied an assortment of food
dishes as their appetites (and
pocketbooks) dictate...
1 Ever since a columnist on
a copy of The ABERREE to prove
he owns a thesaurus, our mailing list in Vancouver has been
growing. N o w , to Vancouver
falls the distinction of being
the first city in which The
ABERREE can be found at a news
stand : the Yoga - Vedante Book
Store, at 1025 Robson Street.
We hope this is a shadow of
things to come; altho we're
not particularly inviting open
attack from by-lined space t11lers in the daily press -- if
this is a requisite to growth
of The ABERREE -- who's next?...

1 Johnny Love4sdQS, who's
been touting his three-fourths
acre home near Otavalo Mta
"Paradise of Eternal Youth",
recently took a long-deleted
trip south to Loja, EctiadOr,
helping a visiting friend (female) straighten out some baggage difficulties with customs
officials. He was so impressed
with the fruit he found at
Loja, and the fact there were
no biting insects, that he has
stripped his 'Paradise" label
from Otavalo and pinned it on
Loja, has applied for a job as
teacher in the University of
Loj a, and is offering his old
"Paradise" at Otavalo, with a
"garden in production", to anyone wanting to make a Paradise
out of an ex-Paradise