Volume 9, Issue 4, page 2
It took a lot of nerve to
close shop for a week -- with a
flood of printing orders staring us in the face, cherries
getting ripe, fresh rains giving impetus to the grass and
weeds, and this copy of The
ABERREE yelling to be made up
and printed. But we did it --
and we're glad! Even tho it
was a more- than-2,000-mile
trip, completed in five days of
whirlwind activity, there were
no adversities or slip-ups, and
the ex-Eastern Publisher got an
eye full of Western bigness
that should keep her at her
duties for years to come...
First stop was at Pueblo,
Colo., where we were overnight
guests of Dale and Gabi Malleek, our partners in crime"
in the Hubbard Communications
Center in Phoenix in 1952. Neither Dale nor Gabi jIas changed
much since we last visited
them on our honeymoon back in
pre- ABERREE days, but their
two sons, Jon and are now
9-year-old boys, in sharp contrast to the 4-month-old twins
we remembered. When Gabi took
the boys to the circus, Dale --
to keep us awake from our long
`night drive -- and we dropped in
at the neighboring home of John
and Alice Galusha "for a cup
of coTfee Joining us after
a bit was ith Faucett, whom
ABERREE readers will remember
as the author of the "Nine to
Two" serial which ran for several months in The ABERREE. It
was only natural that our curiosity about the contacts with
Zora would bring out the Ouija
board -- and Zora himself was
quick to join the circle from
wherever he is when he isn't.
Then, for a half hour or more,
we watched a demonstration of
Ouija board operation that was
almost breath-taking, with the
Galushas "powering" the planchette, and Edith recording.
Incidentally, at Zora's urging,
Edith has promised to resume
her column in the near future.
Zara also promised to help
with publication of a "larger
ABERREE", but we don't know
how the Wage and Hour minstrels
will take to such an arrangement...
Since we haven't room for a
"travelog", we can only cite a
few highlights -- such as the
unscheduled stop to see Anton
and E i Bohm of Denver. Anton
showed us the finished pages of
the book he is writing and
printing on a small hand press,
but we were equally impressed
with the artistry with which
this couple has brought a bit
of "the old world" to America
in their home and grounds. For
a moment, time and schedules
were forgotten as we sipped a
glass of 1938 wine in the attractive atmosphere of Anton's
carved woodwork and Emmy 's ceramics...
From Denver, we aimed the
little Tempest over Monarch
Pass to Montrose, and the Essenes of Kosmon colony, which
we reached almost at sunset.
But Wing Anderson, they told
us, was at that time probably
on the high seas, heading back
to the U. S. from England, so
we limited our visit to an examination of the Essenes' offset printing equipment, which
was so much like that waiting
for us at home. Then, on to
Ouray, to spend the night in a
modernized 1890's hotel, In
which they admit "There's a
ghost" -- but it didn't bother
us any, unless it was the varmint that gave us trouble getting the car started the next
morning. But that was our only
balk -- as we moved on to Mesa
Verde, Santa Fe, N.M., and Amarillo, Tex. At Pampa, Tex. ,
we made one of our frequent
stretch stops for coffee, and
a "quick hello" phone call to
John and Lois Meyers became an
hours-long discussion of things
metaphysical and incidental --
plus a night's sleep that got
us home rested enough for a
session with the lawn mower...
Now, after we answer an envelope box full of accumulated
mail, remember the books we
agreed to send, the flower and
garden seeds to exchange, we
may have time to indulge in a
little regret over the contacts our road-bound "rocket
flight" didn't allow time for.
Otherwise, there was only one
thing wrong: The trip was so
smooth, and fast, we might get
the wild idea we can drive to
New York, Florida, or California -- and back -- some weekend.
Astronauts on wheels -- that's
1f The sixth National Synergetic Workshop has been set
for July 27-30 in Columbus,
Since there are several
hundred books in the Lending
Library, only a partial list
can be run at one time. Save
these ads for complete listing. Indexed by authors.