Volume 9, Issue 4, page 9
Ault You, 7oo, Can ,Do gt
HE PURPOSE of this lesson is to provide a drill -- and it should be a
regularly practiced exercise as in
Lessons 1 and 2, not a once -- inawhile game -- in fast identification
and disidentification with people,
objects, and situations. This game
should be played and practiced until the ability locks in, or until
you hit it close enough to make a
real contact and information b e comes
available to you.
The way the telepath perceives something
accurately and fully is by being the thing --
not by looking at it and seeing it over there
in the distance. Full and total perception of
a situation is gained by being the situation.
This ability will not be born full-blown in
you. It has to be learned or developed. Furthermore, it's a good idea at the start not to
pick on a situation from which you can't unsort yourself.
At first, identifications will be largely
imaginary. At the command, "Be your father! ",
you will imagine as clearly as you can that
you are your father. The shift from imagination to actual identification does not happen
all at once, nor is it easy to determine just
when in the practice the shift takes place.
Almost everybody who starts begins with nearly
pure imagination, so that instead of "Be your
father!", possibly the phrase should be "Imagine how it would feel to be behind your father's face."
But the faculty you want eventually for full
perception is the ability to assign the mind
to being the objective -- an orange, a tree, a
person -- and to be that object fully and completely, with no interference from your own
personality, structure, or thoughts.
There are degrees of development. You won't
achieve complete identification all at once.
But identification is the way to acquire information, the fastest and most accurate way,
when it is well done.
The drill should be done by two persons for
best results, something in this manner (from
the viewpoint of the one who is drilling):
Set the subject down and say to him, "Be
your father. Feel like your father; feel like
you would if you had your father's face, if
you had his hair, his feet, his structure...
All right, now beyourself...Now be your father
again, and examine him; see how he feels inside. What kind of tension, what kind of pressure, what kind of emotion does it take to put
those lines on his face?...Now, be yourself...
"Now, be your mother. Feel the `way she
feels, or did feel ... Now be yourself...Now be
your mother again. Feel the way she feels as
closely as you can... All right, now be yourself .
"Now be your father when he was a small boy;
feel the way he did...Now be yourself...Now be
WARNING -- These lessons In "Advanced Perception" are not to be treated lightly -- or delved
In by the curious for idle or questionable
goals. As the Author cautions, they're dangerous -- and it Is suggested two persons with similar intent work as a team. One of the risks involved, Mr. Schroeppel warns, is that some who
successfully develop their advanced perEeption
"are going to see some things they'd rather not
see". And don't mix with any other technique,
or you may find yourself working at cross-purposes. Which is no place to find yourself, or
for anyone else to find you -- especially an incompetent psychologist or psychiatrist. They
may get the idea you're as crazy as they are.
your mother when she was small ; feel the way
she did... All right, now be yourself."
The same procedure should be followed for
any sisters or brothers, or any close friends
or relatives the subject may have. Occasionally
it should be varied with identifying with one
side of a couple, one-half of a person, and
then with the other half. It should also be
used with animate and inanimate objectives,
like a spoon, a table, a chair (identifying
with these and seeing how they feel), a rock, a
bird, a tree, an animal, an insect. The catalog should cover a wide spectrum, almost everything you can think of, especially things the
person you are drilling particularly likes and
particularly dislikes.
What you want is a high-speed identification and disidentification. Don't worry about
the accuracy; don't quiz the subject about the
details. Simply say, "Be (whatever itis); now
be yourself," and always, continually, throw
back at him , "Be yourself". You want him to be
something else as closely and as fully as he
can, and then to be himself. "Be an orange;
feel the pulp, feel the peel, feel the whole
thing. Locate the seeds in the orange if it
has any ... And now, be yourself." Always make
sure that the subject disidentifies to become
After doing this for awhile, vary the drill
with: "Be your father... Now be your father as
a small child...Be your father as a baby... Be
your father being born... Now be your father
being conceived... All right, now go the other
way. Do a quick run on his life, clear up, until he's dead... Now run the thing back the
other way again.
"All right, now be a tree...Now be the tree
when it was little... Now be the seed it grew
from, if it grew from seed...Now be that little
seed and grow up as the tree. Grow up completely. Now mature. Have the tree grow old, and
then have it die or be cut down... Run the sequence back again, go thru it backwards to the
seed. "
Make sure when you're drilling somebody
that he covers everybody with whom he could
possibly be identified, subconsciously or consciously. Pick up anybody that he may have set
up as an ideal when he was a child. The aim is
to break these identifications subconsciously ,
because as long as a person is in any way subJULY -- AUGUST, 1962 The ABERREE 9