Volume 9, Issue 2, page 10
himself and the space he walks in thoroly -- and
most oeople don't -- you should be able to be
that individual -- and balance, control, or
change the flows.
More experiments along this line: Try being
someone else and itching, and then watch to
see if he scratches. Or have an urgent desire
as this someone else to go some place, to get
up out of a chair and walk thru a door, and
see what happens. You are to play around with
these games -- not work at them. If nothing comes
of them, don't worry. You may think of some
more games yourself, but keep them as games
and don't get mean about it. You have a certain
amount of leeway in learning, until you agree
that you control the ability; after that you
are on your own and had better keep your nose
clean. You have a bit of margin to play around
and have fun, and needn't worry too much about
the consequences, even as a child learning to
walk and talk is allowed his early clumsiness
and lack of tact. Take advantage of this margin. When an ability turns up, usually it's
completely involuntary the first time or is
something you tried which worked. Maybe it
doesn't happen again. First you experiment and
watch, you learn to play these games; as you
watch, you learn to bring them under control ,
and then you learn to work with them. When you
reach the working stage, when your control is
reliable, then it is time to take responsibility for what you are doing.
If you do pick up other emotions, don't get
the habit of absorbing them. Create your own
instead. Create one that you like and use it.
Make sure you control the emotion, that you
put the effort into the effect; later we will
do some drills on thought too, and make sure
that you put the thought into it that you want.
The same for imagination; make sure that the
things you imagine are yours, not somebody
else's projected into your space, but things
that you created and that you own.
If, in being another person, you feel a bad
headache and ask him about it, and he says,
"No, my head doesn't hurt," don't figure you're
entirely wrong. He simply may have cut off the
nerves in that area. I remember one man whom I
sensed had a bad heart. He was sure he was in
good shape, but he went to his doctor about
it, and the doctor told him otherwise. He
couldn't feel his heart condition, but I could.
The same may happen to you. People often do
not know how much confusion they have in them
or how badly disorganized they are. If you are
trying to be someone else and feel a lot of
confusion, it's probably his.
Among the dichotomies, there is one on
agreement and disagreement. When you get good
at these games, be careful with whom you go
into agreement, and be able to disagree with
people and do a good job of it. The definition
of agreement is illustrated in the results of
these games. If you agree with a person thoroly, you can feel exactly the way he does, and
if you agree too thoroly with the wrong people
you might strike complications. If you go into
complete agreement with somebody who is accident prone, you will have accidents. If you go
into agreement with somebody who has a lot of
pain, you'll feel pain; and if your agreement
is high and your internal awareness good -- for
instance, if it happens to be a lot better than
his -- that pain may hurt you more than it does
him. Make sure you agree with people who are
in good shape, who are successful, who have
money and friends. Don't go into agreement
with somebody who is poor or who has a lot of
pain or bad luck. This is not necessary; these
things can be removed from the individual, and
you don't have to agree with him to remove
them. In fact, it's easier to do it the other
way -- to be that person and then disagree with
that stuff, be him and feel successful. But
don't try to change someone else's emotions in
a case like this unless you own yourself, unless you can feel the way you want to feel.
If you picked up the flows between the
chakras while you were running the dichotomies, good. If the term means something to you,
if the flows mean something, work with the flows.
Run them back and forth, and if you picked up
the energy flows which come from outside the
body to these chakras, all well and good, too.
There are certain nodes in the body around
which energy collects, and if by running the
emotions you have learned to handle energy -- and
some of you will have -- take this energy and
throw it at these various nodes in the body.
Some of them don't belong there, and if you
throw energy at them, they will disappear; with
their disappearance, old memories may turn up
and similar evidence of clearance come out.
There are others which do belong. There is a
point in the back of the neck (which, by the
way, is not shown on any of the diagrams of
either the Yogi or the Qabalah showing these
nodes, altho both of them mention it). If you
throw energy at this one, you may see the effect
which is sometimes called "the Visitation of
the Holy Ghost"; also described, in the Eidetic
Foundation material, as "the Threshold ". But
you can cause this experience by throwing energy at that particular node.
The actual control switches for the emotions in the body should be felt, if you keep
playing with them, as existing in an area an
inch to two inches above the top of the head,
not in the head at all. You may, when running
the dichotomies, feel little sections of the
head going up and down. All right, just keep
them going up and down. They will be very little, very short, tiny flows, and will be induced by playing the dichotomies, and they
will appear in that area above the head. This
is the key, the control system, the push button. Working from there, you can control the
rest of it, and control it as rapidly as you
want. That is the goal you work for.
If you did not pick up flows in running the
dichotomies, working from one emotion to its
opposite, go back and keep running them until
you sense little internal flows, little pressures within the body. You may have to work
some more on effort. Don't worry about it if
you don't find the flows right now; don't drive
after them. But this is where the awareness
should shift from one level to the other, on
the dichotomies. If you are quite successful,
you may even achieve what Jung calls " individuation " and some other people "integration",
whereby in running from one dichotomy to the
other and back again, you finally exhaust effort
within them completely, and there is no reaction within the body. If you do, it's a most
wonderful feeling. Just sit and soak in it for
awhile, take a good look at it and enjoy it.
But don't try to hang on to it -- don't try to
nail it down. It can be repeated if necessary.
Things like that are a look ahead, a promise.
Don't try to hold them; don't try to stabilize
them. You don't want a static state; you want
a learning, growing state.
(Continued in the next issue)
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree --
Especially if it's writ by me.
-- Lorraine Harr
10 The RBERREE MAY, 1962