Volume 9, Issue 5, page 3

Vol. IX -- No. 5
Recusant Voice of 'The Infinites\
13 Ä R R for Earth, MVenus, Saturn,
Pluto, and Mars, rs un Venus, S urn J
Published monthly, except for the combined January-February and
the July-August issues, at 207 N. Washington, Enid, Okla.

Editorial Office: 2522% North Monroe, Enid, Okla.

Mail Address: Postoffice Box 528. Enid, Okla.

Subscription Price: $2 a year, $5 for 3 years. Single copies 25t
Second class postage paid at Enid, Oklahoma.

EDITOR: The Rev. Mr. Dr. ALPHIA OIBlOA HART, I-2, D.D., D. Scn.,
F.Scn., B.Scn., HDA, HCA, et al ad infinitum ad nauseum

ADVERTISING -- Payable in advance. Write for rates. Copy and payment must reach us 45 days prior to insertion date.

POLICY: Don't take it so damn' seriously.
The infiniteness of Man is not reduced
to a "split infinity" by wars, taxes,
or "experts" who seek to sell him what
he already has in an infinite amount.

Sub-Policy: We reserve the right to change
our minds from issue to issue, or
even from page to page, if we desire.

Sub-Sub-Policy: Each Man has the inherent
right to be his own and only " Authority" -- with his wife's permission.

Sub-Sub-Sub-Policy: We have no objection to
"educated guesses" about Man's destiny -- if there's no price tag to it,
and if the guesser has no objection to
our guessing that he's only guessing.

Is it a coincidence that
much of the great thinking of
the past is attributed to men
of letters -- writers, both fiction and non-fiction? Or is it
that we know only of these because their thinking is recorded for all to read, while
many just-as-great thinkers go
unsung because they keep their
thinking to themselves -- or, at
most, offer then only to a limited audience just as transient
and unrecorded as are they?
These are some of the questions that arose as we contemplated some copied quotes sent
us by Bob Arentz, a writerthinker who has been doing some
thinking (and writing about it)
in these pages for a long time .
We asked Bob to write us an
article about his thinking on
the subject, but it's been hot
in Pennsylvania, and after a
summer of waiting for the article that never came, Bob sent
us another letter, showing he'd
been doing some more thinking
but no writing. I n a smuch as
it's also been hot in Oklahoma,
we decided to print the correspondence between the Editor
and Writer -- minus the niceties
of presentation that are often
the only difference between an
article and a letter -- and let
readers reach their own conclusions.
(Incidentally, this is one
of the things the Editor can't
quite understand. We print
letters in our "Dear Editor"
column -- which seem to have a
universal appeal , yet when we
pull out one of those letters,
dress it up, and give it a
heading, readers scorn it, or
consider it second-rate reading. So... it may be that our
(the writer's and editor's)
lazy way of presenting these
ideas on writers and their
thinking will be so well acacepted that an innovation in
publishing is being born, and
editors can be done away with.
Writers just write, printers
just print, and readers just
read -- or turn to their television sets for a dose of radiation and foul entertainment.)
But as long as we've gotten
started at this business of
writing AND thinking, let's go
a bit farther and make some
other guesses and observations.
It may be that there are others who have some ideas on the
subject, and we'll hear from
them in the future -- thus setting off a new series of controversy that'll let us forget,
temporarily, about such things
as the deified myths and delinquent misses of a deicidal
book called the Bible, the
value of This versus That as a
therapy, and a few million more
polemics of equal unimportance .

For example; This part of
Oklahoma was opened to a landhungry adulteration of settlers, thugs, and adventurers
on 16 September, 1893. That
was 71 years ago, and there
are few around who took part in
the famous "Run" when thousands lined up at the Kansas
border for the race into "the
Cherokee Strip" -- which meant
more than a race: the would-be
settler not only had to stake
out his "claim" first, but he
often had to dispute possession
with cheats who had sneaked
over early, or who took what
they wanted at gun-point. Hardships were many. No radios,
televisions, paved roads, super-markets. Just a lot of dry
prairie to be broken, rough
houses to be built or dug,
hunger, and cold. Being close
to this (the Editor came to Oklahoma as a child in 1904), we
know some of the difficulties
these pioneers faced -- which has
nothing to do with writers and
thinkers, except...

Every year, Enid, and some
other cities of Northwest Oklahoma, hold a "Cherokee Strip
Celebration" -- and the few remaining "old timers" and their
scions get together to tell of
"the early days". As they describe the sparse rations, the
work, the battles with thugs
who tried to take away their
"claims", the rattlesnakes in
dugouts and well-pits, prairie
fires that wiped out months of
hard work, their fading eyes
light up in pleasure. They remember, vividly, but something
has happened to those memories.
Time, and repeated tel l ings ,
has sugar-coated the aches
and disillusionments of 70
years into an adventure they
enjoy re-living.

Is this what auditing, or
psychotherapy, does to the patient when he drags up memories of a past that seems to be
bothering him? Is this what the
writer does when he recounts --
in fact or supposed fiction --
events of the past, in this or
previous bodies? And how much
of the supposed fiction -- no
matter how preposterous it may
seem -- is actually autobiographical, with an unconscious tapping of the writer's memories?
Apparently, this is a subject
which hasn't been sufficiently
investigated by the many who
CLAIM to be seeking an answer
to what makes man tick .

Maybe one reason so little
research has covered this subject is that there's no money
in it. Which is why we toss it
in the lap of ABERREE readers.
Fortunately, we're just aberrated enough to seek answers,
even if there is no pot of gold
at the answer end of the rainbow. And it may be that Bob
Arentz, and the writers from
whom he quotes, have planted
some seeds, which the rest of
of us can water and cultivate --
just for fun. And of course, if
it means a barrage of novels
descending on the desks of
world publishers as everyone
tries to write himself into the
state of "clear", at least we
will have saved the jobs of
editors. Which, in itself, is
quite an accomplishment. Like
bringing back a dodo, or brontosaurus -- if you know what we
mean .