Volume 8, Issue 10, page 7



MOTION i s t h e fundamental f o r c e which drives the
telepathic signal

If you are not naturally emotionai -that is, sensitive to
emotionyou may have to work a little harder. Telepathy is a
function of the subconscious mind, from which the impulses of
emotion flow. It is the subconscious mind you are
trying to train here, to establish communica

tion with, and the force which drives th; signal is emotion. The
focusing agent 'which makes the signal clear and
sharp is your personal organization and ability to picture things
or to perceive your environment. The determination
of who picks up the signal is made by something called empathy,
or the ability to identify with an
individual, a situation, or an em9tion .

In these lessons, a particular framework is used, not because
this is the only one possible, or the only method,
but as a firm basis on which to establish a common language or
terminology for communication. Our framework is
effort, emotion, thought, energy, postulate, and being. all of
which will be demonstrated. And the language will be
taught on an experience and doing, an action level. It must be
built into the subconscious mind. To know the words
and their meanings, to be verbally familiar with them, is not
enough. They have to be felt.

This you will learn: You will learn to sit still in four
dimensions, the four dimensions of effort. emotion.
thought, and intention. When you have learned to sit still in
these, you can begin to use perception. You will not
be able to send controlled transmissions until you can control
the transmitter. At present, unless you are very
unusual, you are transmitting all the time-but you have no
control over the transmitter. Nor can you receive to any
large extent while you are transmitting in any volume. You must
shut down the transmitter in order to receive, and
so this is where we start-by learning to shut it down. If you do
a good job of shutting down, you may surprise
yourself and pick up a few signals even before you get around to
really active study on it.

We are going to work on effort first, or, rather, play around
with it. You have to learn what effort means
withinitself. it's not enough to know the word. You need to learn
the feeling of it, a physical definition of the term.

Clench your fist; clench it tight and become aware as you do of
the tension in it. Now release it - let go of it.
What you let go of when you relaxed your fist - that which
disappeared - is called "effort". Tighten it up again - and
again; sense that feeling, that tension in there. Then let go of
it. Again, that which vanished when you released it is

MARCH, 1962 T h e Jq B E R R E


illut You, 7oo, Cdn 2)o 9JI

WARNING - These lessons In"Advanced Pefcap-
tion" are not to be treated lightly - or delved
In by th 0 c urlous for idle or question ble
goals. As the Autho r cautions, they're d . n:e r .
ous- and it Is suggested two persons with simi-
lar inten I work as a One of :h:tr I sk: In;

olv S h, P,,:eam w

v ad. Mr. c oe w~rns, Is h som h
successfully develop their advanced Perception
.,are going to see some things they'd rather not
see". And don't mix with any other technique.
or you may find yourself working at cross-pur-
poses. Which Is no place to find yourself, or
for anyone else to find you - especially an In-
competent psychologist or psychiatrist. They
may get the idea you're as crazy as they are.


called effort.

Push against something, the wall or the floor, and push hard at
it. Now stop pushing. 3nce more, that which
disappears when you stop pushing, that which is gone, is "effort".

Other forms of tightness are included in this classification
which might not have occurred to you. Pain within
the body is a form of effort. Any Physical tension which you can
sense within yourself is effort. The first lesson is
to develop an awareness of effort and to work the definition of
effort into the subconscious mind. So as you work at
it. think the word"effort"-think the sound, say it, and create
efforts and destroy them. (We will also use the word
"tension", but the word "effort" is the one I want you to work
into the subconscious mind.) That effort which is
applied against you by another individual or agency, and to which
you push back, is called "countere f fort ".

Now create tension within your body in various places. Tighten
muscles and then relax them. Take it easy. Start
gently and don't break an arm or strain any ligaments. But take
as much of it as you can within reason. The better
your physical condition, the greater the effort you can set up.
Your final goal in this lesson is to get yourself just as
tight as you can all over, almost until it's physical pain, and
then unwind and be as limp as a
wet dishrag -and to be able to switch back and forth between
effort and no-effort at will. on
request from someone else, and almost instantaneously. If you can
do it on a count of "tight
(one-two) - relax (one-two) - tight (one-two) - relax (one
-two)," good. If not, start slower
and work on it until you can. The eventual goal i s to be able to
create and destroy within
yourself, within your physical body, good strong efforts -to make
them and break them, in a
hurry - to tighten hard, then to relax completely.

Practice on a chair or a bed-somewhere from which you can't fall
-so that you can relax
thoroIy, all over. Work at it - play with it - learn to tense the
various parts of your body.

All except one: Do not include the two sphincter muscles which
control elimination in this
game. Do not tense and relax these as a matter of exercise, or
you will get into troubl e.
This sort of thing is done in the Yoga